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17 mars 2015

Certificate Programs: The “New Black” in Professional Development

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. In today’s ever-evolving workforce, lifelong learning is the key to gainful and fulfilling employment—which is why successful professionals are always on the lookout for quality continuing education, designed to drive career advancement. More...

17 mars 2015

Beyond ROI: Five Ways Universities Create Additional Value for Employers in Corporate Learning

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. Studies and corporate bottom lines show that companies receive many benefits from investing in training for their employees. More...

17 mars 2015

Streamlined Business Processes Critical to Creating Value for Students

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. Today’s higher education marketplace is more competitive than ever before, and institutions are investing significant resources in an array of services and amenities aimed at creating a great student experience. More...

17 mars 2015

Customer-Mindedness and the Student Value Question

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. Although the debate around whether to treat students as customers continues to rage at higher education institutions across the United States, changing market circumstances are dictating a more customer-minded focus. More...

17 mars 2015

Driving Increased ROI in Higher Education By Listening to Our Customers

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. State legislatures, tuition-paying students and the tax-paying public are all demanding a greater return on investment when it comes to higher education. As an industry, we need to figure out how we’re going to deliver on their demand. More...

17 mars 2015

Higher Ed Must Enhance Administrative Self-Service Options to Meet Student Expectations

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. Adult students today are experienced consumers. With companies like Amazon dominating the retail industry, these students’ expectations for service and patience for bureaucracy have significantly diminished. More...

17 mars 2015

Five Value-Defining Priorities of Non-Traditional Students

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, one of the most significant shifts in higher education is the massive growth of the adult student population, that is, the non-traditional student. More...

17 mars 2015

Outcomes and Experience Central to Non-Traditional Students’ Value Equation

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. Non-traditional students are far more focused on outcomes than their traditional-aged counterparts. Looking for immediate impact from their educational experience, this population puts a great deal of value in labor market relevance. Additionally, given the competing priorities on their time, this demographic expects a great deal of efficiency and consumer-minded practice from their institution. More...

17 mars 2015

Le canular des automobilités

Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. Automobilités…, par Jean-Pierre Tremblay, Université de Laval (Québec), De Boeck Supérieur, Sociétés, 2014/4 – n° 126, pages 115 à 124. Cet article est un canular anti-maffesolien. Une valse en 3 temps.
Temps 1. L’article de sociologie Automobilités postmodernes : quand l’Autolib’ fait sensation à Paris a été accepté et publié par une revue scientifique ; il peut même être acheté en ligne… L’article dans son intégralité.
Résumé. Le présent article vise à mettre au jour les soubassements imaginaires d’un objet socio-technique urbain contemporain : l’Autolib’. Suite...

16 mars 2015

Yale University to offer an online master of medical science . This for me is much more significant than the announcement of the first xMOOCs. It is a sign that even the elite Ivy League universities are recognising the validity of online learning for credit, even in the most demanding of subject areas, after ignoring or even denigrating online learning for many years. More...

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