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8 février 2014

EUA briefing note on amendments to Directive on recognition of professional qualifications

LogoFollowing the review of Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications, the amending Directive (2013/55/EU) was published in the Official Journal at the end of December 2013.
Member states now have a two-year transposition period in which to make the necessary adjustments to their national legislations. As stated recently in EUA’s newsletter and in EUA’s professional qualifications updates, the amended Directive contains much that is relevant to higher education.
EUA Senior Adviser Howard Davies has therefore produced a detailed briefing note for EUA members, which focuses on key aspects of the new legislation for HE institutions. Download the briefing note here.

8 février 2014

EUA Council discusses ‘Smart Specialisation’ with European Commissioner for Regional Policy

LogoTo follow up on last year’s EUA-JRC (Joint Research Centre) expert workshop on the role of universities in Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation, EUA invited the European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn, to its Council meeting last week in Brussels.
As EUA has mentioned in its previous newsletters, under the new EU Cohesion Policy frameworkSmart Specialisation will be an “ex-ante conditionality”. This means that every member state and region will have to have such a strategy in place before they can receive EU financial support through the Structural Funds for their planned innovation measures, particularly in relation to strengthening research, technological development and innovation. Read more...

8 février 2014

Strengthening European higher education cooperation with Brazil and other global partners: ALISIOS project launch

LogoAround 80 representatives of European and Brazilian rectors’ conferences, agencies responsible for higher education internationalisation, university international offices and government gathered in Brussels last week for the kick-off meeting and first workshop of the ALISIOS* project (Academic Links and Strategies for the Internationalisation of the Higher Education Sector) to discuss a more coordinated higher education and research approach for Europe when working with international partners, in particular Brazil.
A follow-up to a Europe-Latin American university leadership conference that EUA co-organised in São Paulo in 2012 in the context of ALFA PUENTES, the ALISIOS project (2013-2015) aims at enhancing policy dialogue and cooperation between European countries and their international partners. Read more...

8 février 2014

EUA Trends 2015 survey

LogoFollowing a recent announcement in the EUA newsletter concerning the Trends 2015 project, EUA sent the online questionnaire for its Trends 2015 survey by email to the heads of all its member universities on 28 January.
The survey aims to map changes in learning and teaching in European higher education institutions, and to provide a comprehensive overview of the most important developments in the European higher education landscape over several years. The results will be published in a report, which will be presented to European Higher Education Ministers at the next Bologna Ministerial Conference in Armenia in 2015.
As this is an “institutional questionnaire”, only one response per institution will be accepted. EUA encourages all members to take part in the Trends 2015 survey that will be open until the end of April 2014. Member universities which require further information on the Trends survey or did not receive the questionnaire should email Read more...

8 février 2014

23500ème article sur le blog / Qu'est-ce que la Charte européenne des langues régionales ou minoritaires ?

Photo d'avatarEntrée en vigueur le 1er mars 1998, la Charte européenne des langues régionales ou minoritaires est une initiative du Conseil de l'Europe. La Charte, élaborée à partir d'un texte proposé par la Conférence permanente des pouvoirs locaux et régionaux de l'Europe, a été adoptée par le Comité des ministres du Conseil de l'Europe le 25 juin 1992. A ce jour, vingt-cinq Etats l'ont ratifiée, dont dix-sept membres de l'Union européenne. Huit autres ont signé la Charte mais n'ont pas encore procédé à la ratification, dont deux membres de l'Union européenne : la France et Malte. Sur les treize membres du Conseil de l'Europe n'ayant ni ratifié ni signé la Charte, huit sont des Etats de l'Union européenne.
Le Conseil de l'Europe est une organisation intergouvernementale instituée en 1949. La sauvegarde et la promotion de la richesse et de la diversité du patrimoine culturel de l'Europe, dont les langues régionales ou minoritaires font partie, figurent parmi ses principaux objectifs.
Parmi les langues protégées par la Charte européenne des langues régionales ou minoritaires, on trouve le basque, le catalan, le galicien parlés dans certaines régions d'Espagne, le français, le grec, le sarde parlés en Italie ou encore le gaélique écossais, le gallois, l'irlandais parlés au Royaume-Uni. Suite...

Les autres repères du blog:
23000ème article sur le blog/Académie d'Aix-Marseille - Les filières universitaires,

22500ème article sur le blog/Cadre de qualité pour les stages,
22000ème article sur le blog/Cap Métiers Formation,
21500ème article sur le blog/S’orienter dans l’enseignement supérieur en 2014,

21000ème article sur le blog/Debt,

20500ème article sur le blog/L’Université à l’écoute du monde professionnel,
20000ème article sur le blog/Annexe Formation professionnelle du PLF,

19500ème article sur le blog/A quand une grande marque pour l’université de Paris ?
19000ème article sur le blog
/The benefits of studying outside London,
18500ème article sur le blog/Service public de l'orientation,
18000ème article sur le blog/En juillet, la professionnalisation en nette progression, l'apprentissage en légère baisse,
17500ème article sur le blog/Conventionnements et contrat de formation,
17000ème article sur le blog/Le plan de formation - Ile-de-France,

16500ème article sur le blog/Les nouveaux défis de la pédagogie,
16000ème article sur le blog/Une formation qualifiante différée pour les jeunes non diplômés,
15500ème article sur le blog/Signature de cinq accords,
15000ème article sur le blog/Financez votre formation,
14500ème article sur le blog/Votre service public régional d'information sur l'emploi et la formation,
14000ème article sur le blog/Observatoire VAE,
13500ème article sur le blog/La Sorbonne université d’élite et de masse,
13000ème article sur le blog/Booster son parcours universitaire grâce à un stage,
12500ème article sur le blog/La disparition brutale de Vincent MERLE,
12000ème article sur le blog/Correspondant Informatique et Libertés (CIL),
11500ème article sur le blog/Enquête nationale sur les Conditions de vie des étudiants,
11000ème article sur le blog
/Conférence européenne des Experts de Bologne,
10500ème article sur le blog/Futur centre universitaire Fernando Pessoa dans l'Hérault,
10000ème article sur le blog/Organisme de formation,
9500ème article sur le blog/Un crédit d'impôt innovation pour les PME,
9000ème article sur le blog/La VAE dans les ministères certificateurs en 2011,
8500ème article sur le blog
/Cahier n°3 Enseignement supérieur du CESER,
8000ème article sur le blog/La VAE à l’Università di Corsica Pasquale Paoli,

7500ème article sur le blog
Les enjeux de la qualité au sein de l’ESS,

7000ème article sur le blog
Osez l'Université dans l'un de ses 31 CFA,

6500ème article sur le blog
6000ème article sur le blog/L'Association ASSPRO,
5500ème article sur le blog/Apprentissage le guide régional,
5000ème article sur le blog
/La formation continue des adultes dans le supérieur
4500ème article sur le blog
/40 ans de formation professionnelle,

4000ème article sur le blog
/Les chiffres 2010 de la VAE à La Réunion,
3500ème article sur le blog
/La VAE en Poitou-Charente en 2010,
3000ème article sur le blog/Contrats apprentissage et pro,
2500ème article sur le blog
/Journées Nationales des MDE et des PLIE,
2000ème article sur le blog
/Question Formation n°1,
1500ème article sur le blog/Seniors - le groupe SPB signe son accord,
1000ème article sur le blog
/Fête de la musique dans les jardins du MESR,
500ème article sur le blog/L'archipel de l'ingénierie de formation,
1er article sur le blog/Un forum de la Commission européenne pour promouvoir la coopération entre l’université et le monde des affaires.

8 février 2014

Report from the EUA-CDE Workshop ‘Outcomes of Doctoral Education - Mindset, Research, Innovation’, Izmir, Turkey (23-24 January)

LogoThe 7th Annual Thematic Workshop of the EUA Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE) was held at Dokuz Eylül University in Izmir, Turkey, from 23 to 24 January 2014. Every year, EUA-CDE dedicates its annual workshop to a specific theme which it invites EUA-CDE members to consider in detail through a combination of keynote speeches and case-study presentations from individual universities.
The 2014 Thematic Workshop developed this format by inviting researchers on doctoral education to present evidence on how outcomes of doctoral education are seen across different disciplines. Speakers presented interesting results concerning the effect of different supervision styles on the independence of doctorate holders as well as insights into how the notion of an original research contribution varies between disciplines. Read more...

8 février 2014

European Commission publishes new report on QA in Higher Education

LogoLast week, the European Commission published its Report on Progress in Quality Assurance in Higher Education. The new publication follows a first report published in 2009 which responded to an invitation from the European Parliament and Council in 2006 to report on progress in quality assurance.
It focuses on trends since 2009 and the potential of quality assurance (QA) to support reform both at system and institutional level, and outlines the role which the new EU programme for education, training, youth and sport, Erasmus+, aims to play in supporting cross-border cooperation in QA.
The report notes, for example, the importance of developing quality culture in higher education institutions and also points to the value of institutional evaluation which it states “empowers academics and HEIs to build curricula and to ensure their quality, avoiding the need for formal, external accreditation of each individual programme”. These are issues which the European University Association (EUA) has highlighted repeatedly and are outlined in its 2010 Policy Statement on Quality and Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area.
The European Commission report, which draws on a wide range of sources, including a number of EUA reports/studies (such as the Trends 2010 report, and the Examining Quality Culture report), can be downloaded here.
On the same day it launched the report on QA in higher education, the European Commission also released its report on QA in vocational education and training, which is available here. Read more...

8 février 2014

HEIW 5 (2013) - Higher Education in the World 5 Knowledge engagement and higher education: contributing to social change

GUNi LogoThe new edition of the GUNi Report Higher Education in the World 5 will explore the critical dimensions in our understanding of the roles, and potential roles, of higher education institutions (HEIs) as active players in contributing to the creation of more just and sustainable world. Within this context the GUNi Report looks to answer the call of the challenges of our time, while maintaining an eye towards the future regarding the role of knowledge and HEIs. See more...

8 février 2014

2nd Arab-Euro Conference on Higher Education, Amman, Jordan (10-12 June, 2014)

LogoEUA invites its members to participate in and actively contribute to the 2nd Arab-Euro Conference on Higher Education (AECHE) that will take place in Amman, Jordan, from 10 to 12 June 2014.
Organised jointly by the Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT), EUA, University of Barcelona and the Association of Arab Universities (AARU), it will bring together university representatives from Europe and the Arab world to discuss higher education development trends in both regions, particularly with regards to student and staff mobility and its relevance in intra-regional and bi-regional cooperation. Themes that will be covered include:

  • Internationalisation through regional cooperation and mobility programmes
  • The role of student and staff mobility in educating the citizens and employees of tomorrow
  • The development, management and strategic interest of joint degrees
  • The role of leadership in building institutional partnerships and incentivising student and staff mobility

Following up on the first AECHE conference held at the University of Barcelona (UB) in May 2013, this is one of a number of international dialogue activities that EUA facilitates in collaboration with its members (see also First Arab-Euro University Conference on Higher Education). Both, proposals for presentations and expressions of interest to participate in the event, can be sent to More information, including the preliminary programme, is also available on the conference website. Read more...

8 février 2014

Mahidol University has been ranked the 1st Tailand ecofriend University

GUNi LogoMahidol University has been ranked 1st Univeristy in Tailand and 31st worldwide by UI Green Meetric World Universities Ranking 2013
For the second straight year Mahidol University is ranked first among Thai universities in Green Metric World University Ranking 2013. This is an initiative of Universitas Indonesia which launched in 2010 as part of its strategy of raising its international standing, the University hosted an International Conference on World University Rankings on 16 April 2009. See more...

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