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13 avril 2015

The New York Times Offers One of the Worst Explanations You’ll Read of Why College Is So Expensive

MoneyboxBy Jordan Weissmann. Over the weekend, the New York Times managed to publish one of the most confused op-eds on the price of higher education that I've ever had the displeasure of reading. Paul Campos, a law professor at the University of Colorado, would like us all to believe that college deans who say they have to raise tuition because of government funding cuts are just fibbing. "In fact, public investment in higher education in America is vastly larger today, in inflation-adjusted dollars, than it was during the supposed golden age of public funding in the 1960s," he writes. Read more...
13 avril 2015

What to Make of the Government’s College Watch List

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By . A list of schools that are under the microscope for financial reasons was recently made public. How risky is it to attend a troubled school?
Regulators recently made public a once secret watch list of around 550 colleges under scrutiny for financial irregularities. More...

13 avril 2015

Why Students At The University Of Washington Want To Put Their Phones Away

By . For almost a decade, David Levy has taught a course at the University of Washington's Information School called "Information and Contemplation." At the beginning of each class, he asks students to pay attention to their breathing. The 20 students in the room can't talk to each other while they do this, and phones and laptops are off limits. More...

13 avril 2015

Korean-language classes are growing in popularity at U.S. colleges

latimes.comBy . When Olivia Hernandez was a middle schooler in Oxnard, she became hooked on K-wave — the global phenomenon of South Korean pop music, television and culture. Inspired by the romantic series "My Lovely Sam Soon" and bands like Clazziquai, she taught herself the Korean alphabet and learned a few phrases. More...

13 avril 2015

What Are Universities For?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Zocalo Public Square is a not-for-profit Ideas Exchange that blends live events and humanities journalism.
What will it take to redesign and reinvigorate American higher education?
Pretty much anyone you talk to in America today has an opinion about what’s wrong with our universities. Parents think they’re too expensive. Recent graduates fear being crushed by debt and ending up untrained for the current job market. Professors worry that entering students have not been adequately prepared by their high schools. Economists and sociologists point to troubling studies about a lack of diversity—in both income and race—on American campuses. In Silicon Valley, they talk about MOOCs and STEM, flipped classrooms and gamification. And in Washington, D.C., they talk about federal aid and compliance, Title IX and irresponsible lending. More...

13 avril 2015

Española college battles flap over name change Milan Simonich. In a largely unheralded move in January, the Board of Regents of Northern New Mexico College voted to change the school’s name to “Northern New Mexico University.” Officials at the time said the change would better reflect the school’s academic offerings, and would help the institution be regarded in the same light as the state’s other regional universities, such as Western New Mexico in Silver City and New Mexico Highlands in Las Vegas. More...

13 avril 2015

Math Geek Mom: When Evil Enrolls Rosemarie Emanuele. Economists teach that there we can find a “market clearing” price that equates the amount demanded by consumers with the amount supplied by producers. I recall one extreme case of this when I left my first job almost twenty years ago. Before leaving, I had been teaching a section of a “First Year Seminar,” a piece of the core curriculum that every department was instructed to offer each semester. Read more...

13 avril 2015

Student Affairs Social Media Crisis Communication Thoughts Eric Stoller. I've been thinking quite a bit about student affairs crisis communication and how social media extends the reach of every message that is sent out during a crisis. Oftentimes, student affairs communicators are brought into the overall fold of an institutional response, but sometimes, student affairs is on their own and have to respond accordingly. Read more...
12 avril 2015

Learning is Your Job Eric Stoller. When you started your job, did you freeze your original position description in carbonite? A perfectly frozen, static version of your job. Never-changing. Never-evolving. In perfect hibernation. Or have you engaged in a spirit of lifelong learning? You may call it professional development and/or the evolution of your job based on the ebb and flow of the work, but what it really is is quite simple. Learning is the job. Read more...
12 avril 2015

Goal-Setting vs. Goal-Achieving Katie Shives. When being thrown into the open-ended project that is obtaining a PhD, it is critically important to make consistent progress in completing the major milestones of your program.  This can be more than a little overwhelming for most students, and extremely difficult for those who are not familiar with the ins and outs of modern academia (first-generation students such as Katie can attest to this!). Read more...
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