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24 novembre 2014

Students With Poor Grades May Benefit the Most From Internships . Report: “The Differential Effects of Internship Participation on End-of-Fourth-Year GPA by Demographic and Institutional Characteristics”
Authors: Cindy A. Kilgo, Eugene T. Parker III, Jessica K. Ezell Sheets, doctoral students in higher education and student affairs; and Ernest T. Pascarella, professor of higher education, all at the University of Iowa
Summary: Past studies have concluded that internships foster engagement and learning by college students, bolstering their academic achievement long after having offered them workplace experience. More...

24 novembre 2014

Open Education’s Publicity Problem

By . Arlington, Va. — David Wiley calls the annual Open Education Conference, now in its 11th year, a “family reunion.” This year, the hearth is crowded. The Hilton ballroom here overflows with bodies. Read more...
24 novembre 2014

Free Fall in For-Profits’ Enrollment May Be Slowing

By . Between government investigations and plummeting student numbers, for-profit colleges have had a rough few years. Dozens of colleges saw double-digit drops in enrollment, and in 2012 a U.S. Senate committee released a damning report on the for-profit-college sector, concluding that some colleges had dropout rates above 50 percent and that the industry was spending more on marketing than it was on instruction. More...

24 novembre 2014

Do Not Neglect the Ladder of Opportunity at Minority-Serving Colleges

subscribe todayBy Anthony Carpi and Darcy Ronan. We have been hearing a lot lately about "undermatching" and the role of elite colleges in promoting the academic success of traditionally disadvantaged student groups. But we would like to redirect the conversation and focus on the potential impact of enriching the institutions that traditionally underrepresented students already attend. More...

24 novembre 2014

Make Admissions at Elite Colleges ‘Access Aware’

subscribe todayBy Raynard S. Kington. Recent news coverage has highlighted the fact that many colleges with great wealth are not enrolling many needy students, while a number of relatively nonwealthy colleges are. In September, for example, The New York Times released an assessment of the success of 100 elite colleges and universities in admitting students from poor families. Grinnell College, where I am president, was noted for being among the few highly selective, relatively affluent institutions that accept a high number of students from low-income families. More...

24 novembre 2014

The Shrinking World of Ideas

subscribe todayBy Arthur Krystal. When, in 1942, Lionel Trilling remarked, "What gods were to the ancients at war, ideas are to us," he suggested a great deal in a dozen words. Ideas were not only higher forms of existence, they, like the gods, could be invoked and brandished in one’s cause. And, like the gods, they could mess with us. In the last century, Marxism, Freudianism, alienation, symbolism, modernism, existentialism, nihilism, deconstruction, and postcolonialism enflamed the very air that bookish people breathed. To one degree or another, they lit up, as Trilling put it, "the dark and bloody crossroads where literature and politics meet." More...

24 novembre 2014

Le compte personnel de formation > Espaces dédiés > Professionnels de l'emploi et de la formation professionnelle

Au-delà des informations spécifiques aux professionnels de l’emploi et de la formation professionnelle, cet espace permettra, en janvier 2015, d’avoir accès au système de gestion du SI CPF, sous réserve de l’acceptation des conditions générales d’utilisation et de la définition des habilitations pour chaque organisme. Voir l'article...
24 novembre 2014

Procédure de mise en oeuvre du compte personnel de formation

Les modalités de demande de formation de vos salariés au titre du compte personnel de formation varient en fonction de la nature de la formation et du moment où la formation se réalise (tout ou partie sur le temps de travail ou en dehors du temps de travail).

Utilisez le tableau récapitulatif ci-dessous pour vous repérer.


Accord sur les dates de formation

Accord sur le contenu de la formation

Sur tout ou partie du temps de travail portant



  • toutes les autres formations



Formation hors temps de travail

  • toutes formations



Quelle est la procédure à suivre ?
Lors d’une demande de formation nécessitant votre accord préalable, le salarié doit vous adresser sa demande. Voir l'article...
24 novembre 2014

Un compte personnel de formation pour quelles formations ?

Les partenaires sociaux définissent les formations au niveau national dans chacune des branches professionnelles et au niveau interprofessionnel. Les partenaires sociaux régionaux définissent les formations éligibles au niveau interprofessionnel régional. Ces formations permettent d’accéder à un diplôme, un titre professionnel, une certification, un certificat de qualification professionnelle (CQP), des habilitations, etc. Elles constituent la liste des formations éligibles pour un titulaire. Voir l'article...
24 novembre 2014

Le compte personnel de formation > Alimentation du compte

Chaque année, le compte personnel de formation du salarié est alimenté en fonction de la durée de son activité salariée. La déclaration des données sociales que vous effectuez sert de base à l’alimentation du compte. Néanmoins, vous devez informer votre organisme paritaire collecteur agréé (Opca) sur certaines situations particulières. Voir l'article...
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