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24 décembre 2014

Language barriers

The majority of educational content produced, especially OERs is in major European Languages such as English, French, German, Spanish, Italian. What about the other languages? Less popular a language less available OERs on that language. Along with digital skills barrier, there are also language barriers for people speaking one of the less popular languages. More...

24 décembre 2014

Learning design in your institution? Know the ILDE via this survey

The Integrated Learning Design Environment (ILDE) brings together a set of existing learning design tools for teacher communities. Discover the ILDE completing this survey in English, SpanishItalian or German. More...

24 décembre 2014

Quality Assurance at all levels of the Educational system

It is important to consider Quality Assurance at all levels and dimensions of the Educational system:
1) Government or Organization that provides the educational policy, educational model, administration, laws, planning, funding etc.
2) School or E-Platform that provides the environment, infrastructure, services, organization, operation, supportimg staff etc.
3) Academic Programme or Curriculum that dscribes the structure/organization of the curriculum.
4) Course Syllabus that describes the objectives, content and organization of the course, assessment type, grading policy etc.
5) Educational Material that provides the reading/assignments material, experiments, labs, exercices, etc.
6) Teacher who provides teaching, mentoring, guidance etc.
7) Student who learns, develops skills, etc. More...

24 décembre 2014

Highlights of the Berlin residential

We have now wrapped up the third residential session of the European Incubator for Innovation in Education which means we are on the home stretch of the incubation programme. During the Berlin residential, we continued our high-paced training schedule with a Berlin-based selection of mentors. More...

24 décembre 2014

TELL US AWARDS rewards the best TEL technologies and products across Europe

TELL US project, co-funded by DG Connect of the European Commission, gives companies, entrepreneurs or individuals a chance to make their products and services grow and become more visible. It will help them promote their innovative solutions in classrooms across Europe. More...

24 décembre 2014

Introducing the Open Content Toolkit

I am delighted to announce the launch of a project I have been been developing since early summer. The Open Content Toolkit is a gateway to contemporary and historical digital media from around the world. It includes categorised and curated links to millions of free and open resources including images, maps, video and audio files from media archives and collections. The toolkit also features exemplars of how open digital content might be used in lessons, together with further resources for in depth study. More...

24 décembre 2014

Survey to Improve Green Educational Materials

Are you active in agricultural or biodiversity education? Are you dissatisfied with the lesson design materials available to you?
The Green Learning Network would like to know how you plan lessons, including what materials and tools you use to teach, as well as your teaching needs. More...

24 décembre 2014

The True Heroes of Education in the Digital Era

“There is no education system in the world - none at all - that’s better than its average teacher.” The Education in the Digital Era conference -organised by EC and the Italian Presidency of the EU- started an online pre-conference debate in Europe with a practical objective: to identify concrete ways to empower and increase the impact of educators with the support of educational technology. You are all invited to participate and have an impact. More...

24 décembre 2014

Del ciberespacio al ecosistema digital

Vamos a intentar sintetizar y reflexionar de manera breve y esquemática sobre el origen del ciberespacio. Fue a finales de los años 40 en Estados Unidos e Inglaterra que aparecen los primeros "ordenadores". Se trataba de calculadoras con unos programas básicos que realizaban determinadas tareas de manera automática. Mes...

24 décembre 2014

Acerca de las alfabetizaciones tecnológicas y cognitivas de los docentes

Mientras existan en nuestro países de América Latina sistemas y establecimientos educativos excesivamente tradicionales, todavía tendrán lugar profesores de este mismo tipo, dado que buena parte de las normas de evaluación docente, reglamentaciones escolares y, en general, las estructuras del sistema de enseñanza, siguen ancladas en estos esquemas conservadores del pasado. Los pretextos para no cambiar pueden ser muchos, y de los más comunes es el de la pobreza para costear los recursos tecnológicos, sin embargo, la peor pobreza no es la económica, sino la intelectual, pues es la que frena el desarrollo social basado en la generación y distribución del conocimiento, que se ha convertido en uno de las factores de riqueza más dinámicos y crecientes en los últimos años. Mes...

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