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27 décembre 2014

Number 4: 5 must-watch higher education TED talks

eCampus NewsBy . By now, most internet junkies know about the incredible talks given through TED (Technology, Education, and Design), but outside of education talks given by Bill Gates and the ever-viral talk by Liz Coleman, what are some of the best, and potentially overlooked, discussions on higher education and technology. More...

27 décembre 2014

Number 5: College presidents predict 4 new institutional models for higher-ed

eCampus NewsBy . A new think-tank-esque collection of leading college and university presidents last year came together to discuss the trends and disruptions shaping higher education thanks to new technologies and the evolving global economy. Outside of just naming trends, they also predicted four new models of higher-ed that may exist in the next 10 years. More...

27 décembre 2014

Angels And Universities: Finding The Next Google

ForbesBy Marianne Hudson. We’re all aware of the amazing research and technologies that universities are doing to improve people’s lives. What makes many angels excited is that these new innovations can lead to great companies – if universities can connect with the right startup entrepreneurs.
What is often surprising to learn is how difficult it is for angels and universities to work together to bring these technologies to market. While Google GOOGL +0.74%, started by Stanford graduate students Sergey Brin and Larry Page, is forever connected to the university through licensing agreements, many successful companies such as Facebook, Microsoft MSFT -0.56% and Dell weren’t. Although they were conceived of by college students, they were started after the founders left school. More...

27 décembre 2014

The Administration's College Rating System: How It Looks On Campus

By . It's late afternoon. Most classes at Randolph College are done for the day but students have begun gathering in the lobby of the elegant, century-old main hall.
A student taps on a piano while he and four classmates wait for their philosophy professor. After-hours sessions like these are a key feature of this small, private liberal arts college in Lynchburg, Va.
It markets itself nationally as a "unique, nurturing community of learners," well worth the $45,000 a year in tuition, room and board. More...

27 décembre 2014

Changes needed in higher education must recognize the way we live now

logoBy Theodora Kalikow. Gone are the days when students went to college for four years to 'find themselves.'
Here’s an example. In 1994, if we met someone walking down the street talking out loud and looking down at their hand instead of greeting passers-by or watching the traffic, we would have crossed to the other side. Now, they’re probably talking on a cellphone or texting a friend. More...

27 décembre 2014

Teaching, Learning and the College Ratings Framework

By . In a tale worthy of O.Henry's combs and watch fob, just as colleges and universities across the country have begun to get the hang of good practices in learning outcomes assessment, in large part due to pressure for accountability imposed by the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) on accrediting agencies, USDE has now declared learning outcomes impossible to consider in its framework for establishing ratings on the quality and value of institutions of higher education. More...

27 décembre 2014

Report highlights inadequate disclosure of campus financial products

University Business LogoBy Stefanie Botelho. In its fifth annual report on college credit card agreements, the CFPB takes financial institutions as well as colleges and universities to task for failing to adequately disclose their marketing agreements for campus financial products. The annual report is required by the CARD Act. More...

27 décembre 2014

Competency-Based Education Programs- Questions and Answers

U.S. Department of Education and Federal Student Aid logo (Start Here. Go Further.)The attachment to this letter provides, in a Question and Answer (Q&A) format, guidance to institutions regarding the eligibility of competency-based education programs, which include direct assessment programs, under existing statutory and regulatory requirements for the Title IV, Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA) student assistance programs...
Q13    Since students generally progress in competency-based programs at their own pace, how are the Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4) provisions to be implemented when there are no established start and end dates for competencies?
A13    Because of the self-paced nature of CBE programs, we consider the time when a student is enrolled in a competency to be, for Title IV R2T4 purposes, a module.  We consider a CBE module to have begun when the student began working toward demonstrating mastery of the competency and ending when the student has successfully demonstrated mastery.  An institution must have a mechanism for determining and documenting that a student has begun attendance in a payment period by working toward one or more competencies. More...

27 décembre 2014

A Holiday Gift Margaret Andrews. Last time I wrote you a song, so this holiday season I decided on a more practical gift for readers of StratEDgy. Over the years, I’ve had many people – family, friends, students, and acquaintances – tell me they thought I had a ‘cool’ job and ask me for tips and tactics for getting a job, or a better job, in higher education. Read more...

27 décembre 2014

How We Hacked Binomial Distribution ...

By Fabrice Demichel. It’s another sizzling day in Wan Chai.
My technology partner for 10 years, Pierre Boquet, and I recently moved from France to Hong Kong to drive the technology efforts for our company FIRST FINANCE Institute, an enabler of online-based certificate programs for prestigious business schools worldwide, including Tsinghua SEM in Beijing and HEC Paris. More...

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