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27 décembre 2014

Pardon the Mess Audrey Watters. I'm spending the holidays updating all my sites. It isn't simply a matter of a new template or a new look. I'm moving everything out of my current CMS and onto Jekyll. My apologies if things are broken, particularly when it comes to the RSS feed. Send me an email if you find specific problems. Or better yet, since this is all on Github, file an issue. More...

27 décembre 2014

The Move to Jekyll Audrey Watters. I’ve given all my websites a face lift over the holidays. It was time for a new “look” as I’d been tweaking the same WordPress theme for over 4 years.
The biggest change to my sites is actually under the hood, as I’ve moved from my old content management system to Jekyll. Jekyll is the engine behind GitHub Pages, which I’ve been using to run some of my Web projects – but not my blogs – for the past year and a half. More...

27 décembre 2014

What Are We Missing in Higher Ed and How Can We Change It--Today?: Podcast Cathy Davidson. Punchline:  On higher education:  "Most of the apparatus of our higher educational system was developed between 1865 and 1925, for the industrial era of the telegraph and the Model T. We now live in a world where anyone who has an idea can communicate that to anyone else with an Internet connection--without an editor, without a pause button. We have astonishing new capacities . . . and a very old educational system. Here are easy, simple ways we can improve it. Today." More...

27 décembre 2014

Beautiful Tribute to Adrianne Wadewitz (1977-2014) by Virginia Heffernan In NYT Cathy Davidson. The wonderful New York Times writer Virginia Heffernan has written a very moving tribute to the beautiful Adrianne Wadewitz (1977-2014), celebrating all she did during a life far too short to make Wikipedia a stronger online resource, paying special attention to issues of women and gender.   All who knew and admired and loved Adrianne will be both saddened and pleased to see this remarkable woman so honored, with some of the most famous celebrities, thinkers, writers, and others in the world.   It is a fine tribute:

27 décembre 2014

Five Ways to Be Part of "Mapping the Futures of Higher Ed" #FuturesEd Cathy Davidson. "Mapping the Futures of Higher Education" is a series of courses at the Graduate Center and throughout the CUNY system.  It is also a collaborative, peer-driven movement to rethink the best ways of learning for higher education--and YOU are invited to participate. More...

27 décembre 2014

A 2014 (Personal) Blogging Retrospective

By . Unlike many of the bloggers who I enjoy reading the most, I don’t often let my blogging wander into the personal except as a route to making a larger point. For some reason, e-Literate never felt like the right outlet for that. But with the holidays upon us, with some life cycle events in my family causing me to be a bit more introspective than usual, and with the luxury of having discovered Phil’s top 20 posts of the year post showing up in my inbox, I’m in the mood to ruminate about my personal journey in blogging, where it’s taken me so far, and what it means to me. In the process, I’ll also reflect a bit on what we try to do at e-Literate. More...

27 décembre 2014

e-Literate Top 20 Posts For 2014

By Phil Hill. I typically don’t write year-end reviews or top 10 (or 20) lists, but I need to work on our consulting company finances. At this point, any distraction seems more enjoyable than working in QuickBooks. More...

27 décembre 2014

Helix Education puts their competency-based LMS up for sale

By Phil Hill. Back in September I wrote about the Helix LMS providing an excellent view into competency-based education and how learning platforms would need to be designed differently for this mode. The traditional LMS – based on a traditional model using grades, seat time and synchronous cohort of students – is not easily adapted to serve CBE needs such as the following:

  1. Explicit learning outcomes with respect to the required skills and concomitant proficiency (standards for assessment)
  2. A flexible time frame to master these skills
  3. A variety of instructional activities to facilitate learning
  4. Criterion-referenced testing of the required outcomes
  5. Certification based on demonstrated learning outcomes
  6. Adaptable programs to ensure optimum learner guidance. More...
27 décembre 2014

Blackboard’s SVP of Product Development Gary Lang Resigns

By Phil Hill. Gary Lang, Blackboard’s senior vice president in charge of product development and cloud operations, has announced his resignation and plans to join Amazon. Gary took the job with Blackboard in June 2013 and, along with CEO Jay Bhatt and SVP of Product Management Mark Strassman, formed the core management team that had worked together previously at AutoDesk. Gary led the reorganization effort to bring all product development under one organization, a core component of Blackboard’s recent strategy. More...

27 décembre 2014

Ohne Abi an die Uni: Können die anderen dann alle mehr?

SPIEGEL ONLINEVon Christopher Piltz. Jürgen Schwab studiert Jura ohne Abitur. Gestartet war er mit großen Bedenken und weiß heute, dass die unbegründet waren. Eine Sorge aber bleibt.
Am ersten Studientag war er alles andere als zuversichtlich. Er habe viele Sorgen gehabt, erzählt er. Da war zum Beispiel die Angst, dass Abiturienten ein Spezialwissen haben, das ihm als Realschüler fehlt. Er machte sich Gedanken, weil er kein Latein konnte. Und da war die Befürchtung, sich nicht wohlzufühlen unter jenen, die frisch von der Schule kommen. Und: Funktionierte seine Finanzierung? "Einige der Sorgen sind auch nie ganz verschwunden", sagt Jürgen Schwab. Mehr...

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