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22 février 2015

Le contrôle par les OPCA du service fait par les organismes de formation contrôle par les OPCA du service fait par les organismes de formation

« La loi du 16 juillet 1971 a instauré une obligation légale pour les entreprises en matière de formation de leurs salariés qui se traduit par une obligation de dépense adossée à la masse salariale. A ce titre, les vingt organismes paritaires collecteurs agréés (OPCA) ont en gestion environ 5 milliards d’euros au titre du plan de formation et de la professionnalisation. Ils tirent leurs ressources de la collecte annuelle auprès d’1,5 million d’entreprises qui leur versent leur contribution obligatoire.

Alors que la réglementation fait peser sur les OPCA une obligation juridique de contrôle des actions financées, la loi n° 2014-288 du 5 mars 2014 relative à la formation professionnelle, à l’emploi et à la démocratie sociale modifie substantiellement le champ d’intervention des OPCA. Non seulement la part de versement obligatoire des entreprises aux OPCA va diminuer, mais des obligations nouvelles vont peser sur les OPCA qui devront désormais s’assurer de la capacité des organismes de formation à délivrer des prestations de qualité…. »

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22 février 2015

Four universities face recruitment ban

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "koreatimes logo"By Chung Hyun-chae. Four universities will be banned from accepting foreign students for one year starting this fall semester, as punishment for poorly managing non-Korean students, the Ministry of Justice said Sunday.
They are: Hansei University, Jeonbuk Science College, Gyeongnam National University of Science And Technology and Taegu Science University.
Those universities will not be able to issue visas for foreign students including freshmen, transfer students and those for language training courses. More...

22 février 2015

Universities on notice in the federal government’s teacher quality overhaul

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"UNIVERSITIES and colleges churning out substandard teaching graduates risk losing their accreditation, under a sweeping overhaul of teaching degrees.
Education Minister Christopher Pyne will today release the long-awaited Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group report, which addresses “significant public concern” that theory-laden university education degrees are failing to prepare graduates for careers in the classroom. More...

22 février 2015

'Worst idea ever' to end English education

By Justin Cremer. The suggestion by the Danish People's Party that Denmark's universities should stop offering courses in English was roundly criticized by political opponents and The Local's readers, who said that the real losers would be Danish students.
Offering university courses in English “makes no sense” according to the anti-immigration Danish People’s Party (DF), which has once again called for Danish universities to abandon teaching in a second language. More...

22 février 2015

Bill will enable political ‘cronies’ to spy on universities, claim presidents

By Joe Humphreys. Universities write to Minister complaining about initiative to ‘resurrect’ pay controls.
The presidents of the seven universities have written to the Government expressing dismay at plans to introduce legislation which they claim will allow Ministers to appoint “cronies” to spy on their operations. More...

22 février 2015

Harvard and M.I.T. Are Sued Over Lack of Closed Captions

New York TimesBy Tamar Lewin. Advocates for the deaf on Thursday filed federal lawsuits against Harvard and M.I.T., saying both universities violated antidiscrimination laws by failing to provide closed captioning in their online lectures, courses, podcasts and other educational materials. Read more...
22 février 2015

Probe into fraud at student aid scheme

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""By Wyndham Hartley. The country’s universities and technical and vocational education and training colleges have been hit by student protests with classes being brought to a halt across the higher education sector. The Tshwane University of Technology, University of Johannesburg and the University of the Witwatersrand have been particularly hard hit.
Central to the protests has been that the National Student Financial Aid Scheme has not provided enough funding for poor students who qualify for funding or bursaries. More...

22 février 2015

Transforming higher education through community engagement

By Rajesh Tandon and Wafa Singh. ‘Community-university engagement’, one of the most talked about phenomena in global higher education circles today, has assumed profound importance amid the many challenges faced by the world today. Read more...

22 février 2015

Internationalisation and recruitment agents: The missing link?

By Anna Magyar and Anna Robinson-Pant. Recruitment agents now play a significant role in the internationalisation strategies of British universities that rely on their services in an increasingly competitive market.
While Australia and New Zealand have a long history of working with agencies, a key moment in the UK was when Tony Blair launched the Prime Minister’s Initiative 1 in 1999. Read more...

22 février 2015

Governance threats to academic freedom

By Michael Schwartz and William M Bowen. Having recently read of the aborted attempt by the governor of Wisconsin to unilaterally redefine the mission of the University of Wisconsin; having heard the governor of Florida remark that a degree in anthropology is essentially useless in the face of economic development needs; and having heard the US president suggest that a degree in art history couldn’t lead to much of a future, one has to wonder about the relationship between college and university governance, from whatever the source, and academic freedom. Read more...

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