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30 octobre 2013

Créer un plan de communication efficace cours s'adresse aux entrepreneurs, startups, responsable de communication et toute personne souhaitant mieux communiquer autour d'une société ou d'un projet.
A l'issue de ce cours, vous serez capable de : rédiger les grandes lignes de votre stratégie de communication identifier clairement vos objectifs et cibles de communication construire votre plan de communication pour une mise en œuvre immédiate vous fixer des indicateurs clés de performance


  • Class plans
  • Exercises
  • Video lectures

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29 octobre 2013

Les clés du management interculturel en Europe travers ce MOOC « Les clés du management interculturel en Europe », ENACO souhaite promouvoir la richesse et la diversité des cultures européennes auprès des publics francophones pour mieux vivre et travailler ensemble.
Aujourd’hui, les Européens sont nombreux à voyager et à travailler dans d’autres pays de l’Union européenne. Comment travailler avec des étrangers ? Comment s’adapter à un environnement culturel différent et comment manager dans un contexte international ? Il s’agira, pendant ces 3 semaines de cours, de répondre à ces questions afin d’envisager sereinement les missions de management interculturel, et donner l’envie à chacun de développer ses connaissances sur ce vaste sujet.


Semaine 1 : Mieux connaître l’Europe et les Européens.

Semaine 2 : Aprés l’intégration de l’Europe, l’intégration des Européens

Semaine 3 : L’Europe de demain


  • Assessment tools
  • Forum
  • Lecture notes
  • Video lectures

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29 octobre 2013

Effectuation : l’entrepreneuriat pour tous’objectif de ce MOOC « Effectuation : l’entrepreneuriat pour tous » est de faire découvrir l’effectuation, qui est la logique d’action utilisée par les entrepreneurs experts. Le cours vous montrera que l’entrepreneuriat n’est pas réservé à des super-héros, mais au contraire accessible à tous. Il vous présentera les cinq principes d’action utilisés par les entrepreneurs experts vous permettant, vous aussi, de vous lancer.


Semaine 1: Mythes de l’entrepreneuriat

Semaine 2: Principes de l’effectuation

Semaine 3: Le processus entrepreneurial

Semaine 4: Gérer l’incertitude

Semaine 5: Synthèse


  • Assessment tools
  • Exercises
  • Lecture notes
  • Video lectures

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29 octobre 2013

MOOC Francophone - Analyse financière’analyse financière a pour objectifs de diagnostiquer le passé pour comprendre le présent et essayer de prévoir l’avenir. L’objectif de ce MOOC est de donner à ceux qui le suivront une méthodologie claire, simple et efficace leur permettant de mener à bien des analyses financières de façon autonome. Il s’appuiera sur l’exemple réel d’une société, développé chaque semaine.
Semaine 1
: Introduction à l’analyse financière, analyse des marges ou création de richesse
Semaine 2 : Analyse des investissements (acquisitions d’actifs immobilisés, besoin en fonds de roulement)
Semaine 3 : Analyse des financements (approche dynamique et statique)
Semaine 4 : Analyse de la rentabilité (rentabilité économique, capitaux propres, effet de levier)
Semaine 5 (optionnelle) : Pratiquer l’analyse financière (étude d’un cas de synthèse)
En fonction de vos résultats aux quizz, vous pourrez obtenir une attestation de réussite. Ce MOOC est une première étape vers le CFF® Certificate (Certificate in Corporate Finance Foundations®), la certification reconnue par un grand nombre d’investment banks, Mastères Finance et MBA.
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29 octobre 2013

Learning Augmented Reality Global Environment Learning Augmented Reality Global Environment (LARGE) platform is a pioneering initiative financed by the EC that is designing a new type of learning environment to support educators in delivering their curriculum in a way that is attractive, engaging, and effective.
Augmented reality provides the user with a composite view, combining a real-life scene with a virtual scene with additional layers of information, such as text, graphics, audio, video, models, etc. The result is a richer, contextualized way of delivering new knowledge to learners. Each learner can follow their own path of discovery as they navigate through the learning environment. More...

29 octobre 2013

Eduworks: a European training network in labour market matching processes is an EU-wide project that supports the comprehensive investigation of labour market matching processes. The project involves a network of institutions where training across disciplines and levels will take place.
The objective of Eduworks is to train talented early-stage researchers in the dynamics of labour market matching processes. The project, with a budget of 3.6 million Euros, is dedicated to understanding the mechanisms of matching supply and demand between education and employment. Eduworks brings together researchers from several academic disciplines, namely: Labour Economics, Sociology of Occupations, Human Resource Management, Lifelong Learning. More...

29 octobre 2013

SENnet provides information and support for those working to develop the use of technology to improve access for school age learners with special educational needs (SEN). It takes as its starting point that the potential of ICT to address these difficulties is significant and under-exploited. SENnet has three overall objectives.
Identify, analyse, and disseminate research: Topics include barriers and opportunities to the inclusion of learners with SEN in mainstream schools and effective approaches for special schools that serve as resource centres to others.
Map and analyse, develop scenarios and design new learning environments: The network aims to develop new learning environments that integrate learners with SEN, particularly employing technological solutions for specific needs. Another area of interest is the use of digital resources that can improve access and learning for various special needs.
To develop awareness and competences in teachers: Enable teachers, school leaders, and other support staff to understand and take steps to improve the inclusion of learners with SEN in mainstream classrooms.

29 octobre 2013

Newly released OECD Adult Skills Survey offers key findings on skills and lifelong learning and skills have a huge impact on life chances, particularly in countries that are shifting towards a knowledge-based economy. Just in terms of income, the average hourly wage of workers with advanced literacy and cognitive skills is 60% higher than workers with low-level literacy skills. A recently released study by the OECD Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies shows how adults acquire, maintain, and lose skills over a lifetime.
The OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) surveyed about 166 000 adults in 24 countries and sub-national regions on literacy, numeracy, and problem-solving in technology rich environments. More...

29 octobre 2013

Survey on OER quality and pedagogy in higher education and researchers working in the field of Open Educational Resources (OER) are invited to participate in a survey aimed at developing and validating a set of quality and pedagogical guidelines for the use of OER in higher education.
University and college educators, researchers, and other stakeholders with expertise in the field of OERs are asked to contribute 10 minutes of their time to complete an online survey to help validate the quality and pedagogical guidelines for OER use in higher education.
The study is funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). The principal investigators leading the study are Professors Insung Jung and Teruyoshi Sasaki of the International Christian University, Japan. They would be happy to share results of the survey with respondents upon request. Please direct any questions about the study in general, or about the survey in particular, to Professor Jung.
Responses will be accepted until November 15, 2013. Thank you very much in advance for lending your time, experience and expertise to this important and exciting project, and for sharing this information with others who may be interested! Click here to go to the survey now.

29 octobre 2013

Countdown until Sir John Daniel officially launches the OER university web site clock is ticking down to the highly anticipated launch of the Open Educational Resource university (OERu) website. It will be unveiled for the first time on 1 November, 2013. OERu is a virtual collaboration of like-minded institutions committed to creating flexible pathways for OER learners to gain formal academic credit.
At the OER university, anyone with an internet connection and the motivation to learn can study world-class courses for free. Even better, those courses will count towards real qualifications. All of the courses are based on OERs, so students can access the materials freely online without having to pay for textbooks. The courses are designed for independent study, but learners can support each other through the networking channels available.
On Friday November 1, Sir John Daniel will officially launch the OER university website. The institutions of higher education that form the partners of the Open Education Resource university initiative are doing all of their planning for the launch event in the open.  It is important to note that it is not a conference but rather an implementation planning meeting.
In addition, anyone can register to attend the launch event online.

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