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30 octobre 2013

30 Years in Open and Distance Learning Conference commemorate 30 years of providing online and distance learning (ODL) services, Andalou University is hosting an international conference to bring together the biggest players in ODL to share their expertise and discuss new developments in the field.
The 30 years in ODL Conference intends to bring the administrators of the global ODL providers, experts, administrators of the ministries of education in various countries as well as representatives of the media producers and global companies together to share their experiences and ideas about how to manage and cope with the emerging trends. More...

30 octobre 2013

II Congreso Internacional sobre Innovación, Aprendizaje y Competitividad los nuevos modelos de aprendizaje internacionales, como los MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), las nuevas prestaciones de las tecnologías emergentes, la necesidad de cambio tanto en contextos externos (crisis) como internos (revisión de las políticas docentes),  el contexto educativo vive una situación de cambio y es ahora cuando más se debe dar valor al compromiso de todos los actores relacionados con la formación: alumnado, profesorado y gestores...
La lista completa de áreas temáticas esta disponsible en la página webMore...

30 octobre 2013

No way back? Exploring the impact, data and potential of MOOCs Association for Learning Technology (ALT) will host a one-day conference about current MOOC research, experience, and development. More...

30 octobre 2013

Global Education Conference 2013 Global Education Conference is a collaborative, inclusive, world-wide initiative to bring together educators and innovators from all around the world. The conference takes place online and is free to attend. More...

30 octobre 2013

ICERI2013 (6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation) are invited to participate in ICERI2013 (6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation). It will be held in Seville (Spain) on the 18th, 19th and 20th of November 2013.
It will be the best opportunity to present and share your experiences in the fields of Education, Research and Innovation in a multicultural and enriching atmosphere.
The attendance of 700 participants from more than 75 countries is expected.
For more information about the conference and its venue, you can visit our website

30 octobre 2013

e-learning symposium 2014 Future is Now! So come and tell us about it…
Do you make innovative use of technology in language teaching and learning? Have you been experimenting with MOOCs and wish to share your experiences? Do you use social networking sites, virtual worlds or mobile technology with your language students? Are you engaging students in the creation or use of open educational resources? If so, then the LLAS community would like to hear from you! Read more...

30 octobre 2013

Lifelong Learning Week this year's Lifelong Learning Week, from 2-6 December 2013, organizers EUCIS-LLL will launch their Manifesto for the European elections. The upcoming European Elections will be a general focus for this week. Many events will take place in order to to provide ideas on how to modernise education and training systems in Europe. The events will take place in the European Parilament in Brussels. More...

30 octobre 2013

Manual del facilitador en los cursos MOOCón presentada para el congreso VirtualUSATIC - Ubicio y Social: Aprendizaje con TIC, celebrado entre el 24 y el 28 de junio de 2013 en Zaragoza, España.
En este pequeño manual, elaborado entre varios miembros del staff de UNED COMA, se describen las funciones de los facilitadores en la plataforma UNED COMA. Se presenta una pequeña introducción a los MOOCs para posteriormente centrarse en las labores de los facilitadores de manera más extensa y exhaustiva.

30 octobre 2013

Test de Connaissance du Français à ceux qui étudient ou enseignent la langue française Test de Connaissance du Français
Le qui permet de façon simple, fiable et rapide d’évaluer et de valider les connaissances en français de publics non francophone.TCF du Centre international d'études pédagogiques (CIEP) est le test de français du ministère de l'Éducation nationale
Cadre Européen Commun de Référence

Le CECR se découpe en 6 niveaux, allant du niveau débutant à une maîtrise parfaite de la langue française: Ces 6 niveaux se répartissent en quatre compétences: Compréhension orale, compréhension écrite, Expression orale et Expression écrite.
    A1 Découverte Maîtrise de base du français.

    A2 Survie Maîtrise élémentaire de la langue.

    B1 Seuil Maîtrise efficace mais limitée de la langue.

    B2 Indépendant Maîtrise générale et spontanée de la langue.

    C1 Autonome Bonne maîtrise de la langue.

    C2 Maîtrise Excellente maîtrise de la langue.




Le site Web : durée totale des épreuves obligatoires est de 1 heure 30 et celle des épreuves facultatives est de deux heures.Les épreuves se présentent sous la forme d'un questionnaire à choix multiples (QCM) de 80 questions au total. More...

30 octobre 2013

Will publishers be the good guys of the Open Education revolution? Pierre-Antoine Ullmo. Textbook publishers are under pressure. Open educational resources (OER) are a clear threat to their monopoly in the classroom. Our school memories are full of textbooks; the ones we struggled with, the ones we carried on our backs until physical exhaustion, the ones we wrote in, or the ones we never even opened. The ones we got “for free” from the school and we had to give back at the end of the year or the ones we paid for. Many of our teachers were almost reading aloud from our textbooks; textbooks were the driving force of our lives at school and at home. Textbooks signed by unknown authors, teachers, or school inspectors were considered as the ultimate source of knowledge; the authoritative reference. More...

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