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23 août 2014

Reduce, reuse, refashion (?) G. Rendell. I'll admit it.  I'm not anti-consumer, but I'm anti-consumerism.  That is, I would love to see American society get to a point where most everyone has everything (s)he needs, but I'm adamantly opposed to consumption for consumption's sake.  Or for the sole purpose of pumping up GDP on the backs of credit card holders.  Spending money you don't have on products you don't need, which have been manufactured from a declining stock of natural resources extracted inefficiently using highly polluting forms of energy and generating several tons of waste for every ton of usable material just seems . . . well . . . kind of stupid.  Of course, some may disagree. Read more...

23 août 2014

The News from Ferguson - Live, on Twitter Barbara Fister. Twitter has become the way I keep up with what is going on in my field. Last week I realized it has also become the way I find out what’s happening in the world, which makes me wonder what that means when it comes to helping students learn about how information works. Read more...
23 août 2014

Ferguson Tracy Mitrano. I grew up in Rochester, New York and was 6 years old when the race riots broke out in 1964. We lived in the city, on the west side, near the airport. The riots were on the eastern side of downtown, around Joseph Avenue, still a very relevant area for us because only a mile or so way away was my father’s restaurant. Read more...

23 août 2014

The Elite of the Elite at Peking University

By Philip G. Altbach. Peking University will soon open its Yenching Academy, a new one-year masters program in Chinese studies open to both Chinese and international students and taught in English. According to the New York Timesthe program has engendered considerable dissent on campus—surprising in an environment that, to say the least, does not encourage complaining about academic decisions. The Yenching Academy will renovate several of the original buildings at the center of the campus and add other buildings. It will provide an all-expense paid interdisciplinary program. In fact, it is similar to the Schwartzman Scholars initiative at cross-town, arch-rival Tsinghua University. More...

23 août 2014

Should I Go to Grad School?

By Shira Lurie. The new school year is about to begin and for many students, in addition to course selection, fresh haircuts, and back-to-school Target commercials, this also means the start of application season. Amid the chaos of statements of intent, transcripts, and GRE scores, I remember the question lurking in the back of my mind as I applied to PhD programs was not “will I get in?” but the far more terrifying “what if I get in?” I had no idea how I was going to make a decision that would shape the rest of my life. More...

23 août 2014

Revisiting the Three R’s as a 5th-Year Grad Student

By Justin Dunnavant. The semester begins next week and I will enter my fifth year as a graduate student. As I have become a seasoned member of my department, prospective students and younger colleagues are now asking me for the same advice I once asked; knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently in graduate school? It’s hard to articulate quality advice. Rather than attempt to outline a list of dos and don’ts, I’ve found through my years as a graduate student it’s important to revisit the Three R’s: the fundamentals of reading, writing, and arithmetic. More...

23 août 2014

Don't Trust Tech Bloggers Joshua Kim. Below is an e-mail that I received this week offering me a free TouchPico if I would write about the product on IHE. The offer was for a free TouchPico if the blog piece resulted in 7 people pledging on Indiegogo.
Initially I was going to X out the TouchPico name, as I don’t want to give this company any free publicity. I decided to keep the company name visible because I realized that other bloggers are probably getting this request. Read more...

23 août 2014

Here Come the Data Scientists Joshua Kim. A few days after the Hewlett sponsored gathering Learning with MOOCs wrapped, one word keeps buzzing through my brain: and that word is data.
This was less a MOOC workshop than a coming out party for the postsecondary learning-focused data scientists. Read more...

23 août 2014

8 Campus Technologies That I'm Surprised Still Exist Joshua Kim. What technologies do you see on your campus that you thought would history by 2014?
Here are my nominations for 8 campus technologies that I’m surprised have hung on:
1. Microsoft Office: MS Office is the granddaddy of un-killable technology. This expensive and bloated suite of applications is the habit that we can’t shake. Most days I find myself entering numbers into an Excel spreadsheet, preparing a PowerPoint presentation, and following Track Changes in Word. Read more...

23 août 2014

Tips for New Students Matt Reed. The goings-on in Ferguson are too disheartening for words, so in the interest of preserving my mental health, I’m focusing closer to home.  Based on years of observation, here are some tips for students who are about to start their first semester at a community college. If you’re a student about to start at a community college, or if you know someone who is, I hope these are helpful. Read more...

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