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21 mai 2014

The EU Skills Panorama website is being revamped - with your input!

  Cedefop is transforming the EU Skills Panorama website into a central access point for information and intelligence on skill needs in occupations and sectors across Europe. Your input will make a big difference - fill out the online survey to give your user feedback.  
Cedefop aims to redesign the EU Skills Panorama to be a comprehensive, dynamic, interactive and user-friendly website that provides new data and information on European skill trends, as well as links to other European and national information sources.
Website: EU Skills Panorama Website. See more...

21 mai 2014

What do students think of the impact of ICT on learning and working life?

  The European Schoolnet's latest briefing paper offers insight on how students percieve the importance of ICT on their education, career prospects, and adult life. By 2015, about 90% of jobs in Europe will require at least basic ICT literacy, according to IDC research. See more...

21 mai 2014

The world's first open textbooks released in the same month but on different continents

Poland and Canada release the first open textbooks under Creative Commons licenses. Canada's peer-reviewed open textbooks now online.
In 2012, British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education (Canada) announced plans to create open textbook for the 40 most popular (highest enrolment) courses in first and second year of the post-secondary education system. The first textbooks are now available online. See more...

21 mai 2014

Promouvoir la culture numérique chez les seniors, ainsi que leur aptitude à utiliser des tablettes/PC

Author(s): Sonia HetznerAmrei Tenckhoff-Eckhardt and Anna Slyschak. Partout en Europe, des études montrent que l’intégration numérique reste un thème très important pour les générations plus âgées. La disparité entre le nombre d’utilisateurs jeunes et plus âgés de l’internet a légèrement diminué au cours de ces dernières années, mais elle demeure un sujet d’intérêt dans la mesure où le potentiel socioéconomique pour les générations plus âgées découlant de l’utilisation de l’internet n’a pas été étudié. L’utilisation de l’internet peut contribuer à améliorer la qualité de vie et l’interaction sociale sur l’internet atténue la solitude et la dépression. Le développement des aptitudes et des compétences numériques parmi le troisième âge reste un défi. Des obstacles socioéconomiques, techniques et émotionnels entravent ce processus. PDF Document application/pdf iconDigital Literacies and eCompetence From-field 38 2.pdf. See more...

21 mai 2014

DIGCOMP: un marco para desarrollar y entender las competencias digitales en Europa

Author(s): Barbara Neza BreckoAnusca Ferrari and Yves Punie. DIGCOMP: un marco para desarrollar y entender las competencias digitales en Europa hacia una investigación y diseño del aprendizaje liderado por el maestro.
 El presente artículo describe el marco de competencias digitales desarrollado por EC JRC IPTS a cargo de la DG de educación y cultura con el objetivo de contribuir a un mayor entendimiento y desarrollo de las competencias digitales en Europa.  La competencia digital es una de las ocho competencias clave de formación continua y es esencial para la participación en nuestra cada vez más digitalizada sociedad. PDF Document application/pdf iconDigital Literacies and eCompetence In depth 38 1.pdf. See more...

21 mai 2014

La formation initiale ouverte et à distance des enseignants: expériences en matière de compétence numérique en Australie

Author(s): Eva Dobozy and Dirk Ifenthaler.  Cet article analyse la nécessité de clarifier l’efficacité de la formation initiale ouverte et à distance des enseignants.  La pénurie d’enseignants dans le monde est depuis longtemps un fait avéré, mais la récente infographie publiée en 2013 par l’Organisation des Nations unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture brosse un tableau alarmant. La formation d’un nombre suffisant d’enseignants qualifiés passe notamment par la mise à disposition d’une formation initiale à distance des enseignants. PDF Document application/pdf iconDigital Literacies and eCompetence_From-field_38_3.pdf. See more...

21 mai 2014

La formazione iniziale degli insegnanti con modalità aperte e a distanza in Australia

Author(s): Eva Dobozy and Dirk Ifenthaler. La formazione iniziale degli insegnanti con modalità aperte e a distanza: un'istantanea delle esperienze relative alle competenze informatiche in Australia. L'articolo esplora la necessità di una maggiore chiarezza quanto all'efficacia della formazione iniziale degli insegnanti con modalità aperte e a distanza. 
Le relazioni che parlano di carenze di insegnanti a livello globale non sono una novità. Ciononostante, la recente infografica prodotta dall'organizzazione della Nazioni Unite per l'educazione, la scienza e la cultura (2013) presenta una panoramica preoccupante. PDF Document application/pdf iconDigital Literacies and eCompetence_From-field_38_3.pdf. See more...

21 mai 2014

Development of Teacher E-competence Standard in Slovenia

Author(s): Nives Kreuh and Barbara Neza Brecko. In 2007, the government of the Republic of Slovenia approved the Strategy for Development of Information Society in the Republic of Slovenia – si2010, which defined the national framework for the development of information society in Slovenia. The strategy includes providing suitable equipment for schools, developing e-content and training education professionals. PDF Document application/pdf iconDigital Literacies and eCompetence From-field 38_5.pdf. See more...

21 mai 2014

MIL Competences: from theory to practice. Measuring citizens’ competences on Media and Information Literacy

Author(s): Santiago Giraldo Luque, Tomás Durán BecerraAlmudena Esteban and Isabel María Villegas Simón. This article presents the analysis and classification of different studies carried out to measure the media literacy skills of citizens. The text is presented in three parts.
The first part presents the main theoretical categories of the analysis that define the concept of media literacy and the major frameworks designed for the study of media competences. In the second part, the article examines a group of studies that propose different frameworks that assess media literacy competences. The analyzed studies are classified according to their assessment trends and methodology. PDF Document application/pdf iconDigital Literacies and eCompetence In depth 38_2.pdf. See more...

21 mai 2014

Developing digital literacies through virtual exchange

Author: Francesca Helm. This paper looks at how digital literacies can be promoted in education through virtual exchange, a pedagogic practice with huge potential that is yet to be fully harnessed in the European Higher Education Area. After a brief overview of digital literacies and education, this paper defines virtual exchange and its current status in European policy and abroad. PDF Document application/pdf iconDigital Literacies and eCompetence From-field 38_4.pdf. See more...

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