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5 octobre 2014

Bewerben an der Elite-Uni: So kommen deutsche Studenten nach Harvard

SPIEGEL ONLINEVon . "Was für ein Mensch werden Sie in Zukunft sein?" Wer an der Harvard-Universität in den USA studieren will, muss die Auswahljury tief in seine Persönlichkeit blicken lassen. Immerhin: Reich sein ist keine Pflicht. Mehr...
5 octobre 2014

Ost und West? Egal! Auf Nord und Süd kommt es an

SPIEGEL ONLINEVon . Von wegen "Mauer im Kopf": Wer heute jung ist, sieht zwischen Ost und West vor allem Gemeinsamkeiten. Viele Westdeutsche verlassen sich bei der Einschätzung von Ostdeutschen allerdings auf den Fernseher. Mehr...
5 octobre 2014

Deutsche Unis im "THE"-Ranking: Das Wunder von Tübingen

SPIEGEL ONLINEVon . Die LMU München triumphiert, Tübingen springt sogar 100 Plätze nach oben: Die Gewinner des "THE"-Uni-Rankings feiern sich. Doch selbst die Autoren nennen die Liste "plump" - und berichten von Zahlentricksereien der Hochschulen.
Könnte sein, dass die Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München in den nächsten Tagen eine freudige Pressemeldung auf ihre Seite stellt: Unter einer Überschrift, die lauten könnte "LMU verteidigt Spitzenplatz" würde dann stehen, dass die bayerische Elite-Uni im renommierten "Times Higher Education"-Ranking ("THE") gegenüber dem Vorjahr vom 55. auf den 29. Platz aufgestiegen ist. Mehr...
5 octobre 2014

StudyPortals to launch language school site

By Sara Custer., the leading directory for university courses in Europe, will apply its search engine model to the language school sector with the launch of this week. More...

5 octobre 2014

Non-EU student recruitment “worrying” says Universities UK

By  Beckie Smith. The UK’s higher education representative body, Universities UK, has said that despite signs of increasing demand among foreign students, long-term trends in student recruitment for the UK are “worrying” as Indian and STEM enrolments continue to decline. More...

5 octobre 2014

What trends are emerging from the slowdown in international student mobility?

By  Beckie Smith. As the most comprehensive assessment of the international education industry available, the OECD‘s annual Education at a Glance report sheds light on trends in international student mobility, what’s driving student choice as growth in outbound students decelerates globally. More...

5 octobre 2014

New Commissioner for Education and Culture faces hostile questions

By Florin Zubascu. Tibor Navracsics was left with little time to discuss the education portfolio as MEPs questioned him on Hungary’s poor track-record in defending freedom of speech and the rule of law. In his mission letter from Jean Claude Juncker, Hungary’s Commissioner-to-be Tibor Navracsics was asked to help the Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness put together an investment package for jobs and growth, with a focus on education infrastructure. More...

5 octobre 2014

Leading Moscow university seeks Dutch partner

Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU) is looking for a partner university in the Netherlands to cooperate in the fields of Engineering and Technology as well as Economics and Management. Bauman University is a leading and one of the oldest technical universities in Russia.
The Faculty's preferred forms of cooperation with Dutch higher education institutions are joint research programmes or master student exchange programmes.

Download BMSTU's call for partners(246.8 KB). More...

5 octobre 2014

NICHE financial format simplified

The NICHE financial format that is used for all project budgeting and financial reporting has been simplified. The methodology of reflecting both the last approved budget and statement of expenditures and the current budget and statement of expenditures next to each other is no longer in use.
The financial format now only reflects the budget and statement of expenditures been submitted with the progress report. What remains is a clear and concise instrument for the financial reporting and monitoring. The project budget information per cost category is used to aggregate all NICHE project funds per cost category. Bank details will now be submitted with the tender bid rather than in the financial format.
Projects that have already used the previous version of the NICHE handbook financial format are welcome to use this simplified version. Please contact your Nuffic financial officer if you are interested in using the new format.
Go to the NICHE document download area. More...

5 octobre 2014

Times Higher Education Ranking Finds Growing Strengths

By . This year’s World University Rankings by Times Higher Education include only one Arab institution, the University of Marrakesh—an institution many academics outside Morocco may not have heard of—in a list of the world’s best 400 universities. More...

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