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5 octobre 2014

Continuing Ed: The Bridge Builders Connecting Institutions With Employers and the Future

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. Today I’m going to be talking about a perception gap. It’s an emerging topic in our country and it’s a perception gap that hits corporations and higher learning institutions. Specifically, the perception gap is around work preparedness. More...

5 octobre 2014

Whither Higher Education? To the Opera!

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. I often think about the condition of higher education, but was concerned not at all when I went to see “La Boheme” in a movie theater at the mall. More...

5 octobre 2014

The role of communities of practice in a digital age Tony Bates. The basic premise behind communities of practice is simple: we all learn in everyday life from the communities in which we find ourselves. Communities of practice are everywhere. Nearly everyone belongs to some community of practice, whether it is through our working colleagues or associates, our profession or trade, or our leisure interests, such as a book club. Wenger (2000) argues that a community of practice is different from a community of interest or a geographical community in that it involves a shared practice: ways of doing things that are shared to some significant extent among members. Read more...
5 octobre 2014

Six (Truly)Radical Ideas for Reinventing College Cathy Davidson. Before we can radically reinvent college, we need to add at least two more structural, material changes to the four in this month's Wired magazine article by writer Martha Rhodes, "4 Radical Ideas for Reinventing College, Drawn From Stanford Research."   The four changes advocated in Wired come from the famous design school, the, at Stanford and one of its leading lights, Professor Sarah Stein Greenberg.  I like these a lot--and readers of the Cat in the Stack posts at will recognize all of them from many of my past posts. More...

5 octobre 2014

Kuali Foundation: Clarification on future proprietary code

By Phil Hill. Well that was an interesting session at Educause as described at Inside Higher Ed:
It took the Kuali leadership 20 minutes to address the elephant in the conference center meeting room. More...

5 octobre 2014

LinkedIn Releases College Ranking Service

By Michael Feldstein. I have long thought that LinkedIn has the potential to be one of the most transformative companies in ed tech for one simple reason: They have far more cross-institutional longitudinal outcomes data than anybody else—including government agencies. Just about anybody else who wants access to career path information of graduates across universities would face major privacy and data gathering hurdles. But LinkedIn has somehow convinced hundreds of millions of users to voluntarily enter that information and make it available for public consumption. The company clearly knows this and has been working behind the scenes to make use of this advantage. I have been waiting to see what they will come up with. More...

5 octobre 2014

Verfassungsgericht: Uni darf Forscher Doktortitel zur Strafe wegnehmen

SPIEGEL ONLINEAuch wenn die Doktorarbeit sauber ist, darf der Titel zur Strafe entzogen werden: Weil er in seiner späteren Laufbahn massiv Daten gefälscht hatte, verlor ein ehemaliger Star-Physiker seinen akademischen Grad - zu Recht, befand jetzt das Verfassungsgericht. Mehr...
5 octobre 2014

So verhindern nervöse Studenten Patzer im Referat

SPIEGEL ONLINEDas erste Referat an der Uni macht vielen Studenten Angst. Doch mit der richtigen Vorbereitung klappt jeder Vortrag - eine Anleitung für Stressgeplagte. Mehr...
5 octobre 2014

Prämien an Hochschulen: Professoren im warmen Boni-Regen

SPIEGEL ONLINEVon "duz"-Autor Benjamin Haerdle. Voller Einsatz bringt Extrageld: An Hochschulen dürfen sich fast nur Professoren über Boni freuen, Höchstleistungen von Mitarbeitern werden kaum gewürdigt. Warum nicht. Mehr...
5 octobre 2014

Studienkredit als Schuldenfalle: Es kommt der Tag, da musst du bezahlen

SPIEGEL ONLINEVon Saskia Ibrom. Mit 37.000 Euro Schulden ins Arbeitsleben: Rafael, heute Art Director, verließ sich bei der Finanzierung seines Grafikstudiums auf die Deutsche Bank. Heute weiß er, dass das keine gute Entscheidung war. Mehr...
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