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20 octobre 2014

Students reject the ‘Model Minority Myth’

usa todayBy . “You’re Asian, of course you’re good at math!”
This is the statement that Hannah Zhang, a sophomore at Columbia University, says she heard constantly growing up.
“I’m Chinese American, studying economics at an Ivy League school, good at piano, class valedictorian from high school. I guess you could say I fit the model minority myth,” she says. More...

20 octobre 2014

Will education technology be the next growth sector?

The Boston GlobeBy Eileen Rudden. Massachusetts’ innovation economy is a well-recognized engine for economic growth in the Commonwealth. Its higher ed sector is world renowned, and its K-12 school system leads the United States in student outcomes. Education curriculum and program developers have long thrived here.
Now the education technology ecosystem is growing from the convergence of these unique Massachusetts’ strengths. It has the potential to provide major growth in jobs to the Commonwealth, and new time-saving or quality-enhancing products and services for learners. More...

20 octobre 2014

Colloque à la Sorbonne : sentir, entendre, voir...dans toutes les langues !

VousNousIlsPar Sandra Ktourza, Relecture : Mme Irina THOMIERES. Le Centre de Linguistique en Sorbonne (CeLiSo) orga­ni­sait début octobre un col­loque sur les mots des sens, au tra­vers de plu­sieurs langues vivantes. Petite présentation.
Le CeLiSo pro­pose plu­sieurs mani­fes­ta­tions scien­ti­fiques, col­loques, jour­nées d'études et sémi­naires, ouvertes au grand public au cours de l'année. La Journée d'étude inti­tu­lée « Les mots des sens / le sens des mots », orga­ni­sée par Irina Thomières, maître de confé­rences de lin­guis­tique russe à l'université Paris Sorbonne, s'inscrit dans cette tra­di­tion. Cette mani­fes­ta­tion s'est dérou­lée ven­dredi 3 octobre et a réuni les cher­cheurs qui s'intéressent au domaine de la per­cep­tion et au rap­port « per­cep­tion – langue ». Il s'agissait de recen­ser et d'ana­ly­ser les moyens lan­ga­giers qui sont à la dis­po­si­tion du locu­teur qui sou­haite expri­mer des sen­sa­tions d'ordre sonore, olfac­tif, tac­tile, gus­ta­tif et visuel. La Journée a réuni d'éminents lin­guistes spé­cia­listes du fran­çais, de l'anglais, de l'allemand et du russe qui exercent à l'université Paris Sorbonne, mais aussi à l'INALCO, à Strasbourg, à Nice et à Reims. Suite de l'article...
20 octobre 2014

A Future of Growing Intolerance? Liz Reisberg. “Anita Sarkeesian, a feminist writer, called off a speech at Utah State University after the institution received threats that a deadly shooting would take place if she appeared.” 
Last year there were a number of incidents along these lines, albeit nothing quite so potentially violent. I had read with dismay that students at Brown University had succeeded in shouting down a talk by NYC police commissioner, Raymond Kelly. Read more...
20 octobre 2014

Education Requires People, Duh! John Warner. I turn 45 in six months’ time. Recently, my wife asked me what I wanted.
“A six-pack,” I replied.
“That’s it?” she said. “Sam Adams? Sierra Nevada? Westbrook White Thai?”
“Abs,” I said.
It’s not that I’m particularly vain, it’s just that reclaiming a flat stomach at 45 would signal – to myself above all others – that I’m capable of holding off the worst of the inevitable decay for a bit longer. Read more...

20 octobre 2014

New Models of Higher Education

By Steven Mintz. In recent years, a succession of new educational models have been held up as the future of higher education.
The next-generation university, we are told, will be built around flipped classrooms.  Or competency-based education. Or, perhaps, clicks will replace bricks, with instruction moving online.
Team-based learning, mentored research, collaborative education emphasizing peer-to-peer instruction, or problem-based learning – these, too, have been called the future of a post-secondary education. More...

20 octobre 2014

Single-Purpose Student Affairs Mobile Apps Eric Stoller. Campus Recreation & Intramurals (CRI) at Georgia Southern University has gone mobile. Created by Chris Butler and his student staff, CRI Mobile represents a shift from multi-faceted campus apps to single-purpose mobile apps. It's a move that is similar to how Facebook spun off their popular Messenger application. LinkedIn is another company that has implemented a similar single-serve mentality. More...

20 octobre 2014

Sustainability Commandment #1 G. Rendell. If there are sustainability commandments, this has to be the first.
This is your planet, your home.  It’s the only one you’re ever going to have, so if you want to continue having it, you’ve got to take care of it.  Its resources and capacities are finite.  Demand more in the way of resources than it can supply, or exceed any of its various capacities on a continuing basis, and it won’t be your home for long.  The planet will survive, but you won’t.  And the planet won't care.
Not only is some version of the above the most pervasive truth behind the sustainability challenges now staring us in the face (whether or not we choose to look), it’s also the truth most often ignored or tacitly contradicted in most higher ed curricula. Read more...

20 octobre 2014

The Dog That Isn’t Barking Matt Reed. Sometimes, the dog that doesn’t bark is more telling than the dog that does.
Massachusetts has a gubernatorial election next month. The incumbent is term-limited out of office, so in terms of incumbent effects, it’s an open seat.
But from walking around campus, you wouldn’t know it. Read more...

20 octobre 2014

Nerdy Dad Strikes Again! Matt Reed. I try not to subject the kids to too many of my pet obsessions. Last weekend, though, I just couldn’t resist.
How often do you get to see the Magna Carta?
We took the kids to the Clark Art Institute, in Williamstown, to see the “Radical Words” exhibit. It’s there for a few more weeks, and I really can’t recommend it highly enough. Read more...

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