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20 octobre 2014

Misconceptions Challenge Efficiency in Higher Ed

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. 1. Why is increasing operational efficiency a top-of-mind priority for higher education leaders today?
There are two or three very obvious answers to that question. First of all, there’s an increasing level of expectation about higher education attainment in the States. So far, about 37 states have identified increased education attainment as a statewide goal or priority. They vary enormously from state to state, but it’s the single goal shared by the states when they established their public agendas and as part of that, there’s an increasing awareness that an individual’s life chances in the absence of some form of postsecondary education are not very good. More...

20 octobre 2014

Economies of Scale and Higher Ed: What Postsecondary Leaders Can Learn from Industry

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. 1. What are some of the most significant areas of inefficiency higher education leaders struggle with in institutional management?
There’s a lot of pressure on presidents and boards of trustees to control costs, and not surprisingly so, because the cost of higher education if you look at the last 10, 15 years, has far exceeded inflation. There’s extreme pressure to bring the cost of higher education down. A lot of the focus on efficiency is cost driven and, if you think about how universities work, especially state universities, you know they try to be all things to all people. More...

20 octobre 2014

Patience and Understanding Critical to Successful Transitions

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. 1. Why do institutional leaders look to reengineering organizations as a mechanism to improve operational efficiency?
There are several reasons for this. External forces sometimes drive reengineering. In higher education, we’re facing increasing pressure to achieve operational and cost efficiencies through automation, better integration of services, more sharing of resources — which includes people, data and information — and so on. We simply have to find ways to do things more efficiently within a static or shrinking resource space. More...

20 octobre 2014

Efficiency Through Expansion Is the Key to Success

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. 1. What are some of the biggest challenges higher education leaders face when they look to improve the back-end efficiency of their institutions?
The pressure is on from federal and state governments, consumers at large and industries to reduce the cost of higher education and to better achieve outcomes consistent with the needs of students seeking employment. More...

20 octobre 2014

The strengths and weaknesses of MOOCs: Part I Tony Bates. How many times has an author cried: ‘Oh, God, I wish I’d never started on this!’? Well, I wanted to have a short section on MOOCs within a chapter on design models for teaching and learning in my online textbook, ‘Teaching in a Digital Age‘ and it is probably poetic justice that the section on MOOCs is now ballooning into a monster of its own. Read more...
20 octobre 2014

What students learned from an MIT physics MOOC Tony Bates. I’m still not sure from reading the paper how much students actually learned from the MOOC. About 1,000 who finished the course got a certificate, but it is difficult to interpret the gain in knowledge. The statistical measurement of an average gain of 0.3 doesn’t mean a lot. There is some mention of the difference being between a B and a B+, but I have probably misinterpreted that. If it is the case, though, I certainly would expect students taking a 13 week course to do much better than that. It would have been more helpful to have graded students on the pre-test then compared those grades on the post-test. We could then see if gains were in the order of at least one grade better, for instance. Read more...
20 octobre 2014

Review of ‘Online Distance Education: Towards a Research Agenda.’ Tony Bates. It is somewhat daunting to review a book of over 500 pages of research on any topic. I doubt if few other than the editors are likely to read this book from cover to cover. It is more likely to be kept on one’s bookshelf (if these still exist in a digital age) for reference whenever needed. Nevertheless, this is an important work that anyone working in online learning needs to be aware of, so I will do my best to cover it as comprehensively as I can. Read more...
20 octobre 2014

Competency-Based Education: Not just a drinking game

By Phil Hill. Ray Henderson captured the changing trend of the past two EDUCAUSE conferences quite well.
Two years ago, the best-known competency-based education (CBE) initiatives were at Western Governors University (WGU), Southern New Hampshire University’s College for America (CfA), and SUNY’s Excelsior College. In an article this past summer describing the US Department of Education’s focus on CBE, Paul Fain noted. More...

20 octobre 2014

Woher kommt das Geld?

Von . Ein Auslandsstudium, zumal in den USA, ist teuer. Wir sagen, wie es sich finanzieren lässt – und welche Stipendien es gibt.
Wer innerhalb Europas für ein oder zwei Semester an eine andere Hochschule gehen möchte, kann sich für das Erasmus-Programm bewerben. Gefördert werden Aufenthalte zwischen drei und zwölf Monaten in 28 Staaten der Europäischen Union sowie in Norwegen, Island, Liechtenstein und der Türkei – aber nur dann, wenn die Heimathochschule auch am Programm teilnimmt. Die Höhe der Förderung richtet sich nach den Lebenshaltungskosten im Zielland und liegt zwischen 150 und 500 Euro monatlich: Studierende, die ihre Kinder mit ins Ausland nehmen, erhalten ebenso wie behinderte Studierende auf Antrag eine zusätzliche Unterstützung. Und: Erasmus-Stipendiaten zahlen keine Studiengebühren an der Gasthochschule. Mehr...

20 octobre 2014

Hochschulrektoren vermissen Studiengebühren

SPIEGEL ONLINEGaucheDeutschlands Hochschulrektoren fordern eine Rückkehr zu Studiengebühren, ihre Hochschulen seien "völlig unterausgestattet".
Sie sind wieder da: Die Forderungen nach Studiengebühren, dieses Mal und erneut vorgetragen von der Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK). Deren Präsident Horst Hippler sagte der "Süddeutschen Zeitung", die deutschen Hochschulen seien "völlig unzureichend ausgestattet". Bis hierhin dürften viele Studenten, die in diesen Wochen in ihr Wintersemester starten, zustimmen. Mehr...

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