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7 septembre 2014

In the future of higher education, students will hold power

By Benjamin Wermund. The balance of power has shifted. A once powerful oligarchy has started to crumble. The people are now in control. More...

7 septembre 2014

Campus banking products: College students face hurdles

University Business LogoCollege students face a variety of options on campus for accessing financial products. As regulations around the marketing of private student loans and school-branded credit cards have tightened in recent years, financial firms have increasingly marketed campus banking products to colleges, universities, and their students. Financial aid refund disbursement services, student ID cards linked to bank accounts or prepaid cards, and student checking and savings accounts are now common across U.S. campuses. While these products can be convenient for students and cost-effective for colleges and universities, certain campus banking products have come under scrutiny for their controversial fees and policies. Banking agreements between schools and financial firms may result in arrangements that expose students to aggressive marketing tactics, high or unusual fees, and restricted choices for managing their money.
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7 septembre 2014

College in a Box - Textbook giants are now teaching classes

By . This summer, Chad Mason signed up for online general psychology at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. This spring, Jonathan Serrano took intro to psychology online at Essex County College in Newark, New Jersey.
Though the two undergraduates were separated by more than 600 miles, enrolled in different institutions, and paying different tuitions, they were taking what amounts to the same course. More...

7 septembre 2014

Higher education improvements discussed

By . About 150 experts from across the higher educational spectrum got together Wednesday to talk about improving practices and outcomes at the state’s three research universities.
Representatives of the University of New Mexico, New Mexico State University and the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology continue their summit today to plan for future meetings and to put in writing highlights of the two-day conference. The “Student Success Summit 2014: Research Universities in a Diverse State,” is being held at UNM and is the first meeting of its kind. More...

7 septembre 2014

In Australia: Politics, the media, and distortion Andrys Onsman. The Australian newspaper has trumpeted that the Premier of South Australia’s call for that state’s three public universities to consider merging had been ‘rebuffed’. Before considering the merit or otherwise of such a merger, it would be wise to find out what the Premier actually said, and the context in which it was said. And, in which media outlet the issue was reported. Read more...

7 septembre 2014

The Data-driven Library of the Future

By Christopher Erdmann. Last November, Portland-based library design consultant Aaron Schmidt wrote on Twitter that he wanted to create logos and visual identity packages for libraries.
His first rule: “no likenesses of books.”
It goes without saying that libraries are changing from repositories for journals and books to engaged community centers which offer new services that not only respond to innovative research but help shape it. More...

7 septembre 2014

School Books - K-12 Edition John Warner. I’ve been reading a lot of education-related books lately. Some of it is because I’ve gotten especially interested in education reform and I’ve been hoovering up as much as I can manage on the subject.
Also, I just like reading.
A handful of brief capsule reviews/responses on my recent reads. Read more...

7 septembre 2014

We Could All Use a Little Tenure John Warner. If I had tenure, I’d be doing something else right now.
I’ve got a couple of writing projects I’m dying to do and tenure would help me do them.
People outside academia resent tenure. In fact, it’s so terrible, Campbell Brown wants to get rid of it for K-12 teachers as well. Read more...

7 septembre 2014

WWUD? G. Rendell. Let's construct a totally implausible scenario, just for the sake of discussion. In it, you get your eggs from a local poultry farmer.  You really like those eggs -- the yolks are yellower, the flavor's fuller, the whites whip up meringuier, the shells are more substantial, you don't worry  about using them raw because you know where they've been. Read more...

7 septembre 2014

Conversations, Clicks, Community, and Content Eric Stoller. How a school handles its social media endeavors says a lot about the culture on its campus. Some institutions treat their social media channels like virtual billboards. Content is pushed out, conversations rarely take place, and posts get little to no engagement. It's essentially a hallmark of the old ways of doing communications. Think of it as PR's not engaging and it's certainly not adding very much value for the various audiences who like to engage with a school. Contrast that type of social media use with what most agree as being part of the best practices communications mix: conversations, reciprocity, customer service, community-driven content, and a commitment to engagement-oriented missivesRead more...

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