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25 janvier 2014

Recrutement : Twitter pourrait très bientôt dépasser LinkedIn et Viadeo

Orientations : études, métiers, alternance, emploi, orientations scolaireLes recrutements via les réseaux sociaux professionnels - LinkedIn et Viadeo - sont de plus en plus nombreux. Mais ils pourraient bien se faire coiffer sur le poteau par des réseaux plus généralistes, à commencer par Twitter !
Twitter pour se faire recruter ? L'idée, qui a déjà séduit et marché pour des milliers d'étudiants et de jeunes diplômés, se montre de plus en plus efficace. Si bien que Gozaik, spécialiste du recrutement social, prédit que Twitter - dont le but premier est le loisir - pourrait bien dépasser les réseaux sociaux professionnels, tels que LinkedIn ou Viadeo. Suite...

25 janvier 2014

Palmarès des entreprises où il fait bon être stagiaire

Orientations : études, métiers, alternance, emploi, orientations scolaireLe cabinet Happy Trainees a listé les entreprises dont la gratification des stagiaires est la plus élevée. Car certains "salaires" peuvent dépasser la barre des 1 500 euros bruts ! A côté de cela, le site s'est également intéressé à leur ressenti global, l'argent ne faisant pas toujours le bonheur.
Alors que les stages sont en passe d'être encore mieux encadrés, certaines entreprises utilisant voire abusant parfois de cette main-d'œuvre qualifiée et bon marché, il arrive que certaines se montrent particulièrement généreuses avec leurs stagiaires. Suite...

25 janvier 2014

L'université de Nantes lance une licence en Sciences de l'éducation

Orientations : études, métiers, alternance, emploi, orientations scolaireL'établissement universitaire nantais vient d'annoncer le lancement, à la prochaine rentrée, d'une licence mention "Sciences de l'éducation". Ce cursus sera progressif et correspond bien aux attentes du ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur de rendre davantage lisible l'offre de licences.
L'université de Nantes verra arriver une nouvelle licence à la rentrée 2014. Il s'agira d'une licence mention "Sciences de l'éducation", qui se développera dans une logique de spécialisation progressive, conformément aux exigences du ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche. Suite...

25 janvier 2014

Segmenting the social media activities of your university

By Joachim Ekstrom. Social media goes across almost all borders and we often find ourselves with an audience representing a very diverse set of backgrounds, cultural values and differing needs. As marketers we understand the importance of adjusting to different market segments, and segmentation according to nationality is often the first step we make in this direction.  The University of Groningen in the Netherlands and Nova Scotia Community College in Canada are two examples of higher education institutions which have done this successfully.
Before implementing a segmented approach, here are three things you should keep in mind. More...

25 janvier 2014

Member stories: strengthening Franco-German cooperation

Read the story of an EAIE member who is actively working to promote cooperation and research between France and Germany. In this next post in our series highlighting the stories of EAIE members, Patricia Rohland tells us why the decision to build a career in international higher education was so easy, in addition to some of the many reasons why she continues to work in our field.
The Franco-German University is not a classical university. It is a network of 160 universities in France and Germany which offer more than 150 bi-national and tri-national study programmes in almost every study field. Our mission is to actively promote cooperation and research between both countries and to foster university partnerships. Together with my team, I am in charge of public relations, public private partnerships and alumni relations. Our mission can be described as a chain that goes from student recruitment, to relationships with current students and all the way through to alumni relations. We are also in charge of all external partnerships: the cooperation with the business world, foundations, institutions in the field of higher education and political institutions. As our institution is quite young – it was created in 1999 – it is a daily challenge to increase its visibility towards all target groups. More...

25 janvier 2014

Ubuntu: I am who I am because of you

By Leonard Engel and Hans-Georg van Liempd. Are international education associations living in their own bubble? What do they do to create access and equity for people and ideas from emerging or developing countries? How can they work together to advance the internationalisation of the higher education agenda? These were some of the questions contemplated by the leaders of key international higher education organisations who gathered in Port Elizabeth, South Africa last week to discuss the future agenda of the internationalisation of higher education.
This Global Dialogue was a first in its kind and was initiated and hosted by the EAIE’s sister organisation, the International Education Association of South Africa (IEASA). One of the aims was to have an “in-depth discussion about the power relationships that currently drive the world of higher education internationalisation”, and – one may add – the discourse about internationalisation. More...

25 janvier 2014

Key skills revealed for future leaders of international education

Aspiring international education leaders face the challenge of working in a constantly changing environment. The funding opportunities available, government visa regulations, key student markets and education delivery formats are undergoing change at an ever increasing rate. A recent study on the challenges faced by leaders in the field has revealed the key obstacles and pressing needs for those at the forefront of driving the internationalisation of higher education into a new age.
The final report from the joint European-Australian study ‘Leadership Needs in International Higher Education in Australia and Europe’, conducted by the EAIE and the International Education Association of Australia (IEAA) highlights the essential capabilities needed by international education leaders in Europe and Australia in light of the challenges they face. Despite certain differences between the two continents, mostly attributed to the different realities they operate in, the constantly changing international environment, together with the mainstreaming of international education and the related pressing need to improve cooperation between academics and administrators, were key issues highlighted by leaders in both regions. More...

25 janvier 2014

Les ambitions et les attentes de la génération Y concernant la société

Orientations : études, métiers, alternance, emploi, orientations scolaireLe cabinet Deloitte vient de dévoiler la troisième édition de sa "Millennial Survey". Ce que recherche la génération Y ? Des mesures ambitieuses ! La preuve : 70 % des dirigeants de demain pourraient rejeter ce que les entreprises classiques ont à leur proposer…
La génération Y est vraiment une génération à part. Une précédente étude l'avait qualifiée de non-individualiste : ce trait de caractère a été une nouvelle fois confirmé par la troisième édition de la Millennial Survey de Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL), qui vient d'être publiée. Suite...

25 janvier 2014

The Green University Rankings 2010 Universitas Indonesia launched a GreenMetric Ranking that measured contributions to sustaining the environment and steps to combat global climate change.
The criteria are setting and infrastructure, energy and climate change, waste, water, transportation and education.
In the 2013 ranking, announced on January 17th 2014,   there were 301 participants from 61 countries.
First place went to the University of Nottingham, UK, followed by University College Cork, Ireland, Northeastern University, USA, Bradford University, UK and The University of Connecticut, USA, which held the number one spot in 2012.
Source: UI GreenMetric World University Ranking.

25 janvier 2014

CEC Ranking Chinese Universities China Education Center  has updated its China University Ranking. The top five places are as follows:

  1. Peking University
  2. Tsinghua University
  3. Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  4. Fudan University
  5. Wuhan University.

Peking has held the first place since 2008 when it replaced Tsinghua University. This ranking is produced by the Chinese University Alumni Association. The methodology, according to the Center’s web site, includes:

  • Government recognition
  • Research
  • Faculty
  • Program
  • Student
  • Reputation
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