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25 janvier 2014

Network for the Enhancement of Digital Competence Skills

DigiSkills aims to bring together and further develop content, services, pedagogies and practices for lifelong learning in school/university/adult population, formulating specific scenarios of use of learning tools and platforms which will be tested with real users from eight countries and evaluated in terms of their impact, with a particular attention to institutional as well as pedagogical innovation and change. More...

25 janvier 2014

A look ahead at the eLearning Papers topics of 2014

Tapio Koskinen, Director of the Editorial Board of eLearning Papers, has announced the research topics that will be covered by the online journal in the coming year. 
“We just completed a very successful year for eLearning Papers. We have very big audiences; some of the articles had close to 150.000 hits,” said Koskinen.
eLearning Papers is an online journal that enables the timely exchange of information on open education, open educational resources (OER), and ICT in education in Europe. More...

25 janvier 2014

The FUN starts in France with a new batch of MOOCs

France Université Numérique (FUN), a new platform for massive open online courses (MOOCs), has kicked off its first courses, with more to come in the next few weeks.
FUN offers 28 courses in eight different fields such as health, management, and digital technologies.  Over 100.000 users have registered to the website, and 50% of them logged in on the first day of class.
The first eight courses started last week, and another five courses will start on January 27:

Comment choisir ses cours en ligne ? por lemondefr. More...

25 janvier 2014

Strengthening inclusive education in the Maghreb region

ESN logoThe UMEI (“Universités du Maghreb: Enseignement Inclusif" (Maghreb Universities: Inclusive Education) Tempus project consortium recently released its final report  under the title “Formulating inclusive education university strategies”. UMEI was an ambitious project aiming at the successful implementation of strategies promoting improved access to universities in the Maghreb for three target groups of students with special needs (related to economic insecurity, geographical origin or disability). The report especially highlights that the “level of exclusion differs according to the country and to the specific type of group of students” with each of the target groups resembling a different world. More...

25 janvier 2014

Cedefop at the interface of training, skills, qualifications and employability

Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational TrainingPresenting Cedefop’s work at the European Parliament, the Centre’s new Director, James Calleja, said that all its activities ‘aim at emphasising the inescapable link between training, skills, qualifications and employability.’
‘Cedefop’s work is at the interface between education and training and the needs of the labour market,’ stressed Mr Calleja.
‘Employability is crucial for the future of the Union and it is necessary to ensure that the economic crisis is tackled through a responsive and skilled workforce,’ he added.
Mr Calleja noted that, when he was appointed Director in October 2013, he found ‘a vibrant European Centre, which is increasingly pivotal in the European Union’s mission to address high levels of unemployment, particularly among young people.’ More...

25 janvier 2014

Erasmus+: the new EU programme for Education, Training, Youth, and Sport for 2014-2020

European Commission logoErasmus+: the new EU programme for Education, Training, Youth, and Sport for 2014-2020.
The Erasmus+ programme aims to boost skills and employability, as well as modernising Education, Training, and Youth work. The seven year programme will have a budget of €14.7 billion; a 40% increase compared to current spending levels, reflecting the EU's commitment to investing in these areas.
Erasmus+ will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain work experience and volunteer abroad.
Erasmus+ will support transnational partnerships among Education, Training, and Youth institutions and organisations to foster cooperation and bridge the worlds of Education and work in order to tackle the skills gaps we are facing in Europe.
It will also support national efforts to modernise Education, Training, and Youth systems. In the field of Sport, there will be support for grassroots projects and cross-border challenges such as combating match-fixing, doping, violence and racism.
Erasmus+ brings together seven existing EU programmes in the fields of Education, Training, and Youth; it will for the first time provide support for Sport. As an integrated programme, Erasmus+ offers more opportunities for cooperation across the Education, Training, Youth, and Sport sectors and is easier to access than its predecessors, with simplified funding rules.

25 janvier 2014

Brulingua.brusselsEvery unemployed citizen of Brussels can now learn French, Dutch, English and German online
The Brussels employment office Actiris launched a language learning platform which is accessible free of charge to anyone officially registered as unemployed in Brussels with a computer connection within the Brussels Region.
The platform is managed by Altissia International, which also developed Wallangues, a free online platform that has been accessible for several years to anyone with a computer located in Wallonia.
It is hoped that in Brussels, too, the restriction to the unemployed will be lifted, and that all citizens of Brussels will soon be able to access this important new tool.

25 janvier 2014

European language label

Excellence and innovation in language learning and language teaching
French national agency 2e2f has been organizing the European Language Label for more than a decade. This initiative encourages excellent projects in the field of language teaching and learning. The Label is opened to any language including regional and minority languages, the sign language, and addresses everyone and all sectors.
In 2013 the European Language Label rewarded:

  • Lille, a represented region, in New-York 2013, coordinated by the Saint Jude Institution , for its students from the higher education branch.
  • Debating Bilingue, coordinated by Télécom ParisTech for engineering students,
  • Pek3 the Traveller Flea-Evolution, coordinated by vocational school pupils from Lycée Louis Bleriot in Trappes, for pupils from primary to secondary schools.
  • European Profiling Grid , coordinated by the CIEP for teachers/trainers/developers in the field of languages.
  • Let’s speak English in Morbihan , coordinated by the local authority Conseil Général du Morbihan, for lower secondary school pupils.
  • The Big Challenge , a European competition aiming at lower secondary school pupils

The official ceremony will take place on the 7th of February 2014 during Expolangues - a national exhibition gathering all the major players in the linguistic field. Click here to register!

25 janvier 2014

Mme Conway-Mouret, ministre déléguée aux Français de l'étranger, lance le programme Erasmus + à Bordeaux

Logo AgenceJeudi 16 janvier 2014, Mme Conway-Mouret, ministre déléguée auprès du ministre des Affairesétrangères, chargée des Français de l'étranger, a lancé le programme Erasmus +.
Ce lancement a débuté par un point presse, organisé au siège de l'agence 2e2f, avant de se poursuivre par une prise de parole à l'Iboat, devant une centaine de décideurs, professionnels de l'éducation et de la formation et partenaires de l'agence.
A cette occasion, ont notamment pris la parole  : Sandrine Doucet, députée de la Gironde ; Sonia Dubourg Lavroff, adjointe au maire de Bordeaux, chargée des relations avec l'Union européenne ; Anne-Marie Cocula, Vice-présidente du Conseil Région d'Aquitaine ;Vanessa Debiais-Sainton, Cheffe d'unité à la Commission Européenne.
Retrouvez le discours de Mme Conway-Mouret, ministre déléguée chargée des Français de l'étranger.

25 janvier 2014

Cérémonie de remise des prix Label européen des langues

Depuis plus de 10 ans maintenant l'agence 2e2f organise le label européen des langues, pédagogiques d'excellence en matière d'apprentissage et d'enseignement innovants des langues étrangères. Le label langues concerne toutes les langues y compris les langues régionales, minoritaires, la langue des signes, et s'adresse à tous les publics et à tous types de structures.
Les critères de labélisation sont: l'innovation, la pertinence la transférabilité et l'excellence.
La cérémonie de remise des prix est l'occasion de faire connaitre et reconnaitre les projets recevant le label européen des langues 2013 aux décideurs politiques, enseignants, formateurs, apprenants et à tous les passionnés de langues.
Un cocktail déjeunatoire, offert par l'agence 2e2f, viendra clôturer la cérémonie dans la convivialité.
Date limite d'inscription : 06/02/2014. Voir l'article...

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