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25 janvier 2014

The latest edition of IAU Horizons (Vol. 19 No.3) is now published

The In Focus section of the magazine includes 10 papers focusing on the theme: Student Tuition Fees – perspectives from around the world.
The magazine also provides further details of the IAU 2014 International Conference, on the theme: Blending Higher Education and Traditional Knowledge for Sustainable Development, to take place in Peru, in March 2014, at the Universidad Cientifica del Peru.
It also includes updates on recent IAU work and projects including for example, the IAU’s workshop on Open Educational Resources that took place in Ghana last September; the IAU- ACUP workshop on Doctoral Education and e supervision, which took place in Spain in October; the IAU Equitable Access and Success Workshop, that took place at the EAN World Congress on Access to post-Secondary Education, in Canada in October; and the IAU capacity building workshop on Internationalization which took place in Malaysia, in November 2013. It lists the new Members of IAU, the Association’s latest publications and a selection of books received at the IAU. Gilles Breton (University of Ottawa, Canada) writes about the book Handbook on Globalization and Higher Education. The magazine concludes with a Calendar of Events.
The next issue (Vol.20 No.1) will report on the outcomes of the IAU 2014 Annual Conference, and focus on MOOCS and OER.

25 janvier 2014

Tracking LEADHER projects’ impact

LEADHER leafletThe International Association of Universities (IAU) provides LEADHER grants to HEIs in order to assist them in their efforts to build/strengthen their institutional research management capacity through professional development opportunities for senior administrators. The programme is also designed to promote international cooperation and peer-learning by providing grants for projects that bring together at least two partner institutions. Finally, South-South cooperation is underlined.

How well these objectives are met, and most importantly what impact a LEADHER grant has had on IAU Members, can only be monitored and assessed with their assistance.

If, a few years ago, your institution was involved in a LEADHER Project, it is now time for you to let us know how this project has impacted on the activities of your institution and what results and follow-up have taken place. Thank you for taking the time to answer the questionnaire available here.

Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact Élodie Boisfer, IAU Programme Officer.

25 janvier 2014

Beyond MOOCs: Sustainable Online Learning in Institutions key opportunity for institutions is to take the concepts developed by the MOOC experiment to date and use them to improve the quality of their face-to-face and online provision, and to open up access to higher education. Most importantly, the understanding gained should be used to inform diversification strategies including the development of new business models and pedagogic approaches that take full advantage of digital technologies.
The critical discourse emerging around MOOCs is providing an opportunity for institutions to develop a more strategic approach to online learning. This includes enhancing existing classroom teaching practices, promoting institutional reputation and developing new revenue models. There are indications that some MOOCs are becoming more focussed on corporate training, which suggests that they may not pose a immediate threat to the existing pedagogical, revenue or business models of higher education institutions (HEIs). The number of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) will continue to grow with the development of credit bearing courses likely to be a trend. More...
Link: Beyond MOOCs Sustainable Online Learning in Institutions (PDF)
Link: Beyond MOOCs Sustainable Online Learning in Institutions (MS Word .docx)

25 janvier 2014

More Competition for Online Certificate Students Carl Straumsheim. An online course provider will this spring introduce bundles of courses created by top-tier universities that can be completed for certificates. That description fits both Academic Partnerships and Coursera, and both programs are called “Specializations."
The similarities are more than mere coincidence, as​ the two companies have since last summer discussed a partnership proposed by Academic Partnerships for its platform to use Coursera's university course offerings. Yet Coursera's Specializations, announced Tuesday morning, took Academic Partnerships CEO Randy Best by surprise. When the parties spoke last week, Best said Coursera “expressed that they were going to defer for now the idea of Specializations."
Academic Partnerships, which helps institutions take their degree programs online, had intended to announce its own Specializations after the Globalization of Higher Education conference in March, after spending 18 months and $20 million to lay the groundwork. Instead, Best learned of Coursera's announcement from a source at 1:50 a.m. Tuesday morning. The news spurred Academic Partnerships to issue a news release Tuesday afternoon, unveiling its Specializations two months earlier than planned. Read more...

25 janvier 2014

To Each According to its Degree: The Meritocracy and Topocracy of Embedded Markets J. Borondo, F. BorondoC. Rodriguez-Sickert & C. A. Hidalgo. A system is said to be meritocratic if the compensation and power available to individuals is determined by their abilities and merits. A system is topocratic if the compensation and power available to an individual is determined primarily by her position in a network. Here we introduce a model that is perfectly meritocratic for fully connected networks but that becomes topocratic for sparse networks-like the ones in society. In the model, individuals produce and sell content, but also distribute the content produced by others when they belong to the shortest path connecting a buyer and a seller. The production and distribution of content defines two channels of compensation: a meritocratic channel, where individuals are compensated for the content they produce, and a topocratic channel, where individual compensation is based on the number of shortest paths that go through them in the network. We solve the model analytically and show that the distribution of payoffs is meritocratic only if the average degree of the nodes is larger than a root of the total number of nodes. We conclude that, in the light of this model, the sparsity and structure of networks represents a fundamental constraint to the meritocracy of societies. More...

24 janvier 2014

7e édition des Rencontres Universités Entreprises

Bienvenue sur le site de la 7e édition des Rencontres Universités Entreprises ! 
Initiées par AEF en juin 2008 sous forme d’un colloque, les RUE se tiennent désormais au Palais des Congrès de Paris, signe des attentes fortes de tous ceux qui sont attachés au développement de la relation entre l’enseignement supérieur, la recherche et les entreprises.
Cette 7ème édition mettra en avant quatre temps forts pour mieux structurer l’animation (Formation/Insertion, R&D Innovation, Communautés pros et International), sept villages pour mieux identifier les publics (Village des PME, Village des Fédérations professionnelles, Village R&D, Village Numérique, Village Attractivité des campus, Village International et Village économie sociale et solidaire), un forum de recrutement pour les masters et doctorants.
Nous vous souhaitons une bonne visite et des échanges fructueux !

Patrick Levy Waitz                                          Catin_JM1

Danielle Deruy,                                       Jean-Michel Catin
Directeur Général de Groupe AEF       Directeur de la rédaction d’AEF

24 janvier 2014

Venez rencontrer des candidats qualifiés niveau bac + 5 et plus (Master 2 et Doctorat) grâce aux Rendez-vous de l'Emploi !

Votre société recrute de jeunes diplômé(e)s ? Venez rencontrer des candidats qualifiés niveau bac + 5 et plus (Master 2 et Doctorat) grâce aux Rendez-vous de l'Emploi !
Profitez des Rendez-vous de l'Emploi spécial alternance organisés par le ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche à l'occasion des RUE 2014 pour présenter vos compétences à des sociétés en phase de recrutement.
Ce service entièrement gratuit vous offre l'opportunité de saisir un profil en ligne et de postuler aux offres de formation des recruteurs participant à l'opération, qui recherchent de jeunes diplômé(e)s des Universités afin de pourvoir des missions en alternance au sein de leur société. Suite...

24 janvier 2014

Jeunes diplômé(e)s des universités, vous recherchez un emploi niveau bac +5 et plus (Master 2 et Doctorat)

Profitez des Rendez-vous de l'Emploi spécial alternance organisés par le ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche à l'occasion des RUE 2014 pour présenter vos compétences à des sociétés en phase de recrutement.
Ce service entièrement gratuit vous offre l'opportunité de saisir un profil en ligne et de postuler aux offres de formation des recruteurs participant à l'opération, qui recherchent de jeunes diplômé(e)s des Universités afin de pourvoir des missions en alternance au sein de leur société. Suite...

24 janvier 2014

Votre société recherche des candidat(e)s en alternance ? Venez rencontrer des candidats qualifiés niveau post-bac

Votre société recherche des candidat(e)s en alternance ? Venez rencontrer des candidats qualifiés niveau post-bac (BTS, DUT, Licence, Master pro et MBA).
Profitez des Rendez-vous de l'Emploi spécial alternance organisés par le ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche à l'occasion des RUE 2014 pour présenter vos compétences à des sociétés en phase de recrutement.
Ce service entièrement gratuit vous offre l'opportunité de saisir un profil en ligne et de postuler aux offres de formation des recruteurs participant à l'opération, qui recherchent de jeunes diplômé(e)s des Universités afin de pourvoir des missions en alternance au sein de leur société. Suite...

24 janvier 2014

Jeunes diplômé(e)s des universités, vous recherchez une entreprise pour votre formation en alternance

Profitez des Rendez-vous de l'Emploi spécial alternance organisés par le ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche à l'occasion des RUE 2014 pour présenter vos compétences à des sociétés en phase de recrutement.
Ce service entièrement gratuit vous offre l'opportunité de saisir un profil en ligne et de postuler aux offres de formation des recruteurs participant à l'opération, qui recherchent de jeunes diplômé(e)s des Universités afin de pourvoir des missions en alternance au sein de leur société. Suite...

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