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Formation Continue du Supérieur

26 mai 2013

Dispositions relatives aux stages en milieu professionnel dans l’enseignement supérieur RELATIVES AUX STAGES EN MILIEU PROFESSIONNEL
Projet de loi relatif à l’enseignement supérieur et à la recherche.
…Article 15 ter (nouveau)
À la fin de l’intitulé de la section 4 du chapitre II du titre Ier du livre VI de la troisième partie du code de l’éducation, le mot: « entreprise » est remplacé par les mots: « milieu professionnel »
Article 15 quater (nouveau)

L’article L. 612-8 du code de l’éducation est ainsi rédigé:
« Art. L. 612-8. – Les stages en milieu professionnel ne relevant ni de l’article L. 4153-1 du code du travail, ni de la formation professionnelle tout au long de la vie, telle que définie à la sixième partie du même code, font l’objet d’une convention entre le stagiaire, l’organisme d’accueil et l’établissement d’enseignement dont les modalités sont déterminées par décret.
« Ces stages sont intégrés à un cursus pédagogique scolaire ou universitaire, selon des modalités déterminées par décret.
Un volume pédagogique minimal de formation, ainsi que les modalités d’encadrement du stage par l’établissement d’origine et l’organisme d’accueil sont fixés par ce décret et précisés dans la convention de stage.
« Le stage correspond à une période temporaire de mise en situation en milieu professionnel au cours de laquelle l’étudiant acquiert des compétences professionnelles qui mettent en œuvre les acquis de sa formation en vue de l’obtention d’un diplôme ou d’une certification.
Le stagiaire se voit confier une ou des missions conformes au projet pédagogique défini par son établissement d’enseignement et approuvées par l’organisme d’accueil.
« Les stages ne peuvent pas avoir pour objet l’exécution d’une tâche régulière correspondant à un poste de travail permanent de l’entreprise. »
Texte résultant des délibérations de l’Assemblée nationale à l’issue de la seconde séance du 24 mai 2013.
Voir aussi L’abus de stages est aussi dû aux étudiants, La sempiternelle question du stage, Les stages en entreprise devraient être prochainement davantage encadrés, Nous allons limiter la durée des stages à six mois, Le stage étudiant en entreprises, Les stages font une entrée timide en licence universitaire, Stages, Valeur professionnelle des stages étudiants, Stages du Supérieur, Le stage étudiant en entreprise, «Nous allons traquer les marchands de stages», Stages étudiants, encore un effort pour réduire les abus, Guide du stage étudiant, Les stages étudiants en entreprise, «Que l’on traque les abus concernant les stages», Nouvelle législation pour l'apprentissage et les stages, Qualité des stages dans l’enseignement supérieur, Payer pour un stage: les universités rejoignent le mouvement. FORÁLACHA IN OILIÚINT LÁTHAIR OIBRE
Bille ar ardoideachas agus ar thaighde. Níos mó...
26 mai 2013

Managing Risk Richard Wilson. When I first started seeing the phrase “enterprise risk management” pop up in higher education literature, my reaction was one of skepticism. It seemed to me yet another idea of limited value that someone had created a label for, to make it seem more important than it really was.  Although some of that skepticism remains, I find myself increasingly in sympathy with some of its basic tenets, particularly in relation to preparing for risks arising from operating conditions, natural disasters and poor planning. Read more...
26 mai 2013

Thoughts on a Manifesto Matt Reed. Sean Michael Morris’ “Manifesto for Community Colleges, Lifelong Learning, and Autodidacts” is getting some traction, and it’s easy to see why.  Morris argues that we’re in the midst of a massive transformation of higher education, in which students are left much more to their own devices than they once were. As Morris puts it,
The new culture of learning is one where learning takes place all the time, everywhere, and according to learners’ own preferences and motivations. Disappearing quickly are the rigor, expectations, and outcomes provided by the structures of a traditional education; and coming to the fore is an autonomous learner, who is her own authority on what’s relevant, germane, vital to her own education. Wide and resounding is the call: “The learner has changed! And so has learning changed!” And it follows that if they wish to survive, institutions of learning must change, too. Read more...
26 mai 2013

LMS 4.0: Will Semantic Remorse Lead to Student Engagement? Kenneth C. Green. The official launch of the summer LMS conference cycle begins on Wednesday, May 15th at the IMS Global Conference in San Diego. Scott Jaschik, co-editor of Inside Higher Ed, will moderate a panel laden with the representatives of six LMS applications: Blackboard, Desire2Learn, eCollege, Instructure, LoudCloud, and Moodle. (For whatever reasons, conspicuously absent from the crowded list of LMS brands on the IMS panel are Jenzabar, which is the one higher education ERP provider that also offers a LMS to its campus clients, and also Sakai.) In the weeks and months that follow, most if not all these LMS groups will host their own gathering of their tribes to share campus success stories, to discuss new features and functions, and to announce new partnerships ahead of the new academic year. Read more...
26 mai 2013

A Sustainable AASHE (?) G. Rendell. To begin, let me correct an error in my previous post. I stated that the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) had grown out of an earlier and more specialized organization called the Consortium for Environmental Education in Medicine.  I thought that to be true based on governing documents published on the AASHE website, but the actual history is somewhat different. I've been told by One Who Was There that, functionally and operationally, AASHE started out as a grant-funded regional effort -- EfS West. When a decision was made to expand to national scale, conversion of the approved-but-inoperative CEEM charter was decided upon as likely easier and less expensive than starting a whole new non-profit application from scratch.  Thus, the paper trail indicates one history but reality lies somewhere else. Read more...
26 mai 2013

Cities, MOOCs, Global Networks Kris Olds. The last several days of higher ed media coverage have been rich with discussions about the tangle of global networks being formed.  A case in point is this announcement, by Imperial College London and Zhejiang University, to collaborate on a new initiative in London's White City. Much like the Amsterdam's plans to establish a new university ('On Amsterdam's Plans to Establish a Third University'), and the Cornell-Technion experiment in New York City, these global networks are quite tightly configured and very urban-centered: they are being harnessed to create new spaces of knowledge production to creatively unsettle and hopefully strengthen city-region innovation systems. Read more...
26 mai 2013

The Job Market Maze Ashley Wiersma. Many of us are preparing to enter the academic job market this fall and are wondering where to start and how to navigate this unfamiliar and intimidating terrain. In a recent professional development talk at Michigan State University, Dr. Sowande’ Mustakeem offered the following suggestions from her own successful experience on the job market:
Begin early:

  • How do you want to market yourself? Begin to think about this question early in your graduate career and fine-tune your answer along the way.
  • Start your job search early, generally the August before you plan to graduate.
  • Begin drafting cover letters, CV, teaching philosophy, and leadership statements the summer before you go on the market. Take the time to differentiate yourself from other candidates. Read more...
26 mai 2013

Not Lottery/Not Meritocracy, What Is It? Warner. There was a time when I thought of myself as “The Rejectionist.” From 2003 until 2007 I edited McSweeney’s Internet Tendency. Many of you may not know this publication, but it is a cultishly popular website associated with McSweeney’s Publishing, a company founded by author/activist Dave Eggers. Among certain demographics, McSweeney’s means something. For that period of time, every week I would reject 200 or more submissions while accepting anywhere between three and five. Our rejection rate approached 99%. Since 2007, I’ve had a different, much more pleasant, editorial role with McSweeney’s, but to give the current editor a break, I’ve been back at the helm of the S.S. Heartbreak, and it’s got me thinking about things. Read more...

26 mai 2013

The latest in law, policy and IT Mitrano. MOOCs: edX has some new partners, Cornell among them, named CornellX. Sometimes a later adoption is the right financial and strategic move, as was the minimal wait the Provost (with all kinds of administrative and faculty support behind him) gave before committing the University. My personal opinion? I am thrilled with the choice, the process, so far, as how the CU came to this decision, and look forward to future developments. Cornell has some outstanding teaching as well as research faculty. Moreover, in this digital age, I could not imagine a better approach to its long-standing commitment to outreach both as New York State's land-grant college and as a private university. Salute! Read more...
26 mai 2013

End Robo-Research Assessment Barbara Fister. Some clever and thoughtful people at the American Society for Cell Biology have done us all a favor by putting in writing something that is so good and so true that I’m delighted by it. The Journal Impact Factor has gone from being a rough measure of relative journal significance to being the measure of researchers, something it was never designed for and something it does badly. The Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) is intended as a “worldwide initiative covering all scholarly disciplines.” Read more...
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