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Formation Continue du Supérieur

17 mars 2014

Revalorisation des salaires minima dans les organismes de formation

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)La FFP et les organisations syndicales, hormis la CGT et FO, ont convenu d'une augmentation de 1,25 % des salaires minima dans les organismes de formation privés, portant ainsi la valeur du point à 103,116 € à compter du 1er janvier 2014.
En outre, les minima conventionnels sont fixés à 17 421 € pour la catégogie A1, 17 465 € pour la catégorie A2, 17 508 € pour la catégorie B1 et 17 552 € pour la catégorie B2.
Ces majorations sont conditionnées par la publication de l'arrêté d'extension totale de l'avenant conclu le 18 décembre 2013.
Lire l'avenant et la nouvelle grille sur le site du SNPEFP-CGT

17 mars 2014

Les bilans pédagogiques et financiers 2014 des OF sont en ligne

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Les prestataires de formation sont tenus de transmettre annuellement, un bilan pédagogique et financier (BPF) relatif à leur activité en matière de formation professionnelle au titre du dernier exercice comptable clos, accompagné des documents comptables correspondants.
A cette fin, le formulaire et sa notice 2014 sont désormais en ligne sur Les organismes peuvent ainsi se connecter sur ce site pour télésaisir leur BPF.
Attention : cette saisie en ligne ne les dispense pas d’envoyer avant le 30 avril 2014, au Service régional de contrôle (Direccte), un exemplaire papier du BPF, daté, signé et accompagné du bilan comptable, du compte de résultat et de l’annexe du dernier exercice clos.
A défaut d'envoi dans ce délai, la déclaration d’activité devient caduque.
En l'absence d'activité de formation professionnelle au titre du dernier exercice comptable clos, un BPF doit être retourné, daté et signé, avec la mention « NEANT ».

17 mars 2014

Is a degree becoming a drawback?

Go to the Globe and Mail homepageBy Leah EichlerI. My husband and I recently undertook the unenviable task of decluttering our storage room, an area of the house I normally treat as a no-man’s land since it’s cold, has spiders and is littered with junk. After throwing out the antique golf clubs, broken baby furniture and aging university textbooks, the act of discarding useless materials started to feel addictive and liberating. Then we stumbled upon several large, framed diplomas. My husband flippantly suggested that we should roll one up and smoke it. More...

17 mars 2014

Co-op programs can offer direct line to a job

By Melissa Brazier. Students learn to present themselves and develop great communication skills.
He's only 26, but Derrick Fung is already CEO and co-founder of a startup company that won Billboard's FutureSound Innovators Showcase and landed him on Profit magazine's top 20 entrepreneurs under 30 and Forbes magazine's “30 under 30” list for music. Fung is the first to admit his road to success started in 2005 when he enrolled in a co-op program at the University of Toronto. More...

17 mars 2014

Upskilling for a second career

By Vanessa Milne. Since 2008 74,000 people have participated in an Ontario program that funds post-secondary education. After Sambra Marrodan from Aurora was laid off in 2012 she had trouble finding work. She’d been a billing analyst for Rogers Communications for about six years, but the training she had received “was strictly Rogers, their software, their data,” she says, so it wasn’t transferable. More...

17 mars 2014

International students used as 'cash cows,' prof says

cbc masthead logoA University of Windsor professor is accusing the school of accepting international students because they're "cash cows."
On average, international students pay between $15,000 and $18,000 for two semesters at the University of Windsor. That's why international students are so important, according to Pamela Milne, women's studies professor. More...

17 mars 2014

TTIP 'threatens' European education quality, teachers say

EurActiv LogoDriven by concerns about privatisation, European students and teachers demand that education be excluded from the EU-US free trade deal.
Although most of the negotiating papers in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) talks are kept behind closed doors, the European Students’ Union (ESU) has raised concerns about the fact that public education could be treated as an ordinary economic service. More...

17 mars 2014

The Best Way to Spread Democracy Abroad? Welcome Foreign Students

By . As Washington wonders how to encourage democratic reform in North Korea, Burma, and Iran and how to shore up new democracies in the Middle East and Africa, it seems clear what not to do: invasion. On measures of civil and political rights, countries we have invaded (Afghanistan, Iraq) are roughly equal with those we haven’t (Iran and Burma, respectively). As it turns out, soft power may be far more effective. In particular, educating future leaders here in the U.S. could be one of the most powerful and cost-effective ways to spread democracy that we have. In 2008, about one in five of the 3.3 million foreign students enrolled worldwide were studying in the U.S., and while that’s still a tiny share of the planet’s 7 billion population, foreign-educated students have an outsize impact on their home countries. More...

17 mars 2014

University opens new chapter by branching out overseas

With dissolution averted, Mike Jones speaks to university leaders about the need to look beyond the confines of your own borders and across the globe in order to stay ahead in the world of higher education.
Controversial plans to dissolve Cardiff Metropolitan University stole headlines two years ago and in the intervening period, many within the pro-merger camp have watched with interest to see if it was justified in going it alone. More...

17 mars 2014

Les universités de Rennes avancent dans leur volonté de fusionner

Orientations : études, métiers, alternance, emploi, orientations scolaireLe conseil d'administration de l'université Rennes 2 vient d'approuver l'engagement de l'établissement dans le processus de création de la nouvelle université.
Les universités de Rennes continuent d'avancer sur leur projet de fusion. Le conseil d'administration de l'Université Rennes 2 vient ainsi d'approuver, avec 17 voix favorables sur 24 votants, l'engagement de l'établissement universitaires dans le processus de création de la nouvelle université de Rennes, au 1er janvier 2016. Suite...

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