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8 juillet 2012

Appel à concurrence - marché évaluation thématique PO FSE

cariforefLa Préfecture de Guadeloupe lance un appel à concurrence de 3 évaluations thématiques relatives au PO FSE 2007- 2013 de la Guadeloupe:
- Les effets du FSE sur la réduction des sorties prématurées du cursus scolaire sans qualification
- Le devenir des jeunes après le 2ème RSMA
- L’apprentissage: levier d’insertion durable des jeunes dans l’emploi?
Les conditions de remise des offres ou des candidatures/présentation des offres sont les suivantes:
Les dossiers de candidatures (renfermant les documents de candidature et d’offre), transmis sous format papier et CD-ROM, le seront sous pli cacheté, lequel pli portera la mention suivante:
Offre pour le marché relatif à trois évaluations thématiques du PO FSE 2007-2013 de la Guadeloupe
Préfecture de Guadeloupe
SGAR/ Cellule Europe
Impasse Majoute
Les date et heure limites de réception des offres sont le 14 août 2012 à 12h (heure locale).
Télécharger les documents relatifs au marché FSE.
cariforef The Prefecture of Guadeloupe calls up to three thematic evaluations of the OP ESF 2007 to 2013 of Guadeloupe:
- The effects of FSE on reducing early exits of the school curriculum without qualification

- The future of young after the second RSMA

- Learning: lever sustained integration of young people in employment?
8 juillet 2012

ANFH - rapport d’activité 2011

L’ANFH a publié le mercredi 20 juin son rapport d’activité 2011. Présentation des temps forts et des avancées majeures initiées en 2011 pour proposer une offre de services adaptée aux enjeux RH des établissements hospitaliers.
Les chiffres clés
- En 2011, 31 nouvelles structures totalisant plus de 13 000 agents ont fait le choix d’adhérer à l’ANFH
- 93,9% des établissements publics de santé sont adhérents de l’ANFH , soit 2 343 établissements et 873 129 agents
- 697 867 K€ ont été collectés par l’ANFH (vs 680 M€ en 2010, soit + 2,6%)
- 56,9% des agents des établissements adhérents ont eu accès à la formation
- Plus de 882 318 départs en formation (+ 5,2% par rapport à 2010) ont été financés dans le cadre du plan de formation
- 8,4 M€ de financements externes, issus notamment de partenariats
Les faits marquants
Les avancées majeures du projet stratégique 2008-2011:

- Un accès plus large aux études promotionnelles
- Une offre de services plus lisible et plus étendue : accompagnement à la FPTLV et à la GPMC, nouvelles fonctionnalités et déploiement accéléré de Gesform, ingénierie financière, professionnalisation de l’information et de la communication
- Plus de partenariats nationaux et régionaux. Exemples :  Partenariat ANFH/FIPHFP, convention de coopération en Basse-Normandie et en Ile de France entre les délégations ANFH et UNIFAF
- Une démarche qualité ANFH et la mesure de la satisfaction des adhérents
- Plus d'outils ANFH à disposition des adhérents : guide apprentissage, guide GPMC, nouveau site Internet de l’ANFH, 727 établissements équipés du logiciel Gesform et 400 équipés de Gesplan
5 projets phares en 2011:
- Dispositif d’accompagnement à la GPMC (déploiement régional) : 19 journées d’information, 2 500 participants
- Apprentissage dans la fonction publique hospitalière (phase d'expérimentation) : près de 200 contrats d’apprentissage signés
- Appui aux établissements sur les problématiques de handicap
- Recherche de financements externes: financements européens, partenariats engagés avec des conseils régionaux, ARS et autres partenaires régionaux,…
- Préparation de la mise en oeuvre du DPC. Télécharger le rapport d'activité 2011 de l'ANFH.

Η ANFH δημοσιευμένων Τετάρτη 20 Ιούνη 2011 έκθεση δραστηριοτήτων. Παρουσίαση από τα κυριώτερα σημεία και σημαντικές προόδους που ξεκίνησε το 2011 για να προσφέρουν υπηρεσίες προσαρμοσμένες στα νοσοκομεία ΥΕ προκλήσεις.
Βασικά στοιχεία

- Το 2011, 31 νέες δομές ανέρχονται σε πάνω από 13.000 υπάλληλοι έχουν επιλέξει να συμμετάσχουν στο ANFH

- 93,9% των ιδρυμάτων δημόσιας υγείας είναι μέλη του ANFH ή 2.343 μονάδες και 873.129 πράκτορες
. Περισσότερα...

8 juillet 2012

Montaigne TV - Priorité à l'emploi des jeunes

InstitutMontaigne TVOrientation, formation, diversité, désenclavement, intégration sociale et professionnelle...
La situation française est très grave: le taux de chômage des 15-24 ans est proche de 23% en France en 2012, chiffre qui s’élève à 43% pour les jeunes issus des zones urbaines sensibles (ZUS).
Pourtant, les expériences menées dans d'autres pays nous rappellent que le chômage massif des jeunes n'est pas une fatalité. Une politique volontariste et menée sur le long terme est la seule à même de porter remède à cette situation socialement inacceptable. Cet enjeu est prioritaire pour notre cohésion sociale et pour notre compétitivité.
A quelques jours de la tenue de la conférence sociale des 9 et 10 juillet 2012, l'Institut Montaigne a souhaité donner la parole à six personnalités afin de recueillir leur témoignage et leurs propositions pour aider les jeunes à s'insérer durablement dans l'emploi.
Priorité au recrutement: comment lutter efficacement contre la discrimination à l’emploi?
(06/07/2012), Saïd Hammouche, fondateur et directeur général de Mozaik RH.
Le chômage des jeunes des quartiers: cancer de la société française
(05/07/2012), Nordine Nabili, directeur du Bondy Blog.
Jeunes non diplômés: une urgence sociale
(04/07/2012), Olivier Galland, directeur de recherche au CNRS et sociologue spécialiste des questions de jeunesse.
L’entreprise: une machine à former et à intégrer? L’exemple de Quick
(03/07/2012), Marie-Claude Authias, DRH Groupe chez Quick restaurants.
Trois leviers pour réussir l'insertion des jeunes non qualifiés
(02/07/2012), Sandra Enlart, directrice générale d'Entreprise&Personnel.
InstitutMontaigne TV Orientation, training, diversity, isolation, social and professional integration ...
The French situation is very serious: the unemployment rate for 15-24 year olds is close to 23% in France in 2012, that figure rises to 43% for young people from disadvantaged urban zones (ZUS)
. More...
8 juillet 2012

Three-year bachelor’s degrees becoming fashionable in the United States

Nothing is constant but change. Constant changes in the higher education systems around the world have led to the fear of homogenisation or Americanisation. American higher education institutions (HEIs), especially private institutions, are however a fickle species highly responsive to economic changes. Therefore followers of the American myth who believe that a four-year liberal-arts-college type curriculum is better for students’ personal and career development may now find themselves trailing the passé of their heroes.
What is hot in the American higher education system this season is a fast track three-year Bachelor’s programme. According to the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, some 20 American colleges have started three-year programmes, “which are the norm in Europe and some other countries”, in order to make college education more affordable during the economic downturn. The most recent example is Wesleyan College, one of the most prominent colleges whose participation is believed to have added weight to the perceived value of three-year degrees.
Although it has been possible for students to finish in three years in the credit-based system before, most public universities and established private colleges or universities are still sceptical about the quality of three-year programmes. The pioneers of such programmes, however, argue that quality will be maintained by requiring the students to take the same amount of credits through structural incorporation of intensive summer sessions and Advanced Placement credits into the programmes. Moreover, they argue that a shorter cycle will not only save the students 20% of their tuition and fees, but also allow them to enter the labour market one year earlier. American employers’ absorption of three-year-degree graduates is not yet clear since it is a relatively new species. However, a 20% off the college bill of a private college student in the US who is paying USD 60.000 (EUR 48 000) a year, still, is a handsome saving and therefore a smaller debt upon graduation at the least. National NAICU. NAICU - Wesleyan.

8 juillet 2012

Agence 2e2f: LLP Statistics for All website launched

Launched on 25 June by the French National Agency Agence 2e2f, Statistics for All is a new web-based tool designed to provide European statistics on all Lifelong Learning Programme funded projects. The website includes detailed maps and charts displaying incoming and outgoing mobility flows among others.
The project is led by Agence 2e2f in collaboration with ten National Agencies including three other ACA members – Nuffic, SIU, and FRSE. Data is currently available for nine countries (Croatia, Cyprus, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, and Portugal) in seven different languages and covers the time period from 2008 to 2011. Statistics for All.

8 juillet 2012

ACA Annual Conference 2012 - Tying it all together

Can there be such a thing as an academically strong, socially inclusive, well-funded and internationally-oriented university? This was the key question behind this year’s Annual Conference of the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA). The conference’s main conclusion, expressed by final keynote speaker Sir Peter Scott, was that internationalisation, academic excellence, solid funding and social responsibility do not naturally occur together. To make them all happen at the same time in one and the same institution requires political will and interventionist policies, as well as abandoning higher education systems which are only or mainly market-driven.
The ACA Annual Conference 2012 took place in Helsinki, between 10 and 12 June, and was jointly organised by ACA and its Finnish member CIMO. The University of Helsinki hosted the event, which drew an audience of close to 300. ACA had once again succeeded in engaging top-level experts, among them Jamil Salmi (formerly World Bank), Sijbolt Noorda (ACA President), Joan Dassin (Ford Foundation/IIE), Rolf Hoffmann (Fulbright Germany) and Ulrich Grothus (Deputy Secretary General of DAAD). Most participants were highly pleased. One enthusiastic delegate, who had brought along many colleagues, highlighted the different “perspectives on internationalisation” which the “fantastic speakers” provided.
Next year’s ACA Annual Conference will be jointly organised with the NUFFIC and take place in The Hague, from 9 to 11 June. On this occasion, ACA will also celebrate its 20th anniversary.
The next ACA European Policy Seminar will be organised on 12 October 2012 in Brussels. It is devoted to “higher education in 2030”.
8 juillet 2012

L'apprendimento permanente per la crescita del patrimonio culturale, professionale ed economico del Paese - Università

L'apprendimento permanente per la crescita del patrimonio culturale, professionale ed economico del Paese - Il contributo delle Università
Convegno RUIAP - MIUR. L'apprendimento permanente per la crescita del patrimonio culturale, professionale ed economico del Paese - Il contributo delle Università. Roma, 3 Luglio 2012 - CNR, Aula Convegni, Via dei Marrucini 1.
Con il patrocinio della CRUI ed in collaborazione con il CUN. Orario: dalle 9.15 alle 13.45.
Il Convegno ha l’obiettivo di delineare e dibattere sul ruolo delle Università per la definizione e lo sviluppo del sistema nazionale per l’apprendimento permanente.
Partendo dai recenti provvedimenti legislativi, Università, istituzioni e parti sociali si confronteranno nella definizione degli obiettivi specifici, sociali e economici, delle attività di apprendimento permanente e degli strumenti e servizi per la realizzazione di reti territoriali finalizzate a offrire alle persone servizi integrati e partecipati.
Nuovi servizi di istruzione, formazione e lavoro, organicamente collegati per la valorizzazione dei saperi e delle competenze delle persone, concorreranno all’esercizio dei diritti di cittadinanza, alla coesione sociale, alla crescita economica, all’innovazione del modello di welfare e delle politiche del lavoro, all’invecchiamento attivo della popolazione, in modo da sostenere la crescita del patrimonio culturale, professionale ed economico del Paese.
Alla realizzazione delle reti, le Università potranno contribuire attraverso l’inclusione dell’apprendimento permanente nelle loro strategie istituzionali, con un’offerta formativa flessibile e di qualità, che comprenda anche la formazione a distanza e l’innovazione digitale, allargando così gli accessi alla formazione superiore per migliorare la qualità delle risorse umane del Paese, anche come vantaggio competitivo.
Per questo, le Università sono chiamate a rispondere alle esigenze di una nuova popolazione studentesca, diversificata per età e condizioni occupazionali, anche attraverso l’offerta di servizi di orientamento e consulenza di qualità, che permettano il riconoscimento e la valorizzazione degli apprendimenti pregressi, comunque acquisiti dalle persone in contesti formali, non formali e informali, e la certificazione delle competenze.
9:20 -10:15 Saluto ai partecipanti – Luigi Nicolais, Presidente CNR, Introduzione ai lavori, Aureliana Alberici, Presidente RUIAP, Marco Mancini, CRUI, Andrea Lenzi, CUN, Stefano Fantoni, ANVUR, Andrea Waxenegger, EUCEN
10:15-10:45 La politica dell'UE per l'Apprendimento Permanente
10:45-11:15 Le politiche per l'Apprendimento Permanente in Italia, Francesco Profumo, Ministro dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca.
11:15-12:00 L'Università nel sistema per l'Apprendimento Permanente, Giorgio Federici, Università di Firenze, RUIAP (slide), Andrea Stella, Università di Padova, CUN (intervento).
12:00-13:30 L'Apprendimento Permanente per lo Sviluppo – Discussione con: Ministero del lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali – Laura Piatti, CRUI – Corrado Petrocelli, UNIONCAMERE – Claudio Gagliardi, Organizzazioni Sindacali – Marco Paolo Nigi (intervento), Giorgio Santini, Organizzazioni datoriali – Riccardo Giovani, Ivanhoe Lo Bello, Associazione Nazionale Comuni d'Italia, Conferenza delle Regioni – Valentina Aprea, Coordina i lavori: Giuseppe De Rita, Presidente Censis.
13:30-13:45 Conclusione
Elena Ugolini, Sottosegretario di Stato al MIUR. Scarica la brochure (link). Segui il convegno in video streaming (link). Torna a Per informazioni:
8 juillet 2012

Evaluating Programs? Ask Clients What They Think

Subscribe HereBy Nicole Wallace. Nonprofits need to get a lot better at asking clients what they think — and acting on the information they receive, says Peter York, director of research for TCC Group, a management-consulting company that advises charities. Information from beneficiaries can help organizations improve their programs and spark new ideas for fighting tough problems. For real-world examples of charities using client feedback to strengthen their programs, read an opinion piece from The Chronicle’s current issue.
Too often, nonprofits are uncomfortable asking clients what they think about programs and fail to appreciate the value of their feedback, argues Mr. York. Instead, he says, charities prefer to ask employees for their comments and suggestions, and hire outside evaluators.
“Self-reporting has gotten such a bad rap,” says Mr. York, “and the entire private sector would just guffaw at this.”
Customer Satisfaction

Businesses, he says, are relentless in their efforts to gauge customer sentiments. When for-profit health-care systems want to know how well they’re performing, they ask patients, says Mr. York.
“You put that same health service in the nonprofit sector,” he says, “and now you’ve got to hire someone to observe and gather secondary data and do everything possible because we can’t trust that they’ll tell us whether they feel better.”
Charity officials are reluctant to own up to their discomfort with client feedback, says Mr. York, who says he sees it when his company is hired to evaluate nonprofit programs.
“The minute I start saying I’m going to survey and interview and hold focus groups with your recipients, they’ll say they like it,” he says. “But now all of a sudden, you’ve got a lot of chefs in the kitchen going, ‘No, you can’t ask that.’ It’s really a challenge.”
And that’s unfortunate, says Mr. York: “What our field pejoratively labels self-report is the most unbiased data you’re going to get.”
Go deeper:
What do you think? Join The Chronicle on Tuesday, July 10, at noon U.S. Eastern time for a live online discussion about how charities can seek feedback and new ideas from the people they serve.
8 juillet 2012

Revitalized ALADIN Network

The ALADIN Network, coordinated by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), currently encompasses 99 documentation and information services with a focus on adult learning from all regions of the world.
On 25 May, in the context of the 60th anniversary of UIL, the global ALADIN Advisory Committee held a highly dynamic and productive meeting at UIL’s premises. Eight active ALADIN members from India, Chile, Lebanon and Germany met to discuss and analyse past, present and future ALADIN activities and tools.
The ALADIN Network can look back on 15 years of successful sharing of adult learning resources, information and expertise. The meeting covered a wide range of issues, such as the use of social media, the idea of establishing an online depository of adult learning materials, capacity building and training opportunities for ALADIN members, and various national and regional ALADIN initiatives. The main outcome of the meeting was a revised ALADIN Work Plan 2012-2013. For more information on ALADIN, please consult the ALADIN website. Contact: l.krolak(at), Lisa Krolak, ALADIN Coordinator.

8 juillet 2012

Assessing the Implementation of Sustainable Development in Universities

GUNi LogoThis research is focused on looking at the implementation of Sustainable Development principles. Researchers from Belgium, Mexico, Slovenia, UK, and USA are working on this project and they have developed an on-line survey.
For centuries, universities have been at the forefront in creating and breaking paradigms, and educating the future decision-makers, entrepreneurs, and leaders. However, universities have remained traditional and have had a tendency to self-replicate, where far too much of modern education has continued to rely upon Newtonian and Cartesian mental models, which relegate learning and action to reductionist thinking and mechanistic interpretation.
In the last years there have been a number of universities engaging with Sustainable Development (SD); yet Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) has not fully permeated all disciplines, scholars, and university leaders, or throughout the curricula.
At the Stockholm Conference in 1972 education was formally recognised on an international level to play an important role in fostering environmental protection and conservation. Since then many academic declarations, charters and partnerships were developed that were designed to foster environmental education (EE), SD, and ESD. Since 1987 there has been a large increase in such initiatives. The declarations, charters and partnerships were designed to provide guidelines or frameworks for HEIs to better embed sustainability into their system. The increasing importance of such declarations, charters and partnerships, for fostering transformative SD is evidenced by the more than 1,000 university leaders who ratified their commitment to work to advance SD education and research by signing the Talloires Declaration, the Kyoto Declaration, and the Copernicus University Charter by the end of 2003.
In spite of a number of initiatives and an increasing number of universities engaging with SD, universities have remained quite traditional. Many of them still lag behind in regards to contributing to making societies more sustainable. Such mental models, coupled with resistance to change, and in some cases the self-replicating system of universities have limited the diffusion of the SD ‘meme’ in many universities, their system, as well as among all disciplines, scholars, and university leaders.
The initiatives (such as declarations, charters, partnerships and conferences) developed to foster SD can provide a framework or guidelines on how to better embed sustainability into the university system. The different initiatives discussed emphasise that universities have a moral obligation to work towards sustainable societies, focusing on environmental degradation, threats to society, and sustainable production and consumption for this and future generations.
Although these initiatives are intended to serve as supporting, guiding, and challenging documents throughout the university system, this does not ensure that the signatory institutions implement SD within their systems. There might also be institutions that have not yet signed a declaration or belong to a charter, but which are, nonetheless, actively engaged with SD on their campuses.
Nowadays, the HEIs with foresight and leadership are beginning to adopt and weave SD into their curricula, research, and outreach and campus operations.
This research is focused on looking at the implementation of Sustainable Development principles (SD), as set up by the different declarations, partnerships, and initiatives into higher education institutions worldwide and what they have achieved. It is an initiative undertaken by researchers from universities in Belgium, Mexico, Slovenia, the UK, and the USA. Institutions interested in this project can complete the online survey at
If you have any questions regarding this project please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Rodrigo Lozano, University of Leeds.
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