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2 juin 2013

Publishers with questionable practices prey on academics

By Rosanna Tamburri. Canadian researchers are being inundated with offers to publish their work by dubious online publishers. Faculty members say they are being bombarded with spam emails from dubious publishers of online academic journals soliciting contributions for articles or inviting them to review manuscripts and sit on editorial boards. Some publishers even send personalized emails to professors, praising their earlier published work and inviting them to submit an article. Scholars who do so are then charged article-processing fees that range from hundreds to thousands of dollars.
“It’s a growing concern,” said Steven Liss, vice-principal, research, at Queen’s University who receives these types of emails at least once a week.  A recent “ridiculous” one offered to feature a paper, which he had previously written and published elsewhere, on its website for $35. “The best solution in my opinion is to hit the delete button,” he said. Read more...
2 juin 2013

Govt plans global entrance exam for foreign students Prashant K. Nanda. Institutions will be allowed to raise intake by 15%, fill vacant seats by letting in more foreign students. India plans to establish an entrance exam for foreign students seeking admission to educational institutions in the country, even as it lobbies international rating agencies to improve the rankings of its universities.
The human resource development (HRD) ministry will allow institutions offering engineering and similar courses and other universities, including private ones, to participate in the project, said two government officials with knowledge of the development.
The ministry will “start an international entrance exam for aspiring students from foreign lands,” said S.S. Mantha, chairman of the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), the technical education regulator in the country and the body that will conduct the test. Read more...
2 juin 2013

$174.8 million Japan aid to IIT-Hyderabada will provide $174.8 million (around 870 cr) loan as development aid to the Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad (IIT-H), the biggest-ever foreign aid to an IIT, which experts said will have a leapfrog effect on the standard of higher education in the state and boost infrastructure.
Armed with the financial aid, IIT-H will erect nine state-of-the-art buildings, including a special technology centre, new academic blocks and a research park.
2 juin 2013

A degree too close to home? Call for price cut if students go local

The IndependentBy Richard Garner. Think-tank says proposal will help universities fend off an ‘avalanche of austerity’. Students who live at home while attending their local university should be offered cut-price degrees costing just £5,000 a year, an influential commission into the future of higher education is to recommend. The commission, set up by the Institute for Public Policy Research, argues that the discounted degrees would save the Government £10,000 per student in maintenance loans. The measure would also help keep up student numbers as universities grapple with further cuts in spending. Read more...
2 juin 2013

Scottish universities remain ‘elitist’!/image/1130617255.png_gen/derivatives/default/1130617255.pngBy Chris Marshall. ENDING tuition fees for Scottish students has failed to widen access to the country’s universities, a leading academic has warned.
Professor Sheila Riddell, of Edinburgh University’s School of Education, said free tuition had not “markedly altered” recruitment of those from the poorest backgrounds.
While students elsewhere in the UK pay up to £9,000 a year in fees, Scots have not paid for the cost of tuition since the graduate endowment was abolished in 2008.
Writing in The Scotsman today, Prof Riddell says the proportion of working class students at Scotland’s leading universities has actually fallen slightly in the past decade. Read more...
2 juin 2013

Tertiary sector news website rejects veto claims Nick Leys, The Australian. The Australian editors of tertiary sector news and opinion website The Conversation have rejected claims by a British newspaper that it lacks independence because it allows academics the right to veto what it publishes, writes Nick Leys for The Australian. The Times has accused The Conversation, which launched in Britain last week, of failing to disclose "that academics from its funding universities can demand changes to articles, headlines, photographs and even picture captions". Read more...
2 juin 2013

Rate your lecturer, urges new UK website

Times Higher EducationBy . In the US, the Rate My Professors website has been used by students to dish out a “public scolding” to their lecturers – and now the UK has its own equivalent, possibly bringing a shiver of dread to academics and universities. Rate Your Lecturer has launched in the UK, proclaiming that its data – showing feedback and ratings out of 10 on named lecturers by university – will ultimately “generate an alternative ranking system to that of the norm”. Read more...
2 juin 2013

Wellcome puts trust in expanded open access

Times Higher EducationBy Elizabeth Gibney. The Wellcome Trust has announced plans to extend its open access policy to include scholarly monographs and book chapters. For holders of grants awarded after 1 October 2013, and existing grant holders from October 2014, publishing in books and scholarly monographs will be subject to the same open access requirements as peer-reviewed research papers. Read more...
2 juin 2013

Study calls for proper reporting of experiments

Times Higher EducationBy Elizabeth Gibney. Without proper reporting social and psychological experiments are a “waste of money”, researchers have said. A study by academics at the University of Oxford and University College London reviewed more than 200 experiments across 40 leading journals in social and behavioural sciences. They found that reports did not carry full details about how the interventions in psychology, criminology, education, and social work were implemented. Read more...
2 juin 2013

Cable criticises any gloating over immigration figures

Times Higher EducationBy . Vince Cable has said any sense of “triumph” over new figures showing a decline in student immigration is “absurd”, as he issued a strong defence of international student movement. Speaking at the Global University Summit, hosted by the University of Warwick, in central London, the business secretary also suggested that in order to tackle the ongoing tension between the government’s targets to lower net migration and the important overseas student market, “we need to find a cleverer way to present the data”. Read more...
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