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2 juillet 2013

Croatia – Country statistical overview 1 July 2013 Croatia becomes the European Union’s 28th Member State. To mark the occasion Cedefop has prepared a statistical overview on vocational education and training (VET) and lifelong learning in Croatia.
Selected for their policy relevance and importance to achieving the Europe 2020 strategy’s objectives, the indicators quantify key aspects of VET and lifelong learning and relate Croatia’s performance to the EU average.
The indicators are those in Cedefop’s recently published country statistical overviews updated for Croatia with the latest available data. The full publication, provides data on other European countries, defines the indicators and explains other data issues and is available at:
Access, attractiveness and flexibility

Indicators in this area show participation patterns in initial and continuing VET training by various groups such as age, gender, educational attainment, working status and type. Participation patterns are used as proxies to indicate the attractiveness of VET as a learning option. Read more...

2 juillet 2013

Roads to recovery: three skill and labour market scenarios for 2025 line with earlier forecasts, Cedefop’s projections for skill supply and demand in the European Union (EU) foresee a gradual return to job growth and an older, but better qualified workforce.
The latest forecast extends the time horizon from 2020 to 2025 and differs from its predecessors in seeing demand for high-level qualifications speeding up.
The forecasts consider three scenarios – baseline, optimistic and pessimistic – to show how different economic circumstances may influence the labour market from now until 2025. All three point to skill mismatches (skill shortages and overqualification) in the European labour market in the medium term. Download the briefing note.

2 juillet 2013

A Francophone MOOCs platform will be launched by the end of the year leading telecommunications operator Orange is developing a platform to unite universities and graduate schools in a francophone Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) platform that will be launched by the end of this year.
In a recent interview at L’Etudiant Thierry Curiale, Digital Education and MOOC Marketing Director at Orange, revealed his company’s plan to launch a francophone MOOC platform to address the growing need of lifelong learning tools in order allow citizens of all ages to acquire new skills and knowledge. According to Curiale, MOOCs big players like Coursera or edX, based in the United States, “have not yet invested in the Francophonie, even though there will be 700 million French-speakers in 2050, mainly because of the population explosion in Africa.” With the creation of a platform dedicated to promote MOOCs in French, especially in Africa, Orange aims to contribute to the widespread adoption of ITC in education. Several first-class publishers, universities and higher education institutions based in France and Africa have been approached to take part in this project and offer the first MOOCs of the platform, due to see the public light in the fourth quarter of 2013. The target of the project are French-speaking learners, but Curiale points out that they are not excluding the possibility of integrating MOOCs in English or any other language in the platform. More information.
2 juillet 2013

eLearning Papers listed as one of best General Open Learning online resources Papers, a digital publication created as part of the European Commission’s portal, has been included among the 99 Best Online College Resources on Open Courseware and MOOCs by the Top 5 Online Colleges blog.
Published five times a year, the online magazine highlights the latest trends on e-learning in Europe and stimulates research. eLearning Papers provides all those interested with an opportunity to have their texts published. Through these articles, the journal promotes the use of ICT for lifelong learning in Europe.
eLearning Papers has been listed among the best General Open Learning online resources, a selection of sites which provide access to open education resources, including lecture transcripts and recordings, textbooks, class syllabi, assignment rubrics, and educational material in any format that can be transmitted electronically. Click here to access the eLearning Papers archive. “MOOCs and Beyond”, its latest issue, focuses on the challenges and future of Massive Open Online Courses.

2 juillet 2013

Exploring New Approaches towards Open Online Courses Li Yuan, Stephen Powell, Hongliang Ma. Designing Learning for the 21st Century (DL21C) is an online course developed by collaboration between a UK and Chinese University to explore new approaches for open learning courses, and the key attributes of Massive Open Online Courses.
A primary motivation for this project included the exploration of business models, this is essential if long-term viability of new approaches and courses are to be assured. From a pedagogical design perspective, the motivation was to create interactive, responsive and pedagogically effective on-line and blended learning, freely available as an open educational resource (OER).  A particular challenge was how to make the course developed culturally, linguistically and pedagogically useful in different languages, cultural contexts and educational settings.   
The rapid expansion of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) has sparked great interests about their potential to disrupt the higher education system and the provision of open online courses as strategic choices for the future in institutions. The course developed by the team fulfills the criteria of a MOOC in that it was online and free to access, although in practice the only students registered with the Chinese university participated and were awarded credit. Download Complete Text.

2 juillet 2013

Benchmarking e-learning in higher education Ebba Ossiannilsson. This qualitative, multiple-case-study research with single and cross-case analysis focused on benchmarking e-learning in higher education was presented as an academic dissertation at the University of Oulu on December 14th 2012. 
Higher education is facing a range of major challenges during the twenty-first century. Personalised, flexible and open learning are considered among the driving forces, thus, issues of quality must be urgently addressed. The results of this study include providing conceptual lenses with which to see, discuss and perceive the complexity of benchmarking elearning in higher education in extended, stretched and boundless learning environments. It has become obvious through the research that there is a need for new frames of reference for quality in e-learning. Download Benchmarking eLearning.
2 juillet 2013

GoAct Conference promoted Generations in Action Raffaela Kihrer. The participants from all over Europe gained many insights into new and creative approaches to intergenerational learning at GoAct workshops and a conference. The event took place in Brussels from 17 to 18 June 2013 and it was organised by the Elternverein Baden-Württemberg.
Learning for a long life
On the second day of the event, a day-long conference was held. Dr. Renate Heinisch, introducing the experts and their speeches, critically approached the concept of lifelong learning. In her opinion, the concept would need a make-over, as the focus would have to shift from elderly people to young people.
- We should speak about ‘learning for a long life‘ rather than ‘lifelong learning‘, she suggested, as even young children should learn about a healthy and sustainable way of living.
Deputy Director-General for Education and Culture at the European Commission, Xavier Prats Monné, and MEP Heinz K. Becker, presented the political agenda concerning adult education in the European Union. Both emphasised the importance of ideally and financially supporting projects in the sector of lifelong learning. According to them, the EU has already understood the huge potential which lies in lifelong learning. For this reason, strategies for the education of adults and intergenerational learning will be implemented in the education policies in the near future.
Intergenerational learning brings well-being
- Studies on learning of the elderly have started to appear just recently, and they raise more questions than they are able to answer at this stage of research, Professor Schmidt-Hertha stated. In his own research, Professor Schmidt-Hertha highlights that educational offers for older people are not always the best way to provide an opportunity for learning. It depends on the type of learner, if special educational offers are welcome or not.
- If we want to establish a fruitful process of learning between the younger and the older generation, we first have to overcome intergenerational tensions, but if that is achieved, the intergenerational perspective brings with it a great potential for an increased wellbeing and self-esteem both for young and old generations, said Dr. Ann-Kristin Boström in her speech. Therefore, institutions of intergenerational learning have to be organised, seniors and children have to be prepared, and a learning model has to be chosen. Furthermore, intergenerational learning has to provide benefits for children and young people. Read more...
2 juillet 2013

Colloque Céreq-Dares-Réseau des Carif Oref 6 juin dernier, les 4es rencontres Céreq-Dares-Réseau des Carif-Oref ont réuni sur Rennes plus de 200 professionnels, experts, décideurs et acteurs de l’orientation, de la formation, de l’emploi et de l’insertion, autour d’un thème d’actualité: « Mutations économiques et environnementales dans les territoires. Enjeux et opportunités pour l’emploi et la formation? »
Télécharger le programme de la journée. Télécharger le recueil des travaux conduits entre 2011 et 2013 sur la thématique des mutations économiques. Télécharger le glossaire lié à cette thématique.
Vous pourrez consulter prochainement ici, les retranscriptions des interventions de la journée. Retour en images sur la journée. d'hier, filières de demain? Quel fonctionnement économique des territoires dans la recomposition organisationnelle?
Animateur : Patrick CROSNIER, Direccte Languedoc-Roussillon
Diaporamas des intervenants
L'automobile: territoires et filières de demain en Bretagne, Philippe BAUDRY, Direccte Bretagne
Mutations de l'emploi dans la chimie, de l'agriculture à l'industrie, Samuel BELLOT, Carmée Picardie
Une nouvelle filière créatrice d'emplois : les Énergies marines renouvelables (EMR), Gérard PODEVIN, Centre associé Céreq de Rennes
Travaux présentés:
Secteur automobile
La filière automobile en Bretagne

Fascicule-Filière Automobile en Bretagne
Synthèse-La Filière Automobile en Bretagne.
Secteur de la chimie
La chimie verte : les enjeux et le positionnement de la Picardie.
Les emplois, métiers et formations de l'économie verte - Focus sur la bio raffinerie végétale et la filière éolienne
Secteur des énergies marines
Une nouvelle filière créatrice d’emplois: les Energies Marines Renouvelables (EMR). économiques et sociétales : les services à la personne (SAP). Des modes de développement différenciés selon les territoires.

Animateur : Saïd ADJERAD, Direccte Haute-Normandie.
Diaporamas des intervenants
Professionnalisation dans les services à la personne et emploi en Basse-Normandie
, Catherine Clément, Direccte Basse-Normandie  et Hélène Rammant, Errefom-Carif Oref Basse-Normandie
Le profil à géométrie variable des nouveaux services à la personne handicapée, Laure GAYRAUD, Centre associé Céreq de Bordeaux
Professionnalisation et qualification de l’aide à domicile en Bretagne : Un dispositif original, Vincent BOURDIN, GREF Bretagne et Thérèse BOISDRON,  Convention de qualification de l'aide à domicile.
Travaux présentés:
Nouvelles activités liées à la politique d’intégration des personnes handicapées en milieu de vie ordinaire
Etude sur les services à la personne en Basse- Normandie
. territoriale emplois et compétences

Animateur : Christophe GIRARDEAU, ARFTLV Poitou-Charentes
Diaporamas des intervenants
GPEC territoriale, une démarche expérimentale aux finalités multiples, Stéphane MICHUN, Centre associé Céreq de Montpellier
Anticiper les mobilités professionnelles : le rôle du Carif Oref Bourgogne dans une démarche de l'Agefos PME, Guy SAPIN, C2R Bourgogne  et Pascal SAMSON, Agefos PME (Bourgogne Franche-Comté)
Évaluation des EDEC en Limousin : bilan et perspectives, Fabien DULCIRE, Prisme Limousin
Travaux présentés
GPEC Territoriale
Territoires, enjeux économiques et sociaux : quel engagement partagé des acteurs ? Céreq
TPE et emploi en Languedoc-Roussillon : un rôle majeur, des stratégies variées
Petites entreprises et territoire, un lien surestimé ?
GPEC Territoriale : quelques points de repère
Anticiper les mobilités
Accord cadre stratégique
Recherche action portant sur la démarche GACET en bourgogne
Évaluation des EDEC
Evaluation de la politique contractuelle EDEC (engagements de développement de l’emploi et des compétences) en limousin sur la période 2007/2009. publics face aux mutations. Quelles opportunités d'emplois pour les publics?

Animatrice : Céline VIVENT, Centre associé Céreq de Caen
Diaporamas des intervenants
Les retombées professionnelles et personnelles de la VAE, Karim MOUHALI, Direccte Aquitaine
L'économie verte, une opportunité pour l'emploi des femmes?, Isabelle BOISSEAU, ORM PACA
Les jeunes diplômés du supérieur face aux difficultés d'accès à l'emploi, Nathalie BOSSE, Centre associé Céreq de Grenoble
Travaux présentés

La VAE pour les titres professionnels du ministère chargé de l’emploi: Enquête sur les retombées professionnelles et personnelles
L'économie verte
Projet partenarial - 1er volet "Anticiper les opportunités d'emploi pour les femmes au sein de l'économie verte et verdissante"

Diagnostic emploi et demande d’emploi dans l’économie verte.
Jeunes diplomés du supérieur
Evaluation du RCA-JD : Revenu Contractualisé d’Autonomie Jeunes Diplômés. Birželio 6, 4 susitikimas Céreq-drįsta-tinklas Carif-OREF susitiko Rennes daugiau nei 200 specialistų, ekspertų, politikų ir suinteresuotųjų šalių orientacijos, mokymo, užimtumo ir įtraukties, aplink aktuali tema: "Ekonominiai ir aplinkos pokyčius teritorijose. Iššūkiai ir galimybės užimtumo ir mokymo?"
Atsisiųsti į dienos programą. Parsisiųsti tyrinėjimų kolekcija atliktas tarp 2011 ir 2013 dėl ekonominių pokyčių tema. Parsisiųsti Žodynas, susijusių su šia tema. Daugiau...

2 juillet 2013

German University Fails Political Correctness Test

SPIEGEL ONLINEBy Jane Paulick. With surveys showing that German universities are still ivory towers, Berlin's Free University saw fit to post an online guide to dealing with students from working class backgrounds. It was temporarily taken down this week in response to negative publicity. The intentions were likely well-meaning in a city historically known as a bastion of the proletariat. But with statements such as "Students from non-academic households often have to face bigger challenges as they do not feel as comfortable in the academic sphere" the Free University (FU) in Berlin appears not to have done its homework. Read more...
2 juillet 2013

German University Fails Political Correctness Test

SPIEGEL ONLINEBy Jane Paulick. With surveys showing that German universities are still ivory towers, Berlin's Free University saw fit to post an online guide to dealing with students from working class backgrounds. It was temporarily taken down this week in response to negative publicity. The intentions were likely well-meaning in a city historically known as a bastion of the proletariat. But with statements such as "Students from non-academic households often have to face bigger challenges as they do not feel as comfortable in the academic sphere" the Free University (FU) in Berlin appears not to have done its homework. Read more...
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