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12 octobre 2013

Free teaching resources for consumer education are living in a consumer society. It is important that we understand how our actions as consumers can affect the market, the environment, and the world. Consumer Classroom is a website that provides teaching tools and opportunities for collaboration to improve consumer education in schools.
The website hosts a large collection of teaching resources which are organized by school subject (i.e. biology, art, etc.), theme (i.e. consumer rights, financial literacy) and type of resource. The resources come in diverse forms such as printable worksheets, serious games, and e-learning materials. More...

12 octobre 2013

French national online learning portal to be launched in October 2013 French Ministry of Higher Education has announced the launch of France's new strategy for digital learning in higher education (France Université Numerique) which includes a massive open online course (MOOC) and blended learning portal.
Over 100 higher education institutions have signed on to participate in France’s new national portal for massive open online courses (MOOCs) and blended learning. The French Ministry of Higher Education has created the portal as part of the France Université Numerique initiative, which aims to increase access to high quality online learning opportunities in French. More...

12 octobre 2013

International Conference on e-Learning Call for Proposals Sixth International Conference on e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies will take place on 14-15 November, 2013, in Madrid. Proposals are still being accepted for the conference. In-person presentations will be accommodated depending on availability, and virtual presentations maybe submitted at any time.
The conference investigates new forms of pedagogy emerging with the use of innovative techologies, including devices with computing and networked capabilities. Not only do such innovations present possiblities for new forms of learning, they also allow more flexibility in term of space and time than was previously possible. More...

12 octobre 2013

iLearning Forum showcases innovative e-learning technologies 14th edition of the iLearning Forum will take place in Paris on 11-12 February, 2014, in Paris. The conference brings together various stakeholders in the fields of e-learning, training, human resources, and talent management.
The event promises to showcase the latest innovations in e-learning technology and its applications. With over 40 exhibitors and 5,000 participants expected, there will undoubtedly be a wide array of exciting activities and sessions. The full conference program will be available in January 2014. More...

12 octobre 2013

8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2014) 8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2014) is a platform for international experts to discuss the latest developments in the technologies and methodologies of teaching and learning. We invite you to submit your abstracts and participate in the conference.
INTED2014 will take place on 10-12 March, 2014, bringing together over 700 delegates from 75 countries at the conference location in Valencia, Spain. More...

12 octobre 2013

Is Beginning a BA Program a Good Investment?

My PhotoBy Jonathan Kantrowitz. Using data from California’s higher education systems, this paper estimates individuals’ and society’s economic returns to a Bachelor’s (BA) degree and evaluates the quality as an investment of a beginning a BA program .
Most studies of the rate of return to college use a best-case scenario in which students earn a degree with certainty in four years. More realistic calculations that account for students who take more than four years and students who drop out without a degree, etc. result in an average rate of return that is lower than it was in 2000 but still exceeds the interest rate on unsubsidized Stafford student loans – i.e. college remains a good investment by the normal criteria. More...

12 octobre 2013

2013 Wiley survey reveals generational differences in authors’ open access views and experience . We have just announced the results of our 2013 author survey on open access, with over 8,000 respondents from across Wiley’s journal portfolio.  The desire of authors to publish in high-quality, respected journals with a good Impact Factor remains consistent with our 2012 open access survey findings. However, the 2013 survey sheds new light on differences between early career researchers (which we define as respondents between the ages of 26-44 with less than 15 years of research experience) and more established colleagues in their opinions on quality and licenses, and the funding available to them. More...

12 octobre 2013

Eradicated Alphabets and Radical Algorithms - Script Reform, Secularism, and Algorithmic Revolution . In 1928, the parliament of the newly established, secular Turkish Republic legislated a nationwide shift from Arabic to Latin alphabetic characters. In the wake of this shift, Arabic writing became criminal in Turkey in all but one public space -- the mosque. The implicit link that Republican social engineers forged between script reform and state-managed secularism has fascinated commentators for decades. Some have agreed with early Turkish legislators that a change in alphabet can foster a change in religious belief or expression, and some have questioned both the ethics and logic of such an association. More...

12 octobre 2013

Scénarisation pédagogique dans le contexte d'une plate-forme de formation qualité d'un document pédagogique réside aussi bien dans le contenu que dans le contenant.
Ce qu'on apprécie beaucoup c'est la capacité de produire avec ce logiciel des documents réutilisables, adaptables, modifiables à volonté respectant les standards.
Éditez, déclinez et publiez vos contenus dans un éditeur XML à la portée de tous !

  • Expérimentez la publication multisupport : site web, PDF et papier, diaporama sonorisé…
  • Éditez des webradios et podcasts
  • Recomposez et déclinez vos présentations, rapports, CV
  • Publiez avec un rendu professionnel en HTML, OpenDocument, PDF et Flash
  • Gérez des documentations métier spécialisées (supports pédagogiques, procédures qualité…)
  • Structurez vos contenus et facilitez leur mise à jour grâce à un éditeur XML wysiwym intuitif
  • Réalisez votre propre modèle de chaîne grâce à ScenariBuilder
  • Comment faire ?

Créer en 2 à 3 heures un scénario pédagogique interactif et/ou QCM, sortie Web, Pdf, Ppt
Dix exemples de scénarisation pédagogique dans différents domaines
Pedagobox ou comment bricoler son serveur de fichier wifi personnel.
CRDP de Limoges
Le site Web : Suite...

12 octobre 2013

The Opening up Education initiative European Commission's Opening up Education initiative in a nutshell
The main goal of this initiative is to stimulate ways of learning and teaching through ICT and digital content, mainly through the development and availability of OER. Amongst its actions, the most important one is to change the role of digital technologies at school. All the actions within the initiative are put in place with the hope that they help attain the ultimate objective, namely to boost competitiveness and growth at the European level.
Opening up Educationcalls for EU-level cooperation to push reforms towards the adoption of open learning environments as drivers to enhance digital skills both for pupils and teachers, and in education in general. Another major concern of the European Commission, stated in this initiative and in alignment with the Open Education Europa portal, is to be able to support the deployment and availability of digital technology and content.
This initiative addresses several educational difficulties at the European level. Europe is falling behind in the digital sphere; the great majority of schools are not digitally equipped and their students are not taught by digitally confident teachers, rather teachers who mainly use ICT to prepare their teaching but not as a skill for students to develop in the classroom. In the background, remains the threat of facing a new digital divide between those who have access to innovative, tech-based education and the digitally excluded.
The solution lays in open technologies that grant access to education for everyone and allow:
- students to build knowledge from open and free sources other than their teachers and institutions, and with different methods;
- everyone to engage in learning/study groups, thus creating learning communities beyond their classrooms; make personalisation and customisation of education a much easier task;
- teachers to create communities of practice to exchange teaching materials and best practices; provide access to a wider range of educational resources across borders and languages.
The actions foreseen in this initiative hope to enable Europe to gain leadership in education, attract new talent, train its citizens with the relevant skills, and as a consequence fuel innovation, productivity and growth.
The Open Education Europa portal: a key player to improve visibility of high-quality European OER
The main goal of the Open Education Europa portal is to grant access to all existing high-quality European OER repositories in different languages in order to make them easily accessible for learners, teachers and researchers. The ultimate aim is to be able to foster the wide use and creation of OER in several languages, for all educational sectors and disciplines, and to help overcome the current fragmentation of European OER use.

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