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Formation Continue du Supérieur

1 février 2014

Lectures must add value if campus-based higher education is to continue new report published today by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) has found that a blended approach to learning and teaching, where technology-enhanced learning takes place alongside more traditional approaches, should help students benefit from the value that lectures and seminars add to a higher education experience.
However, the report, Flexible Pedagogies: technology-enhance learning, goes on to emphasise that if students do not perceive traditional lectures and seminars to be valuable from a learning perspective then the age of campus-based education could be ending. It concludes that the best approach to higher education teaching is therefore to use technology to enhance the student learning experience by enabling greater flexibility.
The report can be downloaded here. More...

1 février 2014

9th International Congress of Higher Education

University 2014 - 9th International Congress of Higher Education - February 10th to February 14th, 2014, in Havana, Cuba - Havana Convention Centre

The Ministry of Higher Education and the universities of the Republic of Cuba convene for the 9th International Congress of Higher Education “University 2014”, to be held from February 10th to February 14th, 2014, in Havana, Cuba.

Convened with the declaration “For a Socially Responsible University”, University 2014 renews the commitment of people attending these events with university and with its time, propitiating current reflections and debates on the field of Higher Education.
Congress University is well known as an academic field that point to reflective, deep and open dialogues among main parts of Higher Education and the society they belong to, in order to evaluate best solutions to pressing problems in the realities of our countries. Plus, it promotes new ideas about different issues related to international agenda of Higher Education and contributes to new networks knowledge and emotions among principals, teachers and students.

We welcome you pleased to receive you once again or for the first time, in our Congress University 2014, looking for a common objective:

For a Socially Responsible University

Executive Secretary University 2014
Phone: (537) 8351083

1 février 2014

The QS Under 50 Rankings Symonds have published the latest edition of their ranking of universities established in the last fifty years. The methodology is the same as that used in the 2013/2014 World University Rankings.

The top five are:

  • Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  • Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  • City University of Hong Kong
  • Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea

Nine of the top new universities are in Australia, five in Spain, four in Hong Kong, three in the USA and two each in Korea, UK, Canada, Germany and Sweden. Another 16 countries have one each in the top fity. Meabwhile Times Higher Education have announced that their top 100 new universities will be announced on 28 April at the Young Universities Summit which will be held in Miami in collaboration with Plymouth University, UK.


1 février 2014

Social Media, Innovative strategies to achieve your institution’s goals & 27th March 2014, CQ Functions, Melbourne
National Tertiary Education Industry Union members quote CC*NTEU when registering to SAVE $100 off the current price!
Don’t miss your chance to hear from world-class social media experts.
65% of online Australians are now using social media and 45% access it daily. Social media’s engagement potential is huge. Are you searching for creative and innovative ways to achieve your institutional goals? Or maybe you’re struggling with day-to-day social media management in a rapidly evolving era?
This conference will provide you with practical implementation strategies to effectively listen, engage and broadcast to your target audience.
This conference will address how to:

  • Become a thought leader in social media
  • Recruit and engage students via innovative use of platforms
  • Measure ROI to improve your social media business case
  • Align content and platforms to strengthen your institutions brand
  • Manage multiple platforms through strategic resource management

> Download the agenda here

1 février 2014

Student consultation crucial in maintaining quality of advocacy services Paul Kniest. NTEU has called on the Minister for Education, Christopher Pyne to investigate whether universities are fully complying with their obligations to consult students over the use of the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF).
The NTEU has expressed concern that less than a quarter of universities are engaging in best practice consultation with students over allocation of the Fee.
A report compiled by the National Union of Students (NUS) concluded that most universities are paying little more than lip service to their obligation to consult with students over the allocation of SSAF revenues. Read more...

1 février 2014

University funding Jeannie Rea. “University planning is far too important to be left solely to market forces”
NTEU in Times HES on the impact of deregulating university places
Late last year the UK Conservative Government announced their intention to remove enrolment caps on university places. Chancellor of the Exchequer Osborne argued that it was to fulfil unmet demand and also noted that the UK was falling behind on international comparisons in the proportion of young people in higher education. Not surprisingly, the UK universities, unions and media are asking what we in Australia think two years after the caps were removed here – and the Demand Driven Model is under formal review. Read more...

1 février 2014

Member stories: deciphering academic credentials

Meet Robert Watkins, an EAIE member who found himself so fascinated by the world of International Admissions that he has devoted 36 years to working in the international higher education field. Read his story in this next post in our series, and find out what words of wisdom he has for those just starting out in their careers. More...

1 février 2014

Comprehensive records are key to successful alumni strategies

By Serge Sych. Although the set up and scope of alumni relations offices may differ from country to country, there is an unmistakable trend across the board that alumni relations are becoming more and more integrated in the primary processes of higher education organisations. The increased scope of services and functions of these offices demand specific skills and competences of their managers and one aspect crucial to the success of alumni relations is an efficient way of recording alumni details.
A well functioning alumni relations office for higher education institutions is essential. Through alumni, the recruitment of (international) students can be increased. Alumni can support current students with their career planning through alumni mentorships and coaching, and they can provide internships or offer job positions. Alumni are important for their input on the quality of your institution’s educational programmes and research. Additionally, by keeping track of your alumni you can measure the employability of your graduates. More...

1 février 2014

CampusFrance: Fiches > Aix-Marseille Université

Aix-Marseille Université est un espace d’accueil pour 72 000 étudiants dont 15% d’étudiants internationaux. Fidèle à l’héritage méditerranéen, cet ensemble est le fruit de la coopération entre les trois Universités de Provence, de la Méditerranée et Paul Cézanne. Aix-Marseille Université n’a de cesse de s’enrichir et de s’ouvrir aux disciplines les plus diverses, faisant ainsi d’Aix et Marseille un pôle universitaire de renommée mondiale.
Principales filières
Largement dotées en filières fondamentales et professionnalisées offrant plus de 590 diplômes nationaux et de formations d’ingénieurs, Aix- Marseille Université dispense des enseignements multiples et de qualité dans 5 grands secteurs disciplinaires :
- Arts, Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines
- Droit et Sciences Politiques
- Economie et Gestion
- Santé
- Sciences et Technologies
La mise en synergie de l’important potentiel scientifique constitué des 132 structures de recherche en lien avec les grands organismes nationaux, des 12 écoles doctorales et des centres hospitaliers permet au pôle d’Aix- Marseille Université de renforcer sa visibilité européenne et internationale. Cinq grands domaines sont principalement investis : l’énergie ; les sciences de l’environnement et de l’univers ; les sciences de la vie et de la santé ; les sciences et technologies avancées ; les sciences humaines et sociales.
Cette attractivité en recherche lui permet de compter plus de 3800 doctorants français et étrangers.
Points forts
- Une large offre de formation couvrant l’ensemble des secteurs disciplinaires
- Une recherche d’excellence reconnue
- Une vie associative étudiante active et variée
Situation géographique
Aix-Marseille Université est située en plein coeur de la Provence, entre mer et montagne, principalement dans les deux villes d’Aix-en-Provence et de Marseille.
Site :
Fiche d'identité

Nom exact de l’établissement - Aix-Marseille Université
Statut- Public
Ville du principal site de l’établissement - Marseille et Aix-en-Provence
Nombre d’étudiants - 70 000
Pourcentage ou nombre d’étudiants étrangers - 15 %
Nature et catégories de diplômes délivrés
• Licence • Master • Doctorat • Diplômes d’ingénieurs • Diplômes de santé • DUT
Cours de langue française - Oui
Programmes d’études pour étudiants étrangers - Oui
Programmes de formation en anglais - Oui (IAE)
Frais d’inscription pour l’année (indicatif) - A partir de 300 euros
Adresse postale
58, boulevard Charles Livon
13284 Marseille Cedex 7 - France

1 février 2014

CampusFrance: Fiches > Institut d’Administration des Entreprises - IAE Aix en provence

Créé en 1955, l’Institut d’Administration des Entreprises d’Aix-en-Provence, composante de l’Université Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III (23 000 étudiants), est la première école de gestion du système universitaire français. International par essence, l’IAE Aix est entièrement dédié à la formation supérieure et à la Recherche, l’IAE Aix offre des programmes (MSc, Masters professionnels en alternance, MBA et Doctorat) spécialisés dans les différents domaines de la Gestion, en constante adéquation avec les besoins du monde des affaires.
Principales filières
• MSc ( 2 ans, bilingues) : Management général, Affaires internationales, Audit et gouvernance des organisations, Corporate communication and change management, Contrôle de gestion et reporting, Finance internationale, Gouvernance des systèmes d’information, Management des ressources humaines et de la relation, Management des activités de services
• Masters internationaux en anglais: Erasmus Mundus (2 ans) Inter - national, Master in Management of Information Technology – IMMIT; Double-diplôme avec les Etats-Unis (1 an), Master of Global Innovation Management – MGIM
• Master Recherche : Sciences de Gestion, Instruments Financiers
• MBA : Change & Innovation (full-time), Executive MBA “Leading Business, People & Innovation” (part-time), Euro*MBA (semaines résidentielles et enseignement à distance)
• Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion.
Points forts
• L’IAE Aix apporte à ses étudiants et cadres de haut niveau, une approche du monde des affaires stratégique et interculturelle basée sur des cours bilingues, des travaux de groupe, des conférences et des études de cas réels.
• Ses formations sont reconnues internationalement grâce à une double accréditation, EQUIS et AMBA pour son MBA Change & Innovation, son Euro*MBA et ses Masters en gestion.
• Bourses
• Service d’aide au logement
• Séances personnalisées d’intégration
• Cours de langues (anglais, français, espagnol, mandarin)
• Career Services Centre • Association des Diplômés (14 000 diplômés)
• Bureau des Etudiants (activités sportives et culturelles).

49 abonnés
Depuis la création 2 785 410
Formation Continue du Supérieur