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9 mars 2014

When Ph.D. meets M.D.

By Laura Tropp. Sometimes I bemoan the fact that, though people regularly call me “Dr.,” I do not have a medical degree. It’s not because I have any desire to practice medicine (I get queasy at the sight of blood) or that my parents wanted me to go to medical school (they still get to tell their friends I’m a Dr.), but because sometimes I feel so ill-equipped for the medical side of mothering. In the middle of the night with the high fever or a child complaining of odd symptoms, I feel my extensive knowledge of the history of the printing press is pretty much useless. Read more...

9 mars 2014

Math Geek Mom: Science and Change

By Rosemarie Emanuele. When I describe Calculus to my students, I explain that it is the part of math that studies change. The change in location, of speed, or the number of bacteria in a petri dish; these are all topics covered in Calculus. Change has become a constant companion on our campus this past year, and such change has come home as the Math department prepares to move its offices in the next week. Read more...

9 mars 2014

EdX, Facebook, Rwanda, and WhatsApp Joshua Kim. In 5 years we will look back on February 2014 as important moment in the evolution of technology.
The edX announcement of its partnership with Facebook to collaborate on SocialEDU will mark the beginning of an era when the tech world finally woke up to the edtech potential of the emerging world. Read more...

9 mars 2014

Renewing 'The Economist' Joshua Kim. Last week I renewed my print subscription for The Economist. I renewed through Amazon, paying $223.38 sense for a two year (102 issue) subscription. This works out to $2.19 an issue.
The Economist is one of the 4 publications that I read only in print, and pay to have delivered to my home. The others include our daily local paper, Popular Science, and Wired magazine. Read more...

9 mars 2014

Any Higher Ed Lessons From RadioShack? Joshua Kim. Does anyone believe that RadioShack will still be around in 2020?
This week the electronics retailer announced that they will be closing 1,100 stores. This will leave the chain with about 4,000 locations. This is probably about 4,000 too many.
I’m not one of of those people that thinks that the campus based university is headed for a similar fate as RadioShack, Circuit City, or Blockbuster Video. Read more...

9 mars 2014

4 Ways We Will Support 21st Century Learning Joshua Kim. Steven Mintz’s article Five Ways that 21st and 20th Century Learning Will Differ does a beautiful job of laying out how "teaching and learning in the early 21st century differ from its 20th century”.
The far-reaching developments for learning that Mintz’s foresees include:

  • A 21st century education will be geared toward 100 percent proficiency.
  • It will rest on the science of learning.
  • It will be data-driven.
  • It will be personalized.
  • It will take advantage of technology in ways that truly enhance the learning experience. Read more...
9 mars 2014

The Price of "Free" Barbara Fister. You’ve probably seen the news. Getty (not to be confused with the Getty) has made millions of their photos free. Well, not exactly. You have to use their embedded code which includes branding, a bit of surveillance, and other money-making potential. Getty figures since people are already using their photos without paying, this is a way to get some control over those uses and montetize it. When you embed these images, you’re giving Getty access to information about who sees the image on your page and you provide them ad space on your site, a little virtual real estate where they might someday put up billboards. Read more...

9 mars 2014

“Writer,” “Draft,” “Finishing”: Words to Dissertate By

By Brianne Jaquette. I thought  my dissertation would be rigorous because of how much research and writing I would have to do, which is true, but I did not anticipate how challenging it could be to keep in mind the size and scope of the project, which at times can seem overwhelming, while finding ways to move forward one step at a time. I have learned that I could gain perspective on my dissertation by positioning myself in relation to the task differently. Specifically, shifting my views about three words--writer, draft, and finishing--related to my dissertation has helped me be more productive in my work. Read more...

9 mars 2014

Why 21st Century Learning Should Be More Like the 19th Century John Warner. At Higher Ed Beta, Steven Mintz, Executive Director of the University of Texas System’s Institute for Transformational Learning, argues in “Five Ways that 21st and 20th Century Learning Will Differ”  that we are in the midst of a data-driven educational transformation.
I would say that he offers predictions, except they aren’t so much predictions as commands, as he utilizes the future imperative throughout. Read more...

9 mars 2014

Bryan Wants Stricter Pledges on Bible as History

HomeSome faculty members are concerned that Bryan College, a Christian institution in Tennessee, is making its required statement of faith so specific in its Biblical literalism that it may be difficult for them to teach there, The Times Free Press reported. Like many Christian colleges, Bryan requires faculty members to sign and abide by a statement of faith, which has said in part that "the origin of man was by fiat of God in the act of creation as related in the Book of Genesis; that he was created in the image of God; that he sinned and thereby incurred physical and spiritual death." That statement of faith has been broad enough that some faculty members have said they can believe in evolution and also sign the statement, arguing that they believe evolution was divinely inspired. Read more...

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