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17 juin 2012

L'accompagnement des parcours de mobilité'accompagnement des parcours de mobilité, 28 et 29 juin 2012, Université de Toulouse 1 Capitole.
Le ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, la Conférence des Présidents d'Université et l'agence Europe Education Formation France organisent le séminaire annuel des vice-présidents d'université en charge des relations internationales sur le thème l'accompagnement des parcours de mobilité ».
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Séminaire annuel des Vice-Présidents chargés des Relations Internationales, Toulouse - PRES - Université Toulouse 1 Capitole.
Jeudi 28 juin 2012

14h Accueil des participants - Mot de bienvenue: Monsieur le Président de l’université Toulouse 1 Capitole, Monsieur le Président du Pôle de Recherche et d’Enseignement supérieur (PRES) de Toulouse, Monsieur le Recteur de l’académie de Toulouse, Chancelier des Universités.
14h45 Séance d’ouverture par les organisateurs - DREIC/MESR: Marc ROLLAND, adjoint à la Directrice, CPU: Le Président ou son représentant, 2e2f: Antoine GODBERT, Directeur de l’Agence Europe-Éducation-Formation-France
15h30 Conférence d’ouverture par Jean-Louis MUCCHIELLI, Directeur général de l’Enseignement supérieur et de l’insertion professionnelle: “Politique de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche : l’importance des parcours de
16h30-18h Table ronde: “Accompagnement des parcours de mobilité dans la stratégie internationale des universités: quelles dynamiques et quelles coordinations entre les politiques nationales et celles des universités?” Animateur: Jean-Luc NAHEL, Commission des Relations Internationales (CORIE /CPU), Le Président de la CORIE /CPU, Direction des politiques de mobilité et d’attractivité. Direction générale de la mondialisation du développement et des partenariats. Ministère des affaires étrangères et européennes (la directrice ou son représentant), S.E. Carlos de ICAZA, Ambassadeur des États-Unis du Mexique en France (*ou son représentant), S.E. Missoum SBIH, Ambassadeur d’Algérie en France (*ou son représentant), Campus France (le directeur général ou son représentant)
19h30 Visite de la FONDATION BEMBERG - Cocktail dînatoire
Vendredi 29 juin 2012

9h00-9h15 Ouverture de la journée - Vanessa DEBIAIS-SAINTON, Chef d’équipe Erasmus, Direction générale Éducation et Culture, Commission européenne (DGEAC)
9h15-10h45 2 ateliers parallèles
LES BONNES PRATIQUES DE MOBILITE EN EUROPE. Animateur: Antoine GODBERT (Agence 2e2f) Rapporteur: un Vice-Président chargé des Relations Internationales, Intervenant: Bernd WÄCHTER, Directeur de l’Association de Coopération Académique (ACA)
LA MOBILITE EUROPEENNE DES PERSONNELS, ENSEIGNANTS, CHERCHEURS ET ADMINISTRATIFS. Animateur: Androula PAPANASTASIOU (directrice de la fondation pour la gestion du programme Education et Formation tout au long de la vie à Chypre), Rapporteur: un Vice-Président chargé des Relations Internationales
Intervenant : Irina FERENCZ, chargée de mission, Association de Coopération Académique (ACA).
11h15 2 ateliers parallèles
Animateur: Andrzej ROGULSKI, Sous-directeur des Relations Internationales, DREIC - MESR, Rapporteur: un Vice-Président chargé des Relations Internationales, Intervenant: Marie-France BARTHET, Directrice exécutive du PRES, Université de Toulouse 1, Présidente du Consortium USTH Hanoï.
Animateur: Jacques GELAS, Délégué aux affaires internationales, CDEFI, Rapporteur: un Vice-Président chargé des Relations Internationales, Intervenant: Bernard LABATUT, Directeur de la Maison Universitaire Franco-Mexicaine (MUFM), Toulouse.
14h15 Table ronde - “Comment développer la mobilité encadrée ? Les programmes de mobilité dans
le cadre d’accords internationaux”. Animateur: Marc ROLLAND, Adjoint à la Directrice, DREIC- MESR, Un représentant de la direction des politiques de mobilité et d’attractivité. Direction générale de la mondialisation du développement et des partenariats. Ministère des affaires étrangères et européennes, Campus France (le directeur général ou son représentant), L’adjoint au Haut fonctionnaire de défense et de sécurité, MESR, ou son représentant, Le Président de la CORIE/CPU, Gilles VIAL, chargé de mission, DREIC-MESR.
16h30 Clôture - Christine GAVINI-CHEVET, Directrice des relations européennes et internationales et de la coopération, DREIC-MESR. Career support for mobility, 28 and 29 June 2012, University of Toulouse 1 Capitole.
The Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the Conference of University Presidents and the Agency Europe Education Formation France organized the annual seminar of university vice presidents in charge of international relations on the subject of the accompanying mobility experience
. More...
17 juin 2012

8 Congreso Internacional de AMECYD
17 juin 2012

Loans system can’t go on like this, senior figures say John Morgan. The new student loans system designed by the government to support higher tuition fees is “unsustainable in the long term”, according to a survey of senior figures in higher education conducted by Barclays. The poll, of 46 higher education professionals, was carried out at a “Future of Higher Education” debate hosted by the bank, which brought together experts from finance, government and the sector itself.
Barclays said the survey found that 76 per cent of those questioned “did not believe the new system of repayable grants was sustainable”. And “just 15 per cent were confident it could be maintained”. The rest were unsure. The government has said it that plans to explore the possibility of selling the student loan book to private sector buyers.
Chris Hearn, head of education at Barclays Corporate, said: “There will become a point when the size of the student finance book will need to be addressed, probably within the next five to 10 years, but I’m confident a solution will be found.”
The Barclays survey follows an interview by Mr Hearn with Times Higher Education, in which he said that the new undergraduate finance scheme “is attracting interest, and proper interest, this time – rather than the old scheme, which was just effectively [keeping pace with] inflation – it may be that there are elements of it that could be sold”.
Survey respondents agreed that the new undergraduate loans system was confusing – 84 per cent said that prospective undergraduates and their parents had not yet grasped how student finance works and what it will mean for them financially. On the impact of the new system on postgraduate students, more than two-thirds (67 per cent) of those higher education professionals surveyed said they expected the number of postgraduates at their institution to fall. A further 22 per cent said that they did not expect numbers to be affected, while the remaining 11 per cent were not sure. Mr Hearn has also told THE that Barclays was exploring with the government the possibility of providing finance for postgraduates.
16 juin 2012

Pensions: Raising retirement ages and expanding private pension coverage essential, says OECD will need to raise retirement ages gradually to address increasing life expectancy in order to ensure that their national pension systems are both affordable and adequate, according to a new OECD report. At a time of heightened global economic uncertainty, such reforms can also play a crucial role in governments’ responses to the crisis, contributing to fiscal consolidation at the same time as boosting growth.
Over the next 50 years, life expectancy at birth is expected to increase by more than 7 years in developed economies. The long-term retirement age in half of OECD countries will be 65, and in 14 countries it will be between 67 and 69. The Pensions Outlook 2012 says that increases in retirement ages are underway or planned in 28 out of the 34 OECD countries. These increases, however, are expected to keep pace with improved life expectancy only in six countries for men and in 10 countries for women. Governments should thus consider formally linking retirement ages to life expectancy, as in Denmark and Italy, and make greater efforts to promote private pensions.
“Bold action is required. Breaking down the barriers that stop older people from working beyond traditional retirement ages will be a necessity to ensure that our children and grand-children can enjoy an adequate pension at the end of their working life,” said OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría. “Though these reforms can sometimes be unpopular and painful, at this time of tight public finances and limited scope for fiscal and monetary policy, these reforms can also serve to boost much needed growth in ageing economies.”
The Pensions Outlook 2012 finds that reforms over the past decade have cut future public pension payouts, typically by 20 to 25 per cent. People starting work today can expect a net public pension of about half their net earnings on average in OECD countries, if they retire after a full career, at the official retirement age. But in nearly all the 13 countries that have made private pensions mandatory, pensioners can expect benefits of around 60% of earnings.
Conversely, in countries where public pensions are relatively low and private pensions voluntary, such as Germany, Ireland, Korea, Japan and the United States, large segments of the population can expect major falls in income upon retirement.
This could cause pensioner poverty to increase significantly. Later retirement and greater access to private pensions will be critical to closing this pension gap, says the OECD.
However, making private pensions compulsory is not necessarily the answer for every country. According to the report, such action could unfairly affect low earners and be perceived as an additional tax. Auto-enrolment schemes – where people are enrolled automatically and can then opt out within a certain time frame – might be a suitable alternative.
Italy and New Zealand have already introduced such schemes and the UK is set to roll one out in October 2012. However, the report finds that results are mixed, with a major expansion of coverage of private pensions in countries like New Zealand, and having only a small effect in others like Italy.
More broadly, reforming tax reliefs to encourage private pension savings is also needed, as low earners and younger workers are much less likely to have a private pension. Facilitating matching contributions or giving flat subsidies to savers, such as in Germany and New Zealand, would improve their incentives to contribute. To boost confidence in private pensions, governments also need to improve their oversight of funds to ensure that charges are kept low and risks minimised. inaugural edition of the Pensions Outlook also includes the first comprehensive evaluation of national Defined Contribution systems, which are now a central feature of many countries’ pension systems. Among other recommendations, the report argues that it is critical to set the minimum or default contribution rate in Defined Contribution systems at an appropriate level.
Contributions to these systems need to be high enough so that together with public pensions they generate sufficient income at retirement. While Australia is moving in the right direction by increasing its contribution rate from 9% to 12%, it remains too low in countries such as Mexico and New Zealand (6.5% and 3%, respectively).
For comment or further information, journalists should contact Juan Yermo of the OECD’s Financial Affairs division (tel. + 33 1 45 24 96 62) or Edward Whitehouse of the OECD’s Social Policy division (tel. + 33 6 25 89 56 67).
Highlights of the report are available at
Also available: Relever l’âge de la retraite et étendre le champ couvert par les pensions privées est essentiel, estime l’OCDE (French).

Recent pension reforms will lead to lower public pensions for future generations of retirees, around 20-25% on average. This first edition of the Pensions Outlook argues that countries should focus on two main policies to address the growing pensions gap: later retirement and extending the coverage of private pensions.
Overall, the pace of pension reform has accelerated over the last five years. Changes include increases in pensionable ages, the introduction of automatic adjustment mechanisms and the strengthening of work incentives. Some countries have also better focused public pension expenditure on lower income groups. However, some recent reforms have raised controversy, such as the decision of some Central and Eastern European countries to pull back earlier reforms that introduced a mandatory funded component.
Most OECD countries have already begun to increase pensionable ages, or plan to do so in the near future. Age 65 remains the modal age at which people normally draw their pensions, accounting for 17, or half, of OECD countries for men and 14 countries for women. But 67 – or higher – is becoming the new 65. Some 13 countries (12 for women) are either increasing pension ages to this level or, in the cases of Iceland and Norway, are already there. Italy, which links pension age and seniority requirements to life expectancy from 2013 and Denmark, which plans to link pension age to life expectancy from the mid-2020s, are forecast nearly to reach age 69 in 2050. The United Kingdom has accelerated the increase in the pensionable age, which will move from 65 to 66 by 2020 (6 years earlier than planned) and from 66 to 67 by 2026-28 (10 years earlier than planned).
Extending working lives will help enhance both the sustainability and adequacy of pension systems. However, planned increases in retirement ages are generally insufficient to address expected rises in life expectancy. In many countries, cuts in public pensions will also widen the gap between pre and post retirement income. In order to close this pension gap, a growing role for private pensions will be essential.
Currently, thirteen OECD countries have either compulsory private pension systems in place (e.g. Australia, Chile) or quasi-mandatory systems based on nation-wide or industry-wide collective bargaining agreements (e.g. Denmark, the Netherlands) to ensure that most workers are covered and therefore have access to a sufficiently high complementary pension. However, in some countries with relatively low public pension benefits, private provision remains voluntary and the highest coverage rates observed are around 50%. In all the countries analysed in the report, the young, low income, part-time and temporary workers are least likely to participate in voluntary private pension plans (see UK case below).
An alternative to compulsory enrolment that has gained popularity in recent years is automatic enrolment. At its essence, it involves signing up people automatically to private pensions but giving them the option to opt out with different degrees of difficulty. Auto-enrolment was introduced in New Zealand in 2007 and partly explains the rapid increase in the coverage of the KiwiSaver (about 55% of the working age population, the highest level among non-compulsory systems in the OECD). On the other hand, in Italy, the introduction of auto-enrolment in 2007 has only had a small effect on coverage rates.
In October 2012 the United Kingdom will also see the introduction of a nation-wide auto-enrolment retirement savings system for all those workers who are not currently covered by private pension plans. This new mechanism should increase further the coverage rate of occupational pension schemes, currently standing at 43.3% of the working age population.
The design of financial incentives for retirement savings also needs to be reformed. Germany (Riester) and New Zealand (KiwiSaver) have introduced financial incentives based on direct state subsidies from the state to retirement savings accounts that also benefit workers that pay no or low taxes. In Germany, the state subsidy provided to Riester pension plans has promoted greater participation among lower income workers than among other private pension arrangements (see Figure 3 below). Low income workers do not normally benefit much from the tax incentives traditionally used to promote private pensions.
The success of these countries in expanding coverage in a relatively short period largely vindicates these policies, though financial incentives can create a heavy burden on already stretched public budgets. Furthermore, coverage gaps also remain in these countries, and overall enrolment rates are still below those observed in countries with mandatory or quasi-mandatory systems (over 70% of the working age population).
Private pension plans, particularly mandatory and auto-enrolment ones, are increasingly of the defined contribution (DC) type. Such plans require careful design and regulation as individuals are often ill-prepared to manage their savings in an effective manner. The starting point for a successful DC plan is a sufficiently high contribution rate.
The chart below compares projected public pension benefits with the mandatory contribution rate in mandatory DC plans or the typical or average contribution rate to voluntary DC plans, depending on the country. The public pension projections are shown as replacement rates (benefits as a percentage of final salary) for a young male worker earning average wages and entering the workforce in 2008 who accumulated benefit rights throughout his whole career and retires at the official or normal retirement age.
The graph shows a broadly inverse relationship between public pension benefits and DC contribution rates. For instance, in the United Kingdom the contribution rate of 8% in the auto-enrolment system should allow the average worker with a full career to reach a gross replacement rate of nearly 70% (32% from public PAYG pensions and 37% from the auto-enrolment retirement savings system). The net replacement rate would be around 80% for workers on average earnings.
On the other hand, there are some countries that clearly stand out in having both relatively low public pension benefits and DC contribution rates that do not seem to be sufficiently high. Such countries include Belgium, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, and Norway. These are also among the countries that fall below the black diagonal line, which shows the combination of public pensions and DC contribution rates (with a 40-year contribution period) that delivers an overall replacement rate of 70% on average. Other countries below the black line include Australia, Chile, New Zealand and especially Mexico. The Australian government recently announced that it would raise the mandatory contribution rate from 9 to 12%, which would bring the country above the black line.
Another major concern in private pensions is investment risk. The financial and economic crisis has exerted major stress on private pension arrangements. Most countries’ pension funds are still in the red in terms of cumulative investment performance over the period 2007-11 (-1.6% annually, on average, in real terms). Even when measured over the period 2001-10, the pension funds’ real rate of return in the 21 OECD countries that report such data averaged a paltry 0.1%. Such disappointing performance puts at risk the ability of private pension arrangements to deliver adequate pensions. The United Kingdom follows the general trend, with average real investment returns of pension funds of -1.1% over the period 2007-10 and -0.1% over the period 2001-10.
In DC pension systems, one clear goal for policymakers should be to improve the design of default investment strategies so that investment risk is reduced as the worker approaches retirement. Such life-cycle investment strategies may need to be carefully regulated to ensure that workers are offered sufficient diversification and protection from market shocks in old age.
16 juin 2012

Young people from a migrant background at greater risk of leaving education and training early the EU more than one in four young people from a migrant background leaves education and training too early.
Efforts in education are critical to preparing immigrants, and particularly their descendants, to be more successful and more active participants in society (Conclusions of the Council and the Representatives of the Governments of Member States on Integration, 4.5.2010).
The indicator considered here is the percentage of young people aged 18 to 24 who leave education and training early. It is calculated for all young people in that age group and is further specified for two particular sub-groups: young people born abroad and young people with foreign citizenship.
Key points

    In 2010, in the EU, the shares of foreign-born and foreign young people who left education and training early (30% and 26%, respectively) were much higher than the corresponding average for all 18-24 years olds (14%). In some countries, the difference was more than 10 percentage points.
    In 2010, the risk of a young person from a migrant background leaving education and training early was highest in four southern European countries (Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal). Greece had the highest share of foreign-born young people who were early leavers (44%) and the United Kingdom had the lowest share (10%). Greece also had the highest share of foreign young people who were early leavers (47%) with Luxembourg having the lowest share (10%). These findings are all based on available country figures.
    In 2010, the incidence of early leaving among foreign-born young people, compared with the country average for all 18-24 year-olds, was particularly high in Greece and Italy (with, respectively, 30 and 22 percentage points more than the country average), followed by Spain, Cyprus, Austria, Germany and France (with between 12 and 15 percentage points more than the country average).
    Similar differences were recorded for early leaving among all young people and early leaving among foreign young people, with Greece and Italy having the biggest differences (+33 and +25 percentage points, respectively) followed by other countries (Spain, Germany, Cyprus, France, Austria and Belgium) with differences that are smaller but still more than 10 percentage points.
    The situation was reversed only in the United Kingdom, and partly in Portugal, where the average early leaving for the overall population of young people was higher than for young people from a foreign background.

The indicator considers the share of young people aged 18-24 who are defined as early leavers from education and training, i.e. 18-24 year-olds with at most lower secondary education (ISCED 0-2 or 3c short) who declared that they have not received any education or training in the four weeks preceding the survey. The indicator is further specified for foreign young people and foreign-born young people. Foreigners or foreign population refers to persons who are not citizens of the country in which they reside, including persons of unknown citizenship and stateless persons. Foreign-born refers to persons whose place of birth, or the place of residence of the mother at the time of the birth, is outside the country of his or her usual residence.
Data originate from the EU Labour Force Survey and are subject to its methodology. Data were processed by DESTATIS and published on the Eurostat website. Data were extracted from the Eurostat online database on 22 May 2012. When interpreting the data, possible differences in national implementation of the EU LFS should be taken into account. Two approaches were considered in calculating the figures (i.e. country of birth and citizenship) to account for the different institutional settings which, in the EU Member States, can affect the specification of the migrant background of young people.
Data for some countries and/or for some dimensions are not presented either because the data were not available or owing to sample size limitations.

Progress in reducing early school leaving and increasing graduates in Europe, but more efforts needed.
Early school leaving in Europe – Questions and answers.
Conclusions (Council & Representatives of the Governments of Member States) on Integration.
Indicators of Immigrant Integration - A pilot study.
Eurostat employment and social policy - Migrant integration indicators.
More statistics of the month.
Cedefop Statistics and indicators section.

16 juin 2012

A multilingual toolkit for training professionals - European training thesaurus, a multilingual synopsis multilingual tool kit for training professionals
How can people working in the education, training and employment fields across Europe make sure what they all mean when using the a term? This is the problem that Cedefop’s linguistic tools have been designed to address. Our latest offering is the multilingual synopsis of the European Training Thesaurus.
This publication, which is available online in pdf form free of charge, is a selection of 1207 terms and concepts which appear frequently in literature related to European vocational education and training (VET) research and policy. This tool forms the basis of the full-fledged online thesaurus Cedefop is currently preparing. Rather than having the full features of a thesaurus, the synopsis allows for a quick navigation by language, term and topic.
Each term/concept is presented in 11 languages: Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, and Swedish. Topics covered include skills needs and shortages, lifelong learning, vocational education and training policy, assessment and certification of learning outcomes, recognition of certificates and diplomas, and vocational guidance. Download European training thesaurus.
Background and outlook

The ETT is Cedefop’s thesaurus and constitutes a multilingual controlled vocabulary for VET in Europe. It contains more than 2 500 terms (descriptors and non-descriptors) and is used to describe and access knowledge of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop).
Its topics include skill needs and shortages, lifelong learning, VET policy, assessment of learning outcomes, qualifications and vocational guidance.
ETT was first developed in the 1980s to standardise the indexing process for Cedefop’s bibliographic VET-Bib database to make searching simpler and more efficient. Currently, ETT is used in different library applications, as well as in Cedefop’s webportal.
In 2008, the third edition of ETT was published and made available on the Internet in English and French.
Since then, a lot of effort has gone into preparing additional language versions, mainly by ReferNet members. The following additional languages have been finalised: Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, and Swedish. Czech and Maltese versions are currently in preparation.
As a living working tool, the ETT is constantly being updated to:
• include new concepts and terms arising from current shifts and trends in VET in Europe;
• integrate terms and concepts deriving from Cedefop’s vocabularies;
• align ETT terminology with Eurovoc.
Since 2011, Cedefop has also been a member of Eurovoc’s collaborative thesaurus working group. The group aims at developing a European metathesaurus, which will link specialised thesauri to EuroVoc.
Cedefop will be the first EU organisation to benefit from full integration and alignment with EuroVoc.

The ETT is managed by Cedefop’s library and documentation service. It is updated at regular intervals to reflect the latest developments in VET.
The European training thesaurus working group (TWG) is made up of representatives from Cedefop, ReferNet, Eurovoc and Eurydice. The TWG collects and examines proposals for new terms/concepts to be added to the thesaurus.
Cedefop coordinates work of the TWG and is responsible for technical developments and monitoring translations. Translations of accepted terms are then provided by ReferNet. We are very grateful for the contribution and expertise of the TWG. We would like especially to thank ReferNet members who translated terms for this publication:
• Denmark (Danish Agency for International Education),
• Netherlands (ECBO – Expertisecentrum Beroepsonderwijs),
• Estonia (Innove – Foundation for Lifelong Learning Development),
• Finland (Finnish National Board of Education),
• France (Centre INFFO – Centre pour le développement de l’information sur la formation permanente),
• Germany (BIBB – Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung),
• Ireland (FÀS – Training and Employment Authority),
• Italia (ISFOL – Istituto per lo sviluppo della formazione professionale dei lavoratori),
• Poland (BKKK – Task Force for Training and Human Resources),
• Portugal (DGERT – Direcção-Geral do Emprego e das Relações de Trabalho), and
• Sweden (SKOLVERKET – Swedish National Agency for Education).
We welcome comments and suggestions and look forward to receiving feedback via the dedicated comments form. Download European training thesaurus.

16 juin 2012

The COPERNICUS Alliance COPERNICUS Alliance is the European Network on Higher Education for Sustainable Development. The vision of the COPERNICUS Alliance is to promote the role of Sustainable Development in European Higher Education to improve education and research for sustainability in partnership with society.

Networking: Exchanging and enhancing knowledge on Education for Sustainable Development between European Higher Education and student organizations that work for sustainability
Policy: Promoting Higher Education for Sustainable Development in European policy making
Service: Disseminating tools for sustainability integration in higher education
Outreach: Promoting sustainable development in European Higher Education
Representation: Representing European Higher Education for Sustainable Development in international committees on Education for Sustainable Development

The COPERNICUS Alliance aims to achieve above mentioned goals through a growing network of European higher education institutions and develop a platform to strengthen integration of sustainable development in higher education management, education, research and society.
The COPERNICUS Alliance is strongly dependent on the participation of its members. Based on their activities it forms an innovation network for integration of sustainable development at higher education institutions with multiple contacts and possibilities of exchange at a European level.

The COPERNICUS Alliance is strongly connected to the COPERNICUS Charta. The original document was developed in 1993 and until 2005 signed by 326 universities as a self commitment to follow its principles on sustainable development.
In 2011 a redesigned version was released as 'COPERNICUS Charta 2.0'.
, Charta, Network, Goals, Vision.
16 juin 2012

Global Universities Partnership on Environment and Sustainability-GUPES Global Universities Partnership on Environment and Sustainability (GUPES) was formally launched at Tongji University, Shanghai, China, on the occasion of the World Environment Day.
The launch of GUPES at Tongji University is a culmination of several preparatory processes that have been ongoing since the first GUPES Consultative meeting held in Nairobi, Kenya during November 2010. GUPES is expected to provide a platform for universities interested in enhancing environment and sustainability concerns through teaching, training and networking, with the following objectives:
- Evaluate experiences, lessons learnt, challenges and opportunities for the GUPES network since its inception;
- Agree on a common platform and strategic partnership framework for universities globally on environment and sustainability;
- Develop a strategic framework for resource mobilization for GUPES programmes, projects and activities as well as South-South and North-South partnerships; and
- Launch publications developed by UNEP’s Environmental Education and Training Unit in partnership with Universities from the GUPES network.
GUPES is also linked with the UN Higher Education Initiative on Sustainability, which will be launched during the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development.

The presentation included a High level panel on Universities and the transition towards ‘Green Economies’ and ‘Green Societies’ in the lead up Rio+20. It was held in conjunction with the 2012 International Student Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development, which gathered around 400 students from all across the world.
16 juin 2012

What is Higher Education For? Shared and contested ambitions Society for Research into Higher Education invites contributions to this international conference which will examine many perspectives about what higher education is for, explore ways in which research into higher education can support and strengthen shared ambitions and by taking a broad and multi-faceted view of the nature and purpose of higher education discussions will illuminate disputed ambitions.
The SRHE Annual Conference provides a major platform for the presentation and sharing of research in every aspect of higher education.
You are invited to contribute to this debate in a variety of ways: by presenting a paper, including work of a conceptual or theoretical nature, forming or participating in a symposium, or organising a round table on any aspect of this year’s theme or your own research interests. Empirical and scholarly research from a wide range of perspectives is welcome.
Submitting authors will be asked to provide an abstract for peer review in two parts;
Part 1 Abstract: This needs to be a 150 word maximum summary of the proposal. This will be the information printed in the published conference programme.
Part 2 Outline: It will be a maximum 1000 word outline of the research to be presented. Both parts will be required at the point of first submission and there will be no subsequent call for full papers for accepted abstracts later in the year.
The full abstract of parts 1 and 2 will be available for all delegates on a CD Rom at the Conference.
Deadline for conference paper submissions: Friday 29 June 2012

The SRHE Annual Conference is a participative event at which delegates presenting their own work will also participate in the discussions in plenary sessions and the presentations of the work of others. The Conference programme is planned on the basis that delegates will attend the whole event over the three days.
The conference will start on Wednesday 12 December at 11.00am (registration from 9.30am) and finish after lunch at 3pm on Friday 14 December. The Welcome Reception will be on the first evening, Wednesday 12 December and the Conference Gala dinner on Thursday 13 December. Celtic Manor, set in 1400 acres of parkland in the stunning Welsh USK Valley,
is one of the finest conference venues in Europe offering state of the art conference facilities, accommodation for all conference delegates and extensive and exclusive spaces for delegates to network.
Newer Researchers' Perspectives
The Newer Researchers Conference will be held on 11 December at the Celtic Manor Resort.
Download Call For Papers SRHE Conference.
Download Call For Papers SRHE Newer Researchers Conference.
Conference Registration.
See also Positive Futures for higher education.
16 juin 2012

Europe-Africa Quality Connect dissemination event: Europe-Africa Quality Connect, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (21-22 June 2012). The final dissemination conference of the EUA-coordinated project Europe-Africa Quality Connect, “A bi-regional approach to Strengthening University Capacity for Change”, will take place from 21 to 22 June 2012 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The event is the culmination of a two-year pilot project to test the methodology of EUA’s Institutional Evaluation Programme on five universities from different regions in Africa. Generating a report on the evaluation outcomes and the prospects for continuing institutional quality evaluations in Africa, the final conference will promote the results to the wider African university community, donors and governments. Participants will include African university leadership, representatives from the pilot universities and experts of the project, African Union and European Union officials as well as local NGOs and donors.
Some of the key issues to be discussed will be:
  • feedback from the stakeholder community on the university evaluation methodology;
  • how universities in Africa can best utilise the results of the evaluations;
  • regional and sub-regional frameworks for QA and how this pilot initiative supports them;
  • the future of the programme in Africa and prospects for other universities who would be interested in  undergoing evaluations; and
  • future Europe-Africa cooperation in QA.

A draft programme can be found on the project website. The event is open and there is no conference fee. If you are interested in attending, please contact:
Europe-Africa Quality Connect is an Erasmus Mundus-supported project, coordinated by EUA in conjunction with the Association of African Universities, the Irish University Quality Board and the University of Aveiro. For more information, please visit this website.
See also Participants of Europe-Africa Quality Connect endorse IEP evaluation approach in Africa.

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