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30 avril 2019

New Cornell Study Suggests That Mental Processing is Continuous, Not Like a Computer

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. New Cornell Study Suggests That Mental Processing is Continuous, Not Like a Computer
As I said in my recent paper, the trend in research is away from cognitivist theories of mind. "For decades, the cognitive and neural sciences have treated mental processes as though they involved passing discrete packets of information in a strictly feed-forward fashion from one cognitive module to the next or in a string of individuated binary symbols -- like a digital computer," said Spivey. More...
30 avril 2019

Mobile Computing - Imagination on the Move

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Mobile Computing - Imagination on the Move
Mobile computing has become the new 'in' thing, capturing tghe attention of writers and designers throughout the field of e-learning. Not that there's anything wrong with that; the advent of wireless makes support for mobile computing an imperative. This article surveys some pioneering mobile computing initiatives in U.S. universities, including Seton Hall, Georgetown and Carnegie Mellon. More...
30 avril 2019


By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Packetville
ADL writes: "Cisco Systems is rolling out a web portal this week that it hopes will help more young students become interested in math and science careers as well as education in general." It's not really a portal; there aren't any outside links. More...
30 avril 2019

Students Tackle Math Via Fantasy Football

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Corey Murray: Students Tackle Math Via Fantasy Football, ESchool News September 2, 2005
This is a pretty good example, it seems to me, of how to use games productively in learning. Instead of trying to create a game specifically designed to teach math, a teacher has adapted an existing game - fantasy football - to draw out those elements that foster the learning of math. More...
30 avril 2019

Where Belief is Born

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Where Belief is Born
Good, though short, article summarizing work on the foundations of belief and memory. People, it seems to me, have this folk-psychological view of beliefs and memories as static, sentence-like, off-or-on. More...

30 avril 2019

Wheaties? Not so Much…

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Wheaties? Not so Much…
Talk about missing the point. Someone in this group blog notes the recent report noting the strong correlation between eating breakfast and doing well academically. But Slate's Amanda Schaffer responds by saying you shouldn't wake children up to eat breakfast because they suffer from shortages of sleep. More...

30 avril 2019

Should You Finish?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Should You Finish?
An item that hits close to home for me, questioning whether it is in the best interests of some students to finish their PhD. "To consider leaving graduate school without your Ph.D. in hand does not inherently make you a failure. In fact, it could be the best decision you've made in a long while." For me that was pretty much the case. More...

30 avril 2019

GLS02: James Paul Gee on New Paradigms for Learning

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. GLS02: James Paul Gee on New Paradigms for Learning
Summary of a talk by James Paul Gee in which he points to some failures of the U.S. educational system and asserts that "the solution to these crises is in our face: it’s popular culture and games; this is where it’s getting solved, not in our schools." More...

30 avril 2019

Learning Object Discussion

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Learning Object Discussion
So anyhow, George Siemens has been planning this for a while, so I'll let him describe it: "This afternoon, I facilitated and enjoyable learning object discussion (with Brian Lamb, Scott Leslie, Jody Baty, Alan Levine, Scott Wilson, and David Wiley). The presentations are available here: Part One, Part Two, Part Three" Now I had intended also to be there but I missed my bus today to hear the end of Romeo Dallaire's talk. Which made me wonder how George got out the links so quickly. More...

30 avril 2019

Where Now for Collaborative Journalism?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Where Now for Collaborative Journalism?
I'll give them credit for trying. The Los Angeles Times attempted to include readers in their online content by setting up a wiki where readers could rewrite the day's editorial. The experiment lasted one day, and then was pulled, as they said, "due to defacement." This analysis summarizes pretty well what happened. More...

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