The $6.5 Million Parents, a Video and More Guilty Pleas
By Scott Jaschik. Mother in case says she was fooled; her daughter boasts of hard work; more admissions of guilt … and more humor. More...
Thank Someone Else's Mom
The mother of our director of residence life would not let go of my hand after realizing that I was the one who had written her last spring. She told me how much the letter had meant to her and that she carries it with her at all times. To prove it, she guided me toward her purse and pulled out the letter. More...
How to Make the GPA Less Flawed
For decades, American society has reduced student success, or failure, to this number completely absent of any context, Adam Piggott and Tom Solomon argue. More...
Ethical College Admissions: May Day, Coalition Exits and More
Jim Jump reflects on discussions with colleagues at a time of year that is either stressful or celebratory (or both) for those in admissions. More...
The Wrong Response to a Tragedy
On Easter Sunday, bombs set off by terrorist suicide bombers in churches and hotels in Sri Lanka shocked the world. The number of deaths and injuries, along with the level of general destruction, was appalling. The religious/ethnic dimension of the attack tied it to central political and cultural conflicts of our times -- and of other times as well. More...
New Frontiers of Adaptive Learning
Universities share how they are making strides with the use of adaptive courseware in the humanities. Most of the publicized examples of adaptive learning focus on its use in improving student outcomes in STEM courses, but some universities are seeing promising examples in the humanities as well. More...
Conclusions du Grand Débat: les territoires attendent des moyens pour la transition écologique et le pouvoir d’achat!
Le mouvement des gilets jaunes a pourtant eu pour origine une vive opposition des Français à l’augmentation de leur facture énergétique (carburant, logement) et à une taxe carbone perçue comme injuste, qui se limitait à taxer davantage l’énergie sans utiliser les recettes pour permettre aux Français de réduire leur consommation d’énergie et son coût. Ce n’est pas à la transition écologique que les Français se sont opposés mais bien à cette conception punitive et insuffisamment incitative de la fiscalité environnementale. Plus...
Ready for Prime-time Players? On the Reliability of Tagging...
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Brian Lamb: Ready for Prime-time Players? On the Reliability of Tagging..., Abject learning November 30, 2005
Brian Lamb asks, "is the emergent approach really ready for prime time? Because it's easy to talk trash about BlackWeb and other corporate behemoths, but at the end of the day reliability matters." Well sure (though it's not like Blackweb offers access to distributed content through syndication either). More...
Ready for Prime-time Players?
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Brian Lamb: Ready for Prime-time Players? On the Reliability of Tagging..., Abject learning November 30, 2005
Brian Lamb asks, "is the emergent approach really ready for prime time? Because it's easy to talk trash about BlackWeb and other corporate behemoths, but at the end of the day reliability matters." Well sure (though it's not like Blackweb offers access to distributed content through syndication either). More...