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30 avril 2019

Playing to Learn

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Playing to Learn
Doug levin sends in this link from the latest issue of Cable in the Classroom, now available. Some good insight into how games should be supported. Games require media literacy, for example - they are not real, should not be taken as real, and players need to be able to recognize that. More...

30 avril 2019

Reading Between the Lines: Understanding the Role of Latent Content in the Analysis of Online Asynchronous Discussions

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Reading Between the Lines: Understanding the Role of Latent Content in the Analysis of Online Asynchronous Discussions
Prompted by a discussion on DEOS the other day I have been pondering the difference between traditional distance learning, as advanced by people like Keegan and Moore, and online learning. If I had to put it in a nutshell, I would say that it is the difference between communications theory and network theory, the difference between structured symbolic representations and unstructured subsymbolic reflections. More...

30 avril 2019

lashing them together

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. lashing them together
Foucault on the soul: "the element in which are articulated the effects of a certain type of power and the reference of a certain type of knowledge, the machinery by which the power relations give rise to a possible corpus of knowledge, and knowledge extends and reinforces the effects of this power." More...

29 avril 2019

The death of consensus, not the death of truth

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The death of consensus, not the death of truth
Xiao Mina, Nieman Lab, 2019/01/04
Michael Caulfield asks "Why Reputation" in reaction to this piece by Xiao Mina. Mina writes, " Rather than trust in sources of authority (institutions in power as such), people today are more likely to put their trust in networks of affiliation (those in your circle, however you define that)," which seems right to me. But this is different from reputation. More...

29 avril 2019

Old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dance video goes viral as supporters mock shaming attempt

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dance video goes viral as supporters mock shaming attempt
Joel Shannon, USA Today, 2019/01/04
I've said this before but it bears repeating: the problem is not what there is about you on the internet, the problem is in what people do with it. Case in point: there is utterly nothing wrong with making a video of you and some friends dancing on a rooftop. That's what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did. More...

29 avril 2019

Presence (2019)

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Presence (2019)
Wendy Wickham, In the Middle of the Curve, 2019/01/02
There's an interesting conundrum here, and it bears drawing out. On the one hand he have 'presence' as described here - as something like Senge's description: paying attention to "What is happening right now? What biases and assumptions am I bringing to this observation? How do I choose to respond to this?" Sure. Fair enough. Good  questions. But performance-killers. More...

29 avril 2019

If Not Venture Capital, Then What?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. If Not Venture Capital, Then What?
Ben Werdmuller, 2019/01/02
Ben Werdmuller, who is an unusually good position to comment, writes that "Venture capital has, inadvertently, created a template for what can be built on the internet. It's harmful, and it's a lie." The template dictates that internet companies scale rapidly and, therefore, depend on revenue models that scale rapidly, like advertising. More...

29 avril 2019

Are You a Prosumer?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Are You a Prosumer?
The subject has come up in recent weeks (as it always does) about how to pay people to produce content. I argue (as I always do) that you don't need to pay people, that given time and resources, they will do it themselves. This article is about the 'prosumer' - the person who actually invests substantial sums of money (to buy, say, digital cameras or audio recording equipment) in order to create. More...

29 avril 2019

Le "capitalisme de surveillance" n’est pas une fatalité

Screenshot-2018-4-15 Egypte – des élections présidentielles jouées d’avanceIl y a six mois, Shoshana Zuboff publiait le livre The Age of Surveillance Capitalism : the Fight For a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power alors que le monde numérique subissait depuis quelques temps des critiques virulentes quant à l’utilisation des données personnelles par ses acteurs les plus connus. Plus...

28 avril 2019

Game of Thrones : quand la fiction devient réalité

Screenshot-2018-4-15 Egypte – des élections présidentielles jouées d’avanceLe succès phénoménal de la série tient d’abord à sa qualité : le talent du scénario, celui des acteurs, le caractère spectaculaire des scènes de guerre, grâce à des moyens financiers qui sont ceux des films à grand spectacle, sans oublier un mélange de violence et de sexe auquel les séries américaines ne nous avaient pas habitués. Plus...

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