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28 août 2013

Plan de formation des entreprises privées et des associations - Poitou-Charente

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Le plan de formation
Le plan de formation présente l’ensemble des actions de formation décidées par l’employeurs, après consultation des représentants du personnel dans les entreprises de 10 salariés et plus. Il distingue 2 types d’actions, celles qui visent à l’adaptation au poste de travail ou qui sont liées à l’évolution ou au maintien dans l’emploi des salariés et celles qui visent au développement des compétences.
Le plan comprend des actions de formation soit organisées par l’entreprise elle-même, soit réalisées par un prestataire de formation externe dans le cadre d’une convention de formation, d’un bon de commande ou d’une facture détaillée.
Les règles qui suivent concernent les actions de formation dont le financement est éligible à l’obligation légale, dans le cadre de la partie 6 du code du travail (voir fiche n° E 3.1). Suite...

28 août 2013

Plan national de sensibilisation à l'entrepreneuriat au féminin

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Les femmes représentent en France 30% des créations d’entreprise et seules 10% des entreprises innovantes nouvellement créées sont dirigées par des femmes.
Le Gouvernement souhaite élever ce nombre de dix points d'ici à la fin du quinquennat et a, pour cela, présenté, le 27 août 2013, un plan de sensibilisation à l'entrepreneuriat au féminin.
Le Plan s'articule en trois axes :
- Axe n°1 : sensibiliser, orienter et informer
Dès la classe de 6e, l’entrepreneuriat féminin fera partie du programme au titre du nouveau parcours individuel, d’information, d’orientation, et de découverte du monde économique et professionnel, prévu par la loi refondation de l’Ecole. Suite...

28 août 2013

Les stages, des tremplins vers l'emploi difficiles à trouver stages permettent de s'insérer plus facilement sur le marché du travail. Mais alors que de plus en plus de jeunes doivent en valider un dans le cadre de leurs études, ils peinent pourtant à trouver une place en entreprise…
Les stages sont un tremplin vers le premier emploi. C'est ce que pensent 88 % des jeunes diplômés et 92 % des employeurs interrogés par StepStone, un site d'annonces en ligne. Ainsi, 74 % des jeunes interrogés ont déjà effectué un stage durant leur cursus, cursus qui intègrent de plus en plus ces stages. Pourtant, 57 % des sondés indiquent qu'il leur est difficile de trouver un stage. Suite...

28 août 2013

Obama: Higher education not 'a luxury' President Barack Obamasaid Saturday higher education is "an economic imperative that every family in America should be able to afford."
In his weekly radio and Internet address, the president spoke about stops he made this week to promote his proposals for "a better bargain for the middle class."
The tour included visits with high school and college students in New York and Pennsylvania to discuss higher education. Read more...

28 août 2013

Japan’s Education Minister Aims to Foster Global Talents Miki Tanikawa. Hakubun Shimomura, Japan’s minister for education and science, has been working to make the country’s universities more competitive globally since his appointment to the post in December.
In an interview, he discussed the government’s “Abenomics” policies, as well as the need to internationalize Japanese higher education, attract foreign faculty, improve English language capabilities and update the admissions process. He also commented on his personal experiences of the Japanese university system in relation to his son, who has learning disabilities. His son attends a British university, from which he expects to graduate this year. More...

28 août 2013

Fewer Law School Applicants Due To Lack Of Jobs, High Tuition . As students return to class, there are fewer law students in the lecture halls. Law schools across the country report close to a 20 percent drop in the number of applicants this fall. The lingering recession, staffing cuts at law firms, and the rising cost of a law degree get the blame for the decline. It can cost more than $100,000 to earn a law degree. Twenty-three year old Brandon Edwards says that was too much when he thought about attending law school full time at the University of Cincinnati. So he decided to stay home in Columbus and attend Capital University’s law school. More...

28 août 2013

Maine state universities pay agents to recruit international students Nell Gluckman. This September, among the new students attending the University of Maine’s orientation will be two students from China and one each from India, Vietnam and Bangladesh.
That the students are from abroad is not new; the University of Maine had 341 degree-seeking, international students last year. But the way they got here is different. They didn’t come here on their own. They were recruited in their home countries by agents paid on a per-head basis by the public university. The University of Maine System will use the controversial method to bring more foreign students to both Orono and the University of Southern Maine over the next five years. The sensitive nature of the commission-based recruiting is best illustrated by the fact that it can be illegal if done within the U.S. The federal government is currently suing a for-profit education company for fraudulently recruiting students to its colleges. And that company and the company hired by the University of Maine System – called Study Group – are owned by the same parent company. More...

28 août 2013

Weltweit vernetzt Jürg Brunnschweiler. Ein Blick in die Intenational Knowledge Base der ETH Zürich zeigt, wie global vernetzt unsere Forscherinnen und Forscher sind. Erfolgreich zu forschen und publizieren bedeutet heute, internationale Netzwerke aufzubauen und mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen zusammen zu arbeiten, die über die Welt verstreut sind. Aber auch auf institutioneller Ebene wird die globale Vernetzung immer wichtiger.
Die ETH Zürich engagiert sich in verschiedenen universitären Allianzen und Netzwerken. Beispiele hierfür sind die International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU), das Global University Leaders Forum (GULF) oder die IDEA League. Mehr...

28 août 2013

East Asia could set the pace for online learning David Roberts and Blaine Greteman. No doubt you have at least started to hear the rumblings of the traditional higher education system being shaken to its core.
Recent US start-ups such as Coursera and Udacity are sending shockwaves through the system as they promise to educate millions with Ivy-League-quality courses for little or no fees through massive open online courses.
But, even though many top universities are already rushing to join, the entrenched US higher education system is proving resistant to change. 
In East Asia, where the need for quality higher education is "a key vulnerability to sustained growth", according to the World Bank, this presents a tremendous opportunity to take the reins and meet the region's increasing demand for higher education.
The technology's most obvious use is the import of teaching talent to Asia over the internet at little cost. Learning in this way would bring home an "international" learning experience.
Furthermore, for those with the inclination and wherewithal to visit a campus overseas, it would intensify the time spent abroad by preparing them directly for tutorial relationships or research labs, minimising the need for extended time in rudimentary lectures or language classes.
Hong Kong, which started the first such online course in Asia in April, is already poised to lead the way.
But these online courses are not simply a chance to pipe in prestigious professors via the internet or more effectively deliver a traditional Western education (which could be outdated within a decade).
Rather, they represent a chance to build a fledgling technology into a visionary form of higher education that speaks to the specifics of the region and is a model for the world. More...

28 août 2013

Exporting Higher Education and Global Innovation Networks . Why Japan’s minister for education and science is making it a priority to double the import and export of university students.
When high school graduates from outside the region attend a local college, that counts as an export of higher education. The international trade of such services is booming. Japan wants a piece of the action. Minister for Education and Science Hakubun Shimomura outlines the challenge:
We want Japanese universities to increase the number of international faculty, raise the number of classes conducted in English and introduce standardized tests like Toefl as a means to lift English skills. We also want to double the flow of students coming to Japan and those leaving Japan for overseas institutions. More...

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