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31 mars 2015

Innovative Efforts for Universal Quality Education

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Innovative Efforts for Universal Quality Education
Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin, OECD, 2015/03/26
This report summarizes "an international workshop on 'Innovative efforts for universal quality education'." It states: "If education systems are to provide disadvantaged groups with quality education, the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students need to be relevant to the environment, improve their employability and be aligned with their work aspirations." More...

29 mars 2015

Report Faults Education Dept. Management of Grants for Teachers

HomeThe U.S. Department of Education needs to do a better job of managing the federal grant program for teachers, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office. Read more...

29 mars 2015

Team Teaching Is One Key to Success of Job-Training Program, Report Says . Report: “The Second Year of Accelerating Opportunity: Implementation Findings From the States and Colleges”
Organization: Jobs for the Future
Summary: Community colleges in four states are making progress in helping adults who fall below basic literacy levels improve their academic skills and land decent-paying jobs. That’s the conclusion of an independent evaluation of the Accelerating Opportunity Program two years into the three-year effort. More...
29 mars 2015

Sustainability Is the New Campus Orthodoxy, Report Argues . Higher education’s focus on sustainability seriously undermines free inquiry and debate on college campuses, a new report from the National Association of Scholars argues. The report, entitled “Sustainability: Higher Education’s New Fundamentalism,” also argues that colleges’ sustainability efforts are too costly at a time when graduates are struggling to pay off loan debt. More...

29 mars 2015

Stanford Reports ‘Troubling’ Increase in Cheating . Stanford University is investigating a “troubling” increase in cheating by students, Bloomberg News reports. The college’s provost, John W. Etchemendy, wrote in a letter to the faculty that the Office of Community Standards had recently received an uncommonly high number of reports of academic dishonesty. More...

28 mars 2015

Nothing new in latest Closing the Gap report

By Celeste Liddle (NTEU National Office). The release of the Closing the Gap Report 2015 in February brought with it few surprises, with it reading much the same as the 2014 report. Prime Minister Tony Abbott expressed his disappointment that there had been little-to-no improvement in most of the identified target areas. There are many opportunities for the government to engage the higher education sector in achieving more equitable outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (A&TSI) people. Yet they are reluctant to do so. More...
27 mars 2015

Rapport d'activité 2014 de l'agence Erasmus+ France / Education Formation

L'Agence vient de publier son Rapport d'activité 2014.
Il reprend l'ensemble des activités marquantes de l'année écoulée et les résultats de la première année du programme Erasmus+.
Télécharger le rapport d'activité en version PDF. Voir l'article...

23 mars 2015

Rapport sur la période dite de "transmission des valeurs" et sur les manifestations étudiantes à l'ENSAM - Rapport 2014-087

"Ce rapport fait le point sur la pratique dites de "l'usinage", autrement dénommée "Période de transmission des Valeurs", qui est traditionnellement en vigueur dans les centres de l'ENSAM et qui conduit ponctuellement à des dérives assimilables à du bizutage. Il formule des recommandations visant à encadrer cette période et éviter les excès constatés lors de ces manifestations ou en marge de celles-ci."
Rapport 2014-087 - Février 2015. Voir l'article...

23 mars 2015

Bob Braun Reports that Pearson Is Spying on Social Media of Students Taking PARCC Tests

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Bob Braun Reports that Pearson Is Spying on Social Media of Students Taking PARCC Tests
Diane Ravitch, 2015/03/16
The site that broke the story has been "attacked and closed", but this is what Bob Braun wrote: "Pearson, the multinational testing and publishing company, is spying on the social media posts of students–including those from New Jersey–while the children are taking their PARCC, statewide tests." More...

22 mars 2015

Bilan de la politique immobilière de l'État

Logo des juridictions financièresLa Cour des comptes rend public, le 19 mars 2015, un référé relatif à un premier bilan de la politique immobilière de l'État, redéfinie en 2009. La Cour, qui contrôle depuis quelques années la mise en œuvre de cette politique, relève plusieurs impératifs : mieux en préciser les finalités, resserrer sa gouvernance, parfaire la connaissance du parc immobilier, poursuivre la rationalisation des implantations, affiner l'analyse des coûts, clarifier l'architecture budgétaire, améliorer la programmation des opérations et traiter des sujets, encore pendants, comme celui de l’insuffisance des ressources pour la conservation en bon état du parc. Elle formule quatorze recommandations.
Bilan de la politique immobilière de l'État (PDF, 2,25 MB). Voir l'article...

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