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3 mai 2015

New Eurydice report on adult education and training published

Fact Sheet: tackling radicalisation through education and youth policy

Do all adults benefit equally from lifelong learning opportunities in Europe? What type of programmes exist for adults who do not have the skills or qualifications that match labour market and societal requirements? What do countries do to encourage adults to return to education and training? These are but some of the questions tackled in the new Eurydice report Adult Education and Training in Europe: Widening Access to Learning Opportunitiespdf .
The report covers 35 national education systems located in 32 European countries (all EU Member States as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey). It draws on several data sources, the prime source being the information gathered through the Eurydice Network in 2014. Alongside Eurydice information, the report also includes statistical data from international surveys and outcomes from a range of research projects. More...

2 mai 2015

Rapport de suivi de l'éducation et de la formation 2014

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "epale"Rapport de suivi de l'éducation et de la formation en Belgique ainsi que dans les autres Etats membres:
Edition 2014
Pour prendre connaissance du rapport intégral publié par la Commission européenne en novembre 2014 : cliquez ici. Voir l'article...

1 mai 2015

"Unesco 2015 Education for All monitoring" report: Only a third of countries have reached the goals

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "open education europa"One month before the World Education Forum in Korea, Unesco has published the “Education for All 2000-2015: Achievements and Challenges” monitoring report, which tracks progress on the measurable Education for All goals set in 2000. More...

27 avril 2015

Report Cites Low-Income Students' Success at Small Private Colleges

HomeNonwealthy private colleges are often left out of the discussion about how low-income students can get access to and succeed in higher education, with policy makers putting most of their focus on the institutions that disproportionately enroll those students (community colleges and for-profit institutions) and those that they think should enroll more -- flagship public and wealthy private universities. Read more...

27 avril 2015

Report: Residential Wi-Fi Gets Faster, More Expensive

HomeFor the first time, more than half, or 51.4 percent, of the 550 colleges and universities surveyed for this year's Annual State of the ResNet Report devoted one gigabit of their bandwidth to residential networks, and costs are increasing as a result. Read more...

27 avril 2015

Financial-Aid Offices Continue to Experience Resource Shortages . Report: “2015 Administrative Burden Survey”
Organization: National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
Summary: Following up on a similar effort several years back, the association surveyed its members to determine the resource shortages they face, the causes of those shortages, and their impact on students. More...

27 avril 2015

Post-2015 education goals need to be realistic, and will require drastic change

By . The UNESCO Global Monitoring Report (GMR) launched its annual report card this week on the sidelines of the World Bank and IMF spring meetings. The report presents a comprehensive, 500-page overview of education progress over the past 15 years. More...

25 avril 2015

Rapport d'activité 2014 du Centre d'études de l'emploi Rechercher dans les publications - CEE

Centre d'études de l'emploiLe Centre d'études de l'emploi vient de publier son rapport d'activité 2014.
Pour le consulter.
La distinction entre ce qui relève du monde de la recherche et ce qui relève de la réponse à une demande sociale est en partie artificielle. La participation à des expertises et à la construction d’outils d’observation, les collaborations avec des établissements publics s’appuient sur des résultats de recherche. Les sollicitations d’interventions peuvent venir du monde académique, comme des établissements publics du champ travail et emploi, dont la mission principale ne porte pas sur le champ de la recherche. De même, les chercheurs du Centre publient à la fois dans des revues académiques et dans des supports de diffusion destinés à un public plus large que celui de la communauté scientifique.
La distinction opérée dans ce rapport vise à mettre en avant cette double implication, sur la base des activités menées en 2014. Voir plus...

24 avril 2015

A Stronger Nation Through Higher Education - 2015 Edition

Lumina's annual progress report toward the goal, A Stronger Nation offers detailed data arrays that describe degree attainment at the national, state and county levels. The report also provides degree-attainment data for each of the nation’s 100 most populous metropolitan regions.
Our nation confronts an urgent and growing need for talent, and higher education is the key to meeting that need. That’s why Lumina Foundation focuses all of its energy and resources on one goal, what we call Goal 2025. We want to ensure that, by the year 2025, 60 percent of Americans hold a college degree, certificate or other high-quality postsecondary credential.
Each year in this report, we track the nation’s progress toward that goal, focusing mainly on the working-age population (ages 25-64). According to the most recent available data (2013), 40 percent of these working-age Americans have at least a two-year degree – an 0.6 percentage-point increase over the previous year’s rate of 39.4 percent. This increase is encouraging, as is a similar increase in higher education attainment among young adults (ages 25-34). More...

11 avril 2015

Rapport conjoint sur l'emploi : Les réformes du marché du travail doivent se poursuivre

cariforefLe projet de rapport conjoint sur l’emploi de la Commission et du Conseil (RCE) a été adopté lundi 9 mars par le Conseil Emploi, Politiques Sociale, Santé et Protection des Consommateurs.
Selon le rapport, l'emploi et la situation sociale demeurent préoccupants et les réformes soutenant le bon fonctionnement des marchés du travail doivent se poursuivre.
L’analyse présentée dans le rapport se base sur:
•    l’évolution de l’emploi et de la situation sociale en Europe;
•    la mise en œuvre des lignes directrices pour l’emploi;
•    l’examen des différents programmes nationaux de réforme  qui a conduit aux recommandations spécifiques par pays,
•    et l’évaluation de leur mise en œuvre jusqu'à présent. Voir l'article...

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