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28 mars 2018

Why we’re striking for women’s rights today

Protests are taking place across the world to mark International Women’s Day. Three UK campaigners explain what they’re standing up for. More...

27 mars 2018

Sexism needs to be challenged in schools, not just workplaces

The ConversationPrograms followed International Women’s Year in 1975 in support of the United Nation’s declaration to eliminate discrimination against women, particularly in education and employment. More...

25 mars 2018

Going Over Time at Conferences by Gender

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. Research suggests that women are underrepresented as speakers at conferences, especially in certain fields. But when they are invited to speak, do they take up as much airtime as men? No, suggests a new, preliminary study of speaking times at 11 different scientific conferences from 2016-17. More...

25 mars 2018

Women Will Soon Lead More Than Half of Cal State Campuses

HomeBy Rick Seltzer. More than half of the campuses in the California State University System will be led by female presidents when Lynnette Zelezny becomes the next president of Cal State Bakersfield in June. More...

25 mars 2018

What Do Women Want… in a B-School?

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Many experts say this is a failing of business schools. Last week, FT (formerly Financial Times) -- which is influential in rankings of business schools -- issued its first list of top M.B.A. programs for women. Many experts on business school admissions said that they hoped FT’s attention would encourage business schools to think not just about their overall performance, but how they are seen on issues that tend to matter to women. More...

25 mars 2018

Image on Twitter Leads to Apology From Oxford

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Many women and others at the University of Oxford reacted with anger to a photo posted on Twitter showing a female employee scrubbing away a chalking that said "Happy International Women's Day" from the steps of an Oxford building. More...

24 mars 2018

Hearing Something, Saying Nothing

HomeBy Jeremy Bauer-Wolf. Athletes often hear anti-LGBTQ slurs but aren't speaking out against them, student affairs professionals say. More...

24 mars 2018

Bac : un examen qui réussit mieux aux filles

L’heure de l’examen a sonné pour le baccalauréat. Le diplôme, vieux de 200 ans, risque de connaître de grands bouleversements d’ici 2021 : suppression des filières L, ES et S pour le baccalauréat général, mise en place du contrôle continu, grand oral de fin d’année, nouveau nom pour désigner la classe de terminale.... L’occasion pour les Décodeurs du Mondede dresser un bilan du plus grand examen de France et de ses bacheliers. Sans surprise, et depuis bientôt 40 ans, les filles ont un meilleur taux de réussite au bac que les garçons. Plus...

24 mars 2018

#8mars : Sciences Po nomme deux amphis Simone Veil et Jeannie de Clarens

Pour célébrer le 8 mars et la journée internationale des droits des femmes, Sciences Po vient d’annoncer que deux de ses amphithéâtres porteront désormais les noms de deux anciennes femmes diplômées de l’école. Plus...

23 mars 2018

La formation et l'emploi au féminin

Si la femme a désormais sa place dans le monde professionnel, les inégalités persistent et les stéréotypes en matière de métiers et de formations sont encore ancrés dans les mentalités. Plus...
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