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19 octobre 2017

Men get most of the research funding – it’s a serious problem for women and science

The ConversationIn UK universities there are far fewer women in senior posts than men – particularly at professor level. Putting aside teaching, to reach this status, an academic typically needs to have completed a considerable amount of research. More...

19 octobre 2017

It’s a myth that boys have beaten girls in A-level results

The ConversationAnyone who knows about the educational underachievement of boys compared to girls will have been surprised by the headlines about the 2017 A-level results. The Telegraph wrote that “boys are beating girls” and spoke of a “dramatic reversal”. More...

15 octobre 2017

‘Degrees of Difference’

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Author discusses new book on how the value of higher education is discussed -- and how issues of gender influence that discussion. More...

13 octobre 2017

Transgender applicants who want a men's college appear to have only one choice

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. While it has become common for women's institutions to admit those who identify as women, but may not have been born as women, the same attitude doesn't prevail at most men's colleges. More...

13 octobre 2017

Uncertainty on Trump's Transgender Order

HomeBy Nick Roll. On Wednesday morning, President Donald Trump announced via Twitter that his administration would roll back previous guidelines that allowed transgender individuals to openly serve in the military. More...

12 octobre 2017

Atelier Projet pour les femmes à La Rochelle

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Le CIDFF propose un Atelier Projet à Bel Air à La Rochelle pour toutes les femmes souhaitant travailler sur leur projet professionnel (demandeuses d’emploi inscrites ou non, salariées, en congé parental ou maternité, en minima social…) et disponibles pour les 6 séances programmées. Plus...
10 octobre 2017

A Work in Progress

HomeBy Jeremy Bauer-Wolf. Gay rights group gathers leaders of black colleges and universities to discuss path to making them more inclusive of LGBTQ students. More...

10 octobre 2017

At Samford, Another Party Heard From

HomeBy Jeremy Bauer-Wolf. As Samford University has refused to recognize a student group sympathetic to gay rights, its members have not materialized to discuss the issue publicly -- perhaps unsurprising, given the university's decision. But a queer activist group, led by a gay alumna, has come forward, alleging that the institution and its president are discriminating against the LGBTQ population there. More...

10 octobre 2017

Study: Success of a Coach Not Determined by Gender

HomeBy Jeremy Bauer-Wolf. Female coaches achieve just as much as their male counterparts but are often disadvantaged in negotiating salary and bonuses, according to the results of a new study. More...

10 octobre 2017

The End of 'Freshman'

HomeBy Jeremy Bauer-Wolf. Yale jumps on to the growing trend of  gender-neutral terminology for students. More...

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