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9 octobre 2017

The Trouble with Some LGBT-Exclusive Campus Spaces

HomeThey won’t get us closer to an equal, open society, argues Richard Greggory Johnson III. More...

9 octobre 2017

Manning the Gender Barricades

HomeThe digital-humanities aspect is hardly the most interesting thing about Emily Skidmore's True Sex: The Lives of Trans Men at the Turn of the Twentieth Century (NYU Press), but it's the whole project's sine qua non. More...

8 octobre 2017

Supporting LGBTQI Survivors on Campus -- II

HomeIn a previous essay, I discussed sexual assault and relationship violence in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI) campus communities -- specifically, how faculty and staff members could support such students systemically. In this article, I will provide suggestions on how to interpersonally support LGBTQI students who disclose experiences of sexual or intimate partner violence to faculty and staff members. More...

8 octobre 2017

Supporting LGBTQI Survivors, Part I

HomeFew resources exist that specifically deal with relationship violence within LGBTQI college populations, writes Jackson Wright Shultz, who provides advice to help change that situation. More...

8 octobre 2017

Eradicating Transphobia on Campuses

HomeIn a previous essay, I discussed ways in which college instructors can use gender-inclusive pedagogical techniques to create a trans* inclusive environment in their classrooms. In a second one, I offered additional advice for instructors to develop curricula that are inclusive of trans* individuals. More...

8 octobre 2017

I’m a woman in computer science. Let me ladysplain the Google memo to you. Blog. Regardless of whether biological differences exist, there is no shortage of glaring evidence, in individual stories and in scientific studies, that women in tech experience bias and a general lack of a welcoming environment, as do underrepresented minorities. More...

6 octobre 2017

Les filles sont de moins en moins intéressées par les filières informatiques

De 28 % en 2010, la part de filles inscrites en licence, master ou doctorat de sciences fondamentales est descendue à 25 % en 2015, selon le « Gender Scan », étude publiée fin septembre par le cabinet de conseil Global Contact. Plus...

5 octobre 2017

Ces chiffres que l’on voudrait changer

En tant que membre du comité ministériel pour l’égalité femmes hommes dans la culture et la communication, l’Afdas s’engage à promouvoir l’égalité professionnelle des femmes et des hommes et, ainsi, à faire changer ces chiffres. Plus...

4 octobre 2017

Feuille de route sur l’égalité professionnelle femmes-hommes

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)La feuille de route évoque la mixité des métiers, l’orientation scolaire, la valorisation de l’entreprenariat féminin, la conciliation vie privée vie professionnelle ou encore les dispositifs d’insertion professionnelle pour les mères/pères sans qualification. Plus...
23 septembre 2017

Equal rights for LGBTIQ people should be easy

The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) calls for a straightforward open parliamentary vote on marriage equality and condemns the postal plebiscite as unnecessary and divisive. More...

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