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23 septembre 2017

Why the 2017 Bluestocking Week theme is ‘Worth 100%’

-          The Gender Pay Gap (GPG) in Australia is still stuck around 17%, and even across the education sector is 10%.
-          Women graduate from university into a 3.4% GPG, which widens out to 9.3% in just three years.
When we say women in higher education are Worth 100%, we are talking about more than the GPG. We are asking why there is still a GPG. More...

23 septembre 2017

NTEU Women’s Conference: Refracted by the Gender Lens (Advocate 24 02)

With over seventy participants, this year’s biennial NTEU National Women’s Conference was the biggest for years. Almost all Branches were represented and delegates confirmed that they expect our union to be a strong and consistent voice for gender equity and women’s rights across all of our activities. More...

23 septembre 2017

Workforce feminisation and job security in our universities (Advocate 24 02)

The total Australian university workforce grew from 93,993 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) persons in 2005 to 124,355 FTE persons in 2015. This is an increase of 30,362 FTEs or 32 per cent. Figure 1disaggregates this growth into changes in FTE workforce by gender as well as classified by contract of employment. More...

23 septembre 2017

Worth 100%: Bluestocking Week 14–18 Aug 2017 (Advocate 24 02)

Why is there still a 10 per cent gender pay gap in education, when women and their unions have organised so successfully over so long for gender equity? 
Education unions can proudly claim their credentials as long term and consistent campaigners for equal pay, equal opportunities, affirmative action, and gender inclusive curriculum, and against both explicit and covert discrimination in structures, policies and practices. More...

22 septembre 2017

Committee of Ministers calls for effectively preventing and combating female genital mutilation and forced marriage

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "council of europe"Female genital mutilation and forced marriage violate fundamental rights enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights. “Such violations can under no circumstances be justified on grounds of respect for cultural traditions, customs or religious beliefs,” the Committee said in its declaration. More...

22 septembre 2017

Plans for Women’s Universities Underway in Pakistan

Best Masters Degrees & Masters Programs 2017/2018There are currently 14 women’s universities in Pakistan. According to the minister, the Higher Education Commission has formulated a comprehensive plan aimed at bringing women’s universities to every district either in the form of new, independent universities or affiliated campuses with affiliated universities. More...

22 septembre 2017

Japan’s Female Leaders Call for Commitment to Women in Asia

Best Masters Degrees & Masters Programs 2017/2018Japan’s excellent and accessible higher education system is highly regarded. Now, the country’s female leaders are stepping up to urge the nation to strengthen its support for the empowerment of women in other Asian countries which lag in the area of gender equity, according to a recent report from The Japan Times. More...

21 septembre 2017

Girls a third more likely to go to university than boys

Teenage girls are now over a third more likely to go to university than boys, according to new figures, as the gap between the sexes reaches record levels, writes Rachael Pells for the Independent. More...
19 septembre 2017

DAAD conference on gender equality: outcomes and next steps

“We’re all in the same boat”. This realisation by the participants of a large gender conference in Bonn last month was encouraging. Over two days, academics from all over the world discussed the barriers faced by female management staff in the higher education sector. An international network is helpful precisely because the problems are similar all over the world. More...

5 septembre 2017

« Egalité » fille-garçons à l’école : insuffisant

CARIF-OREF Ile de La Réunion
Pour faire des personnels enseignants et d’éducation les moteurs de l’apprentissage et de l’expérience de l’égalité, le Haut Conseil à l’Egalité recommande : 
- de renforcer et généraliser la formation initiale des personnels sur l’égalité filles-garçons par un module dédié obligatoire, l’intégration de cette question à l’ensemble des cours et la présence de personnes ressources au sein des ESPE et d’en faire une compétence requise pour l’obtention des diplômes ;
- de développer et garantir une offre de formation continue sur l’égalité des sexes en encourageant les personnels à y participer ;
- d’élaborer un Guide pratique de la formation à l’égalité filles-garçons visant à accompagner et outiller les professionnel.le.s de l’Education nationale. Plus...
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