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17 août 2014

African Virtual University to launch 29 e-learning centres

By Wagdy Sawahel. In an effort to provide African learners with greater access to higher education opportunities, the African Virtual University, in partnership with the African Development Bank, is launching 29 new open, distance and e-learning centres in 21 African countries. Read more...
17 août 2014

Trends in students online – Not such digital natives?

By Peta Lee. A study of trends in student digital use has confirmed the need for universities to deploy a range of tools in communicating with prospective students. Laura Bridgestock, author of the report just published by university rankings body QS, warned institutions not to “underestimate the importance of traditional communication methods even in the Web 3.0 era”. Read more...
17 août 2014

Is this the “dark horse” of online education?

eCampus NewsBy Meris Stansbury - . “Disruptive innovation” is a catchphrase making the rounds in higher education circles, and is often applied liberally to many recent trends, such as MOOCs and blended learning. But according to the Institute that actually coined the phrase, there’s a movement that’s building momentum behind the scenes; the “dark horse of online education” that will change everything. More...

17 août 2014

Rising Confidence in Online Higher Ed

ForbesBy Timothy Zimmer. Online higher education is steadily gaining favor as a credible alternative to the traditional classroom. According to a recent Gallup report, more U.S. adults agree or strongly agree that online colleges and universities offer high-quality education (37 percent) than did so in 2012 (33 percent) or 2011 (30 percent) when Gallup first introduced the report. More...

16 août 2014

Perspectives from IELOL Tracy Mitrano. “But Mr. Deresiewicz does propose things like smaller classes, teachers who are more committed to their students than to their research and basing affirmative action on class rather than on race.”
I am at Penn State, attending as faculty the Online Consortium (formerly Sloan Foundation) Institute for Emerging Leaders in Online Learning (IELOL). Three and a half intense days of working on on-line, distance learning from every angle: first and foremost, the global perspective; the how to’s least in terms of technology, most from the institutional organization and cultural perspective. Take away: The Netherlands and New Zealand lead the world in distance education. The United States is way down on the list. Read more...

16 août 2014

Should Microsoft Acquire Coursera?

By Joshua Kim. My strong hunch is that Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng and Richard Levin have no interest whatsoever in being acquired by Microsoft or anyone else.
But let’s go with this thought experiment.
What would be the pros and cons of a Microsoft acquisition of Coursera? Read more...
13 août 2014

Canadian post-secondary students and teachers agree: on average, one third of school activities now take place online

Back-to-School study shows increased technology use is helping students overcome barriers imposed by large class sizes; making any room a classroom and improving collaboration
From research, lectures and quizzes to collaboration, communication and homework, students are spending on average one third of their education time online using new mobile technologies according to a study released today by Intel Canada. Despite potential concerns, the majority of both students and teachers agree that personal mobile technology in the classroom is having a major positive impact on engagement, empowerment and collaboration, and is helping students to overcome barriers imposed by increasingly large class sizes. More...

11 août 2014

The nurturing and social reform models of teaching and their relevance to connectivist online learning Tony Bates. These are the last of the teaching models discussed in Chapter 4 of my open textbook, ‘Teaching in a Digital Age.’ (I thought I had covered all five of Pratt’s perspectives on teaching in my last blog post, but realised I had accidentally left out these two important approaches to teaching. I have also added a scenario to introduce the Chapter.)
What both these models, identified by Pratt (1998), have in common is a focus on the individual rather than on the teacher, the institution, or state. They are both in a sense attempts at liberating learners from the restrictions of formal and institutional types of education. Read more...
11 août 2014

Update on 2U: First full quarterly earnings and insight into model

By Phil Hill. 2U, the online service provider that went public in the spring, just released its financial report for the first full quarter of operations as a public company. The company beat estimates on total revenue and also lost less money than expected. Overall, it was a strong performance (see WSJ for basic summary or actual quarterly report for more details). More...

9 août 2014

Afdas - Pigistes > Modules e-learning en accès libre

Élaborée par des professionnels de la presse, cette plate-forme e-learning s’adresse aux salariés de ce secteur (journalistes, commerciaux, administratifs...). Modules disponibles : améliorer le référencement de vos articles et de votre site, créer et animer un blog, écrire pour le web

Améliorer le référencement de vos articles et de votre site
Module e-learning de 20 minutes, en accès libre, pour les professionnels de la presse. Le référencement est l’art de plaire aux moteurs de recherche. Comment ? En comprenant leur fonctionnement et en s’y adaptant.

L’écriture Web
Module e-learning de 45 minutes, en accès libre, pour les professionnels de la presse. Ce cours propose d’aborder successivement : la structure de base et les règles fondamentales, la rédaction avec des liens, l'article multimédia, l'écriture avec la "communauté".

Création et animation d’un blog
Module e-learning de 45 minutes, en accès libre, pour les professionnels de la presse. Ce cours propose de choisir la bonne plate-forme, dénicher un nom percutant, trouver une ligne éditoriale judicieuse ainsi que l’identité visuelle qui lui correspond, savoir rédiger pour être lu, intégrer du multimédia au contenu, attirer des lecteurs et les fidéliser.

Développer sa veille et son investigation sur le Web
Module e-learning de 45 minutes, en accès libre, pour les professionnels de la presse. Ce cours aborde les thèmes suivants : organiser sa veille ; chercher avec efficacité ; enquêter en ligne.

Gérer une communauté en ligne
Module e-learning de 45 minutes, en accès libre, pour les professionnels de la presse. Ce module propose d'apprendre à créer une communauté en ligne pour votre rédaction, à susciter, valoriser et encadrer les contributions des lecteurs, à promouvoir votre site d'information ainsi que ses contenus éditoriaux sur les réseaux sociaux.

Découvrir les modèles économiques de la presse en ligne
Module e-learning de 45 minutes, en accès libre, pour les professionnels de la presse. Ce module permet de comprendre les différentes facettes du modèle économique d'un site de presse en ligne : les sources de revenus, les besoins marketing, la production de contenu. Voir l'article...

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