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11 mai 2013

UNESCO leads Post-2015 Global Thematic Consultation on Education Global Meeting on Education in the Post-2015 Agenda convened last 18-19 March 2013 in Dakar, Senegal.
This meeting, part of the “global conversation” to discuss development goals as the 2015 target date for achieving the Millennium Development Goals approaches, was co-organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), with the support from the Governments of Senegal, Canada and Germany, and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. It gathered over 100 representatives from UN agencies, donors, academia and civil society organizations. The discussions were focused around the way to put quality lifelong learning at the heart of the development agenda, and concluded that education should be central to the post-2015 development agenda. The meeting resulted in an agreement on the overarching goal of “equitable quality lifelong education and leaning for all”, highlighting the consensus that equal access to quality education should be the basis of the agenda in the post-2015 framework. For the Outcome Document of the Meeting, follow this link. For more information, follow this link. Read more...
11 mai 2013

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia hosts meeting for University-Industry-Community Engagement in Malaysia gathering discussed the roles, functions, governance and reward systems as well as funding support for University-Industry-Community engagement in Malaysian public universities.
The Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia hosted and organized, along with AsiaEngage and the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Educationthismeeting, held on 9-10 January 2013 in Subang (Malaysia). The event was structured around individual presentations from the eight deputy vice-chancellors. The participant universities were Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi MARA, International Islamic University Malaysia, Universiti Malaysa, and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. The feedback from the group discussions was very positive, and was presented to the Secretary General of the Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia, Datuk Abd Rahim Md Noor, who was present at the meeting.
A report is now available with a more detailed summary. It is directed towards stakeholders across the ASEAN region who are in the process of institutionalizing university-community-industry engagement, in the hopes to move towards a more engaged ASEAN and Asia. For more information, follow this link. Read more...
11 mai 2013

UOC, ESC Rennes (France) and UNE and UWS (Australia) develop first joint master orientated to social entrepreneurs 8-12 April, a follow-up meeting was held in Rennes (France) to agree on the program’s mission, attended by three professors of the UOC Business School, along with French and Australian professors.
The International MBA Social Entrepreneurship (IMBASE) is co-funded by the European Commission and the Australian Government to promote joint degrees between European and Australian Universities. These institutions will also offer mobility aids to the 40 students. The programme will launch in 2014, and will last 18 months. The mission of the programme is to develop entrepreneurs able to challenge humankind’s most pressing problems by identifying opportunities, generating solutions and delivering initiatives that create sustainable value. The courses will combine face-to-face and online teaching. The institutions involved are the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain), the University of New England (Australia), the University of Western Sydney (Australia) and the ESC Rennes School of Business (France). In particular, the programme will include some innovative features such as on-line teaching, collaboration between universities, collaboration with non-academic partners to shape some of the projects students will engage in. For more information, follow this link. Read more...
11 mai 2013

The university in Argentina this interview Cristina Carballo, from the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, explains her vision of the university in Argentina and how the challenges of sustainability and cultural diversity have been addressed.
1. What is your vision of the university in Argentina and what are its principal challenges, if we compare it to those in the rest of the world.

It’s a very complex question. The Argentine university is marked by three very important historical facts. It’s the first in all of Latin America that set out to have free university at the beginning of the 20th century, and in this sense it always gave the impression of being a pioneer in Latin America. From the view of modern society, of equal rights this is something that marked Argentina early on.
Second, unfortunately there were, in the sixties and seventies, the different military dictatorships that impacted the intellectual production as well as the national frameworks, as much in the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires and Universidad Nacional de Córdoba as in the rest of the universities, losing valuable intellectuals who had to go abroad and also interrupted historical production within the national universities. And the last is the return to democracy and reconstruction of what, in those times, were universities at a global level, with respected academics, and recognized academic production, a return to setting up its complex world, which was the 80s. I believe the advances have been very positive. Today you see results in changing of these historical structures. Like any university that has been around for a long time, it has an internal structure that are which at times asphyxiate or create resistance to determined lines of innovation. Read more...

11 mai 2013

Cultural Diversity, Interculturality and Higher Education this interview, Daniel Mato presents the Project “Cultural Diversity, Interculturality and Higher Education" of the International Institute of UNESCO for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC), which analyzes the current demands and access conditions of Indigenous and Afro-Descendant students within the different types of Latin American Higher Education Institutions, and assesses their impact, responsibilities and challenges in regards to intercultural education, amongst other issues.
What is the “Project on Cultural Diversity, Interculturality, and Higher Education" about?
The Project “Cultural Diversity and Interculturality in Higher Education in Latin America” of the Instituto Internacional de la UNESCO para la Educación Superior en América Latina y el Caribe (IESALC) was created to identify, document and analyze experiences of higher education that are committed to meeting the needs, demands and proposals for higher education among indigenous and Afro-descendant communities in Latin America. The Project thereby seeks to lay the necessary groundwork to inform policy recommendations, generate criteria for the production of statistics and indicators on the field’s development, identify topics of interest for new research projects, and contribute to the development of sustainable collaboration mechanisms between the institutions studied and others with similar interests.
The project is not only about limiting the field of work to the experiences of higher education specifically directed to indigenous and Afro-Descendant communities, but to extend the need of intercultural education to all levels and to all population in Latin America, as many of these experiences point out. The idea of intercultural education for all was explicitly endorsed by the Higher Education Regional Conference (CRES 2008), celebrated in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) in July 2008. There, 4,500 experts met to create a platform to enhance the development of higher education in Latin America. This was significant because societies in Latin America are pluricultural, for which higher education must incorporate wisdom and knowledge from indigenous and Afro-Descendant communities. It would be “silly” not to do so.
It is also “silly” the fact that conflict resolution modalities of indigenous and Afro-Descendant peoples in the Americas are being studied but not taught. They are only taught in anthropology schools, but not in Law schools. There is a lot of knowledge of indigenous peoples that is of national interest. It is not only about including wisdom and knowledge of these peoples as a sort of favor to them, but also as a favor to all of us. There are two main reasons to include this wisdom and knowledge: mere intelligence (let’s not waste this knowledge), and the fact that we are not ensuring that the established rights by law in constitutions are upheld. Read more...

11 mai 2013

GUNi Member of the Month: Autonomous University of Yucatán, Mexico Autonomous University of Yucatán designed a program for social responsibility aiming to connect knowledge with local and global needs.
The Autonomous University of Yucatán (UADY) is a public and autonomous higher educational institution in Mérida established in 1938 under the name Universidad de Yucatán. The mission of the university is to promote a comprehensive and humanist education, in a professional and scientific way, open to all knowledge fields and all sectors of the society. Read more...

11 mai 2013

AAU Scoping Study: Strengthening the Linkages between Industry and the Productive Sector and Higher Education Institutions study investigates the institutional capacity of African universities and higher education institutions to develop and strengthen linkages with industry and the productive sector.
This study was conducted by the Association of African Universities (AAU) in partnership with the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC). The aim of the study was to determine what interface structures, policies, positions, incentives and funds are currently in place, as well as the services and interventions African institutions judge most important in order to strengthen their efforts in building linkages with the productive sector. The survey forms part of the AAU-AUCC project entitled Strengthening Higher Education Stakeholder Relations in Africa (SHESRA), and was carried with financial help from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).This study and the SHESRA project represent one of the many steps the AAU is taking to support its members and the higher education community across Africa to strengthen linkages with industry and the productive sector. For more information, follow this link.

11 mai 2013

Budd Hall & Rajesh Tandon - Guest editors of the GUNi 6th Conference this interview Budd Hall, Secretary of the Global Alliance on Community Engaged Research, and Rajesh Tandon, Founder and Chief Functionary of the Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA), elaborate on the main themes of the upcoming GUNi 6th Conference: transformative knowledge and the importance of community-university engagement for social transformation.
The title of the 6th GUNi Conference pose a call to action based over a truly ambitious challenge: Let's build transformative knowledge to drive social change. What does mean transformative knowledge?    
Budd Hall:
Transformative knowledge is knowledge that can be used to expand democracy and contribute to social change. It is knowledge that may be created by women and men at the heart of a social movement working together without any reference to academic knowledge. It could be knowledge created when community groups and academics work together in co-constructing an understanding of reality. Transformative knowledge may be an integral part of organizing for the protection of human rights, the deepening of social justice or the advancement of freedom. Examples of transformative knowledge include the ancient knowledge of Indigenous Peoples used to protect environmental rights for everyone and the legal rights of women and girls for a life free of violence.
Rajesh Tandon:
The historical purpose of all knowledge has been to improve human conditions. Knowledge production was historically carried out with societal improvement purposes as humanity evolved its life situations. Today, a call for transfromative knowledge is a call to re-claim that historical human tradition. Over the past century, knowledge production gradually disconnected from the societal priorities for improvements in human conditions; knowledge began to be treated as a commodity for private benefits of knolwedge producers and their sponsors. In the past decade or so, the push towards knowledge economy has further reduced the transformative purpose of knowledge. Humanity faces civilisational crises today; its capacity to transform itself into a sustainable society for the next generations depends a great deal on creating and mobilising transfromative knowledge that can begin to provide new and innovative solutions to our crises. Read more...
11 mai 2013

Fêtez l’Europe !;jsessionid=n6P2RTJTdyklrLnp8lfHyrzyDdhbvbHH14XTkdnbDyGxdLnRcP4Y!-1118386106!-1696969863Participez les 9 et 10 mai prochains à la 8e édition de "Faites l'Europe", sur le Parvis de l'Hôtel de Ville de Paris. La Fête de l’Europe se prolonge, cette année, sur tout le mois et dans toute la France pour permettre au plus grand nombre de participer.
La Ville de Paris, la Maison de l’Europe et leurs partenaires renouvellent l’événement « Faites l’Europe », à l’occasion de la Journée de l’Europe du 9 mai. Parmi les invités prestigieux: les ambassades d’Irlande et de Lituanie, pays qui président le Conseil de l’Union européenne en 2013, ainsi que l’Ambassade de Croatie qui fêtera l’entrée de son pays, en juillet, dans l’Union Européenne.
Des conseillers Pôle emploi international/EURES seront présents sous le chapiteau de la Commission Européenne. Ils vous communiqueront des offres d’emploi disponibles dans l’ensemble des pays membres. Vous pourrez avoir de l’information sur les marchés du travail, les conditions de vie et de travail dans les pays membres et bénéficier de conseils et d’un accompagnement à la mobilité.
Profitez de cet événement festif pour saisir une opportunité professionnelle à l’étranger. Suite de l'article...
Participate on 9 and 10 May in the 8th edition of "Do Europe" on the Parvis de l'Hotel de Ville de Paris. Day of Europe continues this year on the month and throughout France to allow more participation.
The City of Paris, the Maison de l'Europe and their partners renew Event "Do Europe" on the occasion of the Europe Day on 9 May
. More...
11 mai 2013

L'offre d'emploi - son parcours de A à Z;jsessionid=n6P2RTJTdyklrLnp8lfHyrzyDdhbvbHH14XTkdnbDyGxdLnRcP4Y!-1118386106!-1696969863Alors que l’activité économique est marquée par un ralentissement (baisse de 0.2% au 3e trimestre 2012 par rapport au 3e trimestre 2011), Pôle emploi a collecté plus de 3 millions d’offres d’emploi en 2012.
Mais quelles étapes suit une offre d’emploi pour arriver entre les mains d’un candidat? Décryptage!
Etape 1 : Comment les offres d’emploi sont-elles recueillies?
Les entreprises ont plusieurs choix pour nous transmettre directement leurs offres: notamment, publier sur notre site (36.6% des cas), nous appeler au 3995 (4.5%) ou encore se rendre dans leur agence de rattachement (58,6%). Mais les conseillers œuvrent aussi au quotidien pour faire converger un maximum d’offres vers Pôle emploi et ainsi participer à la transparence du marché du travail. En ce sens, 400 000 prospections en entreprises ont été réalisées pour connaître leurs besoins en recrutement. Aussi, plus de 70 partenariats avec de grandes entreprises ou fédérations professionnelles ont été signés et dans ce cadre, plus de 312 000 offres collectées. Des initiatives sont également mises en place sur le terrain: par exemple, des collaborations avec des mairies pour être informés en amont des implantations d’entreprise.
Etape 2 : Enregistrement de l’offre
Si 91%des conseillers ont été sensibilisés aux problématiques liées à la discrimination c’est parce qu’aujourd’hui, chaque offre est validée manuellement. En 2012, 1 offre sur 2 ayant été déposée sur notre site, faisait l’objet de modification par un conseiller. Aussi, des formations sont organisées pour les conseillers, des guides disponibles (Rappel du cadre juridique) pour entreprises et conseillers… Partant du postulat que 73% des employeurs ne disposent pas d’outils pour vérifier la qualité ou la conformité d’une offre avant sa diffusion, cette sensibilisation sera renforcée très prochainement. C’est donc avant chaque publication que les conseillers s’assurent de la conformité légale d’une offre d’emploi et de l’intégralité de son contenu qui doit permettre aux demandeurs d’emploi de candidater avec suffisamment d’appréciation (salaire, lieu de travail, cohérence avec le marché du travail, …). Au-delà de cette vérification, sont également réalisés chaque mois, des contrôles internes en agence.
Etape 3 : Deux manières de recruter
L’entreprise, avec son conseiller, définit le niveau de service rendu par Pôle emploi. Autonome, elle choisit de diffuser son offre avec un simple appui de Pôle emploi (48%), auquel cas, l’entreprise nous transmet ses coordonnées afin de recevoir elle-même les candidatures Moins de temps ou de ressources disponibles au recrutement? L’entreprise bénéficie d’un accompagnement (52%). Dans ce deuxième cas de figure, les coordonnées de l’entreprise ne sont pas dévoilées et les demandeurs d’emploi candidatent directement auprès de Pôle emploi. Les conseillers procèdent ensuite à une pré-selection en fonction des critères déterminés dans l’offre d’emploi.
Etape 4 : La publication
Pôle emploi contribue à la transparence du marché du travail en assurant un large degré de publicité des offres d’emploi. Les offres sont publiées sur le site (38 millions de visites par mois) et relayées sur l’application mobile (Plus d’un million d’abonnés). Pôle emploi diffuse également les offres dans le cadre de partenariats médias ou auprès de partenaires. C’est également au cours des 2 500 événements (forums, job dating…) qu’entreprises et conseillers peuvent se rencontrer et décider ensemble, de déposer des offres.
Etape 5 : Recherche de candidat
En 2012, les conseillers ont permis à plus de 22 millions de candidats de se positionner sur une offre d’emploi. Parce que leur rôle est bien de rechercher des candidats partout en France selon les critères d’une offre ou de rechercher une offre qui corresponde au profil d’un demandeur d’emploi. A ce jour, le délai de satisfaction d’une offre d’emploi (toutes qualifications confondues) est de 32 jours et 83% sont pourvues.
Cé go bhfuil an ghníomhaíocht eacnamaíoch marcáilte ag moilliú (síos 0.2% i R3 2012 i gcomparáid le R3 2011), tá ionad fostaíochta níos mó ná 3 mhilliún folúntas poist a bailíodh i 2012.
Ach cad iad na bearta a leanúint post a fháil i lámha an iarrthóra?
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