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20 mai 2013

Balancing excellence and access in doctoral education Thomas Jørgensen. A diverse, worldwide research system has many benefits but it must not result in work being concentrated in a few global hubs. A more globalised and more diversified research setup will provide more opportunities for research collaborations and will widen the pool of talent. A bigger and more culturally diverse set of researchers can only be a benefit to all. Research is becoming an ever more global activity. Scientists all over the world can share data, communicate and travel with unprecedented ease. At the same time, countries such as China, India, Brazil and South Africa are emerging as major investors in research, building capacity to match the traditional research centres in the European Union (EU), Japan and the United States. China now produces more academic papers than any country apart from the US. Read more...
20 mai 2013

Sharp rise in foreign PhD enrolments in Scandinavia Jan Petter Myklebust. Almost 17,000 foreign students are studying for PhDs in the five Nordic countries. These students comprise a significant proportion of the more than 70,000 foreigners enrolled in higher education, and their numbers have more than doubled since 2005. Foreign students accounted for 37% of newly enrolled doctoral candidates in Sweden in 2011 and 24% in Denmark, both representing steep rises over the previous decade. The proportion of foreigners awarded a doctorate in 2011 was 33% in Norway, 29% in Denmark, 22% in Sweden and 14% in Finland. Iceland awarded 51 doctoral degrees that year: 19 to foreigners or 38% of the total. Read more...
20 mai 2013

Half the nation’s PhD holders are from overseas Geoff Maslen. In the 1850s, Chinese immigrants referred to the Australian gold fields as Xin Jin Shan, the New Gold Mountain, whereas the Californian gold rush was in decline and had become known as Jiu Jin Shan, the Old Gold Mountain. In the 21st century, a new group of Chinese has come to Australia seeking the gold that is linked to obtaining a degree.
Although universities in many Western countries are enrolling increasing numbers of Chinese, few could match the proportionate flood into Australian higher education where the offspring of parents in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore now number more than 150,000. These Chinese students represent a startling 45% of the 333,000 from around the world who collectively comprise 27% of the 1.22 million students enrolled on Australian university campuses. Read more...
20 mai 2013

Mutual recognition key to Europe-Asia student mobility Yojana Sharma.Mutual recognition of degrees in Europe and Asia would help balance the flow of students between the two regions, a conference of education ministers from 38 European and Asian countries was told. Some 140 delegates – from 19 Asian and 27 European nations – were attending the fourth Asia-Europe education ministerial, known as ASEMME4, being held in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia from 12-14 May. They were joined by delegates from Australia, New Zealand and Russia. Delegates said the feasibility of an Asia-Europe Convention on mutual recognition of degrees was one of the key discussions at the conference. Read more...
20 mai 2013

Both benefit when Mexicans with PhDs migrate to the US Adolfo Albo and Juan Luis Ordaz Díaz. Migration from Mexico to the United States has been a historical process that has brought benefits to both countries. Mexican migration to the US is often thought to be a movement of people with low education and income levels, but emigration of highly qualified Mexicans is also significant. According to 2010 census data, almost 140,000 Mexicans held a doctorate degree that year while more than 21,000 Mexicans with PhDs were living in the US. Thus, the number of Mexican immigrants with doctorates in the US represented 15% of all those with doctorates in Mexico. Read more...
20 mai 2013

Brain gain counters brain drain in attracting PhDs Alya Mishra. India’s new science policy aims to position the nation among the top five global scientific powers by 2020. This cannot be achieved without qualified academics, researchers and scientists, yet India has to contend with large numbers of postgraduate students leaving to complete PhDs or postdocs – a majority to the US – and staying away to pursue a career. Now the government and industry, along with India’s elite universities and technical institutions, have joined to implement a series of measures to stem the tide while also encouraging large numbers of researchers to return home. India’s problem starts with the already small pool of students who choose to do a PhD. Between 1991 and 2001, the number of doctorates awarded increased by only 20% compared with an 85% jump in China. Read more...
20 mai 2013

Den richtigen Studiengang finden neue Uni-Ranking von ZEIT ONLINE und dem Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung ist online. Wir erklären, nach welchen Kriterien es erhoben wird und wie es funktioniert. Wer studieren möchte, hat viele Fragen: Welches Fach passt zu mir? Welche Universität oder Fachhochschule ist die richtige? Wie gut ist die Ausstattung an der favorisierten Hochschule? Sind die Studenten dort zufrieden? Eine Orientierung liefert das Hochschulranking auf ZEIT ONLINE, das in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung (CHE) über 30 Fächer an mehr als 300 Universitäten und Fachhochschulen analysiert. Mehr...
20 mai 2013

Die Lückenfülleränger kommen zunehmend ohne Abitur oder schlecht vorbereitet an die Unis. Diese müssen nun Nachhilfe geben. So einer wie Leopold Kittel, der hat doch an einer Universität nichts verloren. Einer mit Realschulabschluss, Ausbildung zum Kraftfahrzeug-Mechatroniker und mit Meistertitel. Das hätte man früher gedacht. Doch heute ermutigen Bildungspolitiker gerade Berufstätige wie ihn zu einem Studium; denn es fehlen Ingenieure. Mehr...
20 mai 2013

3500ème article: une occasion de formaliser quelques fondements de ce blog le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques.Pour le 3500ème article de ce blog, j’ai choisi de publier la réponse à un questionnaire que m’a fait parvenir une étudiante en communication qui fait son mémoire de master sur les blogueurs et sollicite des ”administrateurs d’un blog d’information d’actualité dont le journalisme n’est pas le métier et qui est tenu régulièrement.”
1. Pouvez-vous vous présenter? (âge, sexe, CSP, formation/parcours,…) Est-il possible d’avoir le nombre de visiteurs en moyenne de votre blog?

J’ai 63 ans, suis professeur associé à l’université Paris Est Marne la Vallée et consultant formateur à la Coopérative d’Activités et d’emploi Coopaname Après un parcours professionnel dans l’éducation polaire, l’insertion et le conseil, j’ai été 21 ans élu, à Evry et au Conseil régional d’Ile de France, et n’ai plus de mandat depuis 2004 Les dernières statistiques de fréquentation du blog (voir Un blog à la fréquentation en nette hausse) donnent une  moyenne de 39247 consultations uniques par mois et de 1318 consultations uniques par jour. Suite de l'article...
Voir aussi 3 000 ème article du blog de Michel Abhervé. Chapeau bas (NDLR). Ar an blag de Michael Abhervé do Roghanna Eacnamaíoch. Chun an t-alt 3500ú an bhlag seo, roghnaigh mé a fhoilsiú mar fhreagairt ar cheistneoir chuir mé ina mhac léinn ag déanamh cumarsáide tráchtas a mháistir ar blagairí agus ag iarraidh "riarthóirí de blog eolais nuacht nach bhfuil iriseoireacht an gnó agus tá sé ar siúl go rialta." Níos mó...
20 mai 2013

Un accompagnement externe par les Missions locales permet de réduire les taux de rupture des contrats d’apprentissage Educpros de Michel Abhervé. Nous avons à plusieurs reprises mis l’accent sur l’importance quantitative des ruptures de contrats d’apprentissage , de l’ordre de 25% qui met en cause la fiabilité des chiffres valorisant cette voie de formation. Les chiffres sont discutés, puisque certaines ruptures en  période d’essai, suivies de nouveaux contrats, ou des ruptures dès l’obtention du diplôme n’ont pas la même signification qu’une rupture en plein milieu du contrat. Mais ce phénomène est relativement stable dans le temps et particulièrement fort dans certaines branches professionnelles, au premier rang desquelles il faut placer l’hôtellerie restauration, avec des taux de rupture approchant, et parfois dépassant  les 40% (voir A nouveau une étude sur les ruptures de contrats d’apprentissage, et En Ile de France, 45% des contrats d’apprentissage dans la restauration sont rompus avant terme). Suite de l'article...
Blag Educpros Michel Abhervé. Táimid tar éis béim arís agus arís eile ar an tábhacht a bhaineann le printíseachtaí sosanna cainníochtúla, ar an t-ordú de 25% a chuireann isteach cheist i dtaobh bheachtas na figiúirí luach gcineál seo oiliúna. Níos mó...
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