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11 mai 2013

Contrat de génération: fiche descriptive des accords collectifs et plans d'action, fiche signalétique...êté du 26 avril 2013 précisant le contenu de la fiche descriptive des accords collectifs et plans d'action, de la fiche signalétique des accords de branche, du document d'évaluation relatifs au contrat de génération
JORF n°0107 du 8 mai 2013 page 7843, texte n° 37. NOR: ETSD1311307A
Le ministre du travail, de l'emploi, de la formation professionnelle et du dialogue social,
Vu le code du travail, notamment ses articles L. 5121-6 et suivants et R. 5121-6 et suivants,
Arrête :
Article 1
Le contenu de la fiche descriptive relative à l'accord ou au plan d'action mentionnée au 1° de l'article R. 5121-29 du code du travail est fixé en annexe 1.
Article 2
Le contenu de la fiche signalétique relative à l'accord de branche mentionnée à l'article R. 5121-31 du code du travail est fixé en annexe 2.
Article 3
Le contenu du document d'évaluation mentionné à l'article R. 5121-37 du code du travail est fixé en annexe 3.
Article 4
La déléguée générale à l'emploi et à la formation professionnelle est chargée de l'exécution du présent arrêté, qui sera publié au Journal officiel de la République française.
Annexe 1

Contenu de la fiche descriptive relative à l'accord ou au plan d'action. Vous pouvez consulter le tableau dans le JOn° 107 du 08/05/2013 texte numéro 37.
Annexe 2

Contenu de la fiche signalétique relative à l'accord de branche. Vous pouvez consulter le tableau dans le JOn° 107 du 08/05/2013 texte numéro 37.
Annexe 3

Contenu du document d'évaluation. Vous pouvez consulter le tableau dans le JOn° 107 du 08/05/2013 texte numéro 37. Foraithne de 26 Aibreán, 2013 ag sonrú an t-ábhar ar an tuairisc ar comhaontuithe comhchoiteanna agus pleananna gníomhaíochta, comhaontuithe brainse NMC-anna, an meastóireacht ar conradh giniúna doiciméad. Níos mó...
11 mai 2013

Summaries of EU legislation - Glossary > Summaries of EU legislation > Glossary.
The following glossary contains 233 terms relating to European integration and the institutions and activities of the EU.
The glossary is being updated given the recent signing of the Treaty of Lisbon. For more information on this glossary...
Abstention, constructive (positive abstention)
Accession criteria (Copenhagen criteria)
Accession negotiations
Accession of new Member States to the European Union
Accession partnership
Animal welfare
Antitrust control
Area of freedom, security and justice
Article 71 Committee (Title V of the TFEU)
Broad economic policy guidelines (BEPG)
Candidate countries
Charter of Fundamental Rights
Citizenship of the Union
Citizens’ initiative
Civil society organisation
Classification of expenditure
Codecision procedure
Collective defence
Committee of the Regions
Committees and working parties
Common agricultural policy (CAP)
Common commercial policy
Common fisheries policy
Common foreign and security policy (CFSP)
Common organisation of agricultural markets (COM)
Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP)
Common transport policy
Community acquis
Community and intergovernmental methods
Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers
Community patent
Composition of the European Commission
Concentric circles
Conciliation Committee
Confirmation of the European Commission
Consent procedure
Consolidation of legislation - formal/official
Consolidation of legislation - informal/declaratory
Consultation procedure
Consumer protection
Convergence criteria
COREU (CORespondance EUropéenne)
Council of the European Union
Court of Auditors
Court of Justice of the European Union
Customs union
Democratic deficit
Development aid
Distribution of competences
Double majority
Economic, social and territorial cohesion
Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
Economic policy
Employment Committee
Enhanced cooperation
Enterprise policy
Environmental liability
Equal opportunities
Equal treatment for men and women
EU action (CFSP)
EU position (CFSP)
Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Europe 'à la carte'
European arrest warrant
European Central Bank (ECB)
European Commission
European Company
European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)
European Council
European Development Fund
European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
European Employment Strategy (EES)
European External Action Service
European institutions
European Investment Bank (EIB)
European Judicial Network in criminal matters (EJN)
European legal instruments
European Parliament
European political parties
European powers
European Research Area (ERA)
European security and defence identity
European Union
European Union (EU) hierarchy of norms
European Union agencies
European Union law
Europol (European Police Office)
Excessive deficit procedure
Fight against drugs
Fight against fraud
Fight against organised crime
Fight against racism and xenophobia
Fight against terrorism
Financial perspective
Food safety
Free movement of persons (visas, asylum, immigration and other policies)
General-interest services
Genetically modified organisms (GMO)
Globalisation of the economy
Green Paper
Hard core
High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Humanitarian aid
Human rights
Information Society
Institutional balance
Intellectual property
Intergovernmental Conference (IGC)
Ioannina compromise
Judicial cooperation in civil matters
Kyoto Protocol
Laeken Declaration
Legal personality of the Union
Luxembourg compromise
'Multi-speed' Europe
Measures to combat money laundering
Monetary policy
Monitoring the application of Community law
Mutual defence clause
'New-look' NATO
National parliaments
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation)
Natura 2000
Neighbourhood Policy
Non-discrimination (the principle of)
OLAF (European Anti-fraud Office)
Open method of coordination
Opting out
Outermost regions
Own resources
Parliamentary committees
Permanent structured cooperation
Petersberg tasks
Pillars of the European Union
Police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters
Political and Security Committee (PSC)
Pre-accession assistance
Pre-accession strategy
Precautionary Principle
Presidency of the Council of the European Union
President of the European Commission
President of the European Council
Proportionality principle
Public health
Public procurement
Public service
Qualified majority
REACH (regulatory framework for chemicals)
Recasting of legislation
Reinforced qualified majority
Research and development
Revision of the Treaties
Right of initiative
Rural development
Schengen (Agreement and Convention)
Services of general economic interest
Simplification of legislation
Single institutional framework
Small and medium-sized enterprises
Social dialogue
Social partners
Social policy
Social Policy Agreement
Solidarity clause
Specialised courts
Stabilisation and Association Process
Stability and Growth Pact
Standing Committee on Internal Security (COSI)
State aid
Statute for Members of the European Parliament
Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund
Subsidiary powers
Suspension clause
Sustainable development
TAIEX (Technical Assistance Information Exchange)
Tax harmonisation
Telecommunications or Electronic communications
Television without frontiers
The European Union’s external responsibilities
Trans-European Networks (TEN)
Transparency (access to documents)
Transparency of Council proceedings
Treaty of Amsterdam
Treaty of Nice
Uniform electoral procedure for the European Parliament
Universal service
'Variable-geometry' Europe
Vocational training
Weighting of votes in the Council
White Paper
Withdrawal clause

11 mai 2013

Languages mean business languages can help you succeed in international business.
Want to become a better player in cross-border business? Find out how to boost your sales by improving your company's language and intercultural skills. This website offers information on the benefits of languages when doing business and gives you tips and tools for better language management.
SMEs' experience
Success stories of small businesses that really made it thanks to a thorough language strategy. Learn from these top-performing European SMEs how they improved sales by employing innovative language management strategies.
Danfo AB - Sweden, Evricom - Bulgaria, FILC - Slovenia, Golla Oy - Finland, IKO Sales International - Belgium, Kartographie Huber - Germany, Nikwax® Ltd - England (UK), Steelpress - Poland, Stenders - Latvia, Tarmeko Spoon - Estonia.
10 tips for success

How to boost your business with these concrete steps. A successful language strategy can start with small changes. You will see how this can have a big impact. Keep languages in mind in all your actions and you will open up new possibilities. Concrete tips from small businesses that turned languages into success.
1. Adapt your website to different languages and cultures

This generates trust with your potential clients and makes it easier for them to understand your products and services thoroughly. It also shows evidence of long-term commitment to their particular market.
2. Offer traineeships for foreign students

Consider organising shorter or longer work placements for foreign students. Finding someone from a country with which you are planning to do business can help you obtain valuable first-hand market information.
3. Install language technology

Language-learning programmes, electronic dictionaries and special terminology databases should be readily available to anyone who needs them.
4. Cooperate with local universities

Network with local and foreign students for practical training, consulting opportunities, etc. You will gain linguistic and cultural capital while they will derive valuable experience.
5. Recruit staff with proven language skills

In the globalised business world, international communication skills are a real asset. Recruit people who have invested in and then updated these skills and who are not afraid to use them.
6. Recruit native speakers

Languages mean encounters with people and other cultures. Look for native speakers to provide your company with language assets along with a valuable insight into foreign cultures and practical examples of day-to-day intercultural communication.
7. Organise language training for sales and negotiations

Learn how to convince your clients in their own language. Targeted intensive language courses are available for specific goals.
8. Use professional translators and interpreters

For official documents, a legal context, after-sales service - use professionals to maximise the end results. Translating your website or promotional material also calls for linguistic skills and cultural knowledge.
9. Employ local agents

When you enter a new market, think of employing a local partner based in that country. The local partner will provide invaluable help with market research, local negotiations, administrative procedures, etc.
10. Organise cultural briefings for your staff

Cultural briefings are highly beneficial for staff in contact with people from foreign cultures and also enable you to prepare thoroughly before entering a new market or travelling abroad. At the same time, they can also act as a staff motivator.
Related Links: The Language Guide for European Business – Successful communication in your international trade.
Evidence from research

Results from studies on the use of languages in European SMEs. A recent study carried out in SMEs in the 27 EU member countries clearly shows that companies with a consistent language strategy have increased sales turnover by 10 to 25%. 40 companies out of 182 screened companies were interviewed for the PIMLICO study, commissioned by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Education and Culture. The study was completed in December 2010. The results show that European companies still lose contracts because of language and cultural barriers. However, some companies have learned from their past communication problems and realised how crucial language management is when operating across borders. 10 successful companies were identified as the "top performers". They share in common the fact that they have a wide and innovative language strategy in place, which they apply to most of their actions.
Support services

These European, national and regional contact points can provide you with business and communication support. Supranational level.
Useful links

These EU websites give you more information on languages, business, jobs and related topics.
11 mai 2013

Conference and Language Label Awards 2013 event is organised by the French-speaking Belgian national Agency (AEF-Europe), at the European Parliament, on 16th May 2013
The conference will focus on:
    * Multilingualism and democracy
    * Multilingualism in education, problem or asset?
    * Surveylang results in French speaking Belgium
After the keynote speeches, the European Language Label will be awarded to the most creative and innovative projects in Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles among the 48 projects from primary and secondary schools but also from universities and the adult education sector.
Programme of the event
Conférence de remise des prix Label européen des langues édition 2013

Le 16 mai 2013. Parlement européen Salle ASP3G3 Rue Wiertz, 60 1047 Bruxelles. Cette conférence est parrainée par le Bureau du vice-Président du Parlement européen. Miguel Angel Martinez Martinez, responsable du multilinguisme.
Modérateur: David Lallemand, journaliste.
9h00: Ouverture de la cérémonie Albert Renard, Directeur de l’AEF-Europe
9h05: Le Label européen des langues: concours 2013 en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Suzy Vercammen, responsable du Label européen en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
9h15: Pourquoi le multilinguisme est le garant de la démocratie et de la diversité européennes, Miguel Angel Martinez Martinez, vice-Président du Parlement européen, responsable du multilinguisme
9h45: Les résultats de Surveylang en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Christiane Blondin, Assistante de recherche, Faculté de psychologie et des sciences de l’éducation, Université de Liège
10h15: Multilingualism in education. Problem or asset? Doctor Piet Van Avermaet, Universiteit Gent - Directeur steunpunt diversiteit & leren
11h30: Présentation des projets labélisés en 2013.
11 mai 2013

MOOCs and Beyond - eLearning Papers 33 released Papers. Issue number 33 of eLearning Papers focuses on the challenges and future of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), a trend in education that has skyrocketed since 2008.
Guest edited by Dr Yishay Mor, Senior Lecturer at the Open University's Institute of Educational Technology (UK), and Tapio Koskinen, Director of the eLearning Papers Editorial Board, MOOCs and Beyond seeks to both generate debate and present a variety of perspectives about this new popular learning model. The emergence of MOOCs poses a set of challenges to the educational community. This new special issue of eLearning Papers aims to shed light on the way these online courses affect both education institutions and learners, and tries to find answers to some of the questions confronted by teachers and researchers. Among other topics, eLearning Papers 33 explores whether MOOCs may be a viable solution for education in developing countries and analyses the role of these emerging courses in the education system, especially in higher education. Furthermore, valuable examples from the field are presented, such as the quad-blogging concept and a game-based MOOC developed to promote entrepreneurship education.
This issue includes 4 In-Depth articles and 6 From the Field ones:
In-depth articles

From the field articles

11 mai 2013

TEL-Map project survey about technology supported, innovative learning practices is a Coordination and Support Action focussing on roadmapping activities for innovative forms of learning. A roadmap can be understood as a ‘strategic lens’, through which future developments in a domain or an organisation are analysed for the purpose of channelling available resources wisely.
The aim of this new survey is to collect the views of teaching professionals to inform future roadmapping activities by probing certain statements with regards to their likelihood, desirability and – when it comes to policy measures – their feasibility.
There is no need to be an expert in all areas addressed to answer the survey, as the objective of TEL-Map is to get feedback from people with as diverse backgrounds as possible.
11 mai 2013

International Council for Open Research and Education (ICORE) to be launched in Rome International Council for Open Research and Education (ICORE) is a new association bringing together interested experts and stakeholders from the fields of open education and open research. The association will be officially launched on May 16 in Rome (Italy) during the Learning Innovations and Technology (LINQ 2013) conference.
ICORE is a non-profit and requires no membership fees to join. Open to both representatives of organisations as well as individuals, it aims to promote open research and open education as a fundamental social objective. This promotion of these goals will be accomplished through the fostering of collaboration between relevant stakeholders in open research and education, such as national, European and international policy makers, researchers, educators of all levels, students, non-profit  educational providers as well as commercial educational providers, among others.
The association's activities will include the administration of an online community portal for information exchange, the organisation of scientific and educational events (conferences, summer schools, etc.) and the establishment of creative partnerships between ICORE members to advance open research and open education internationally.  
Interested applicants can register easily at the ICORE website, where the complete first public draft of the association’s statutes can also be found. Joining before the first official meeting of ICORE on May 15 allows new members to be recognized as co-founders.
Official website. University of Duisburg-Essen WIP .

11 mai 2013

European MOOC Summit June 2013. Many European universities are engaging in MOOCs-related initiatives. Some host their MOOCs on US platforms, while others are developing their own platforms. What strategies do European universities employ?
The École Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) will host a meeting in June in preparation for the Fall 2013 Summit regarding Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) at European Universities.
The questions to be discussed include:
Why do European Universities engage in MOOCs? In which languages are they produced? Which audiences are targeted? How effective have the first MOOCs experiences in Europe been? Why should Europe have its own platform? How do MOOCs build upon existing online learning activities? How do regional, national or European governments see their role? What is the impact on mobility of European students? Which research initiatives are launched in Europe? What are the new business opportunities?
Key actors will gather at EPFL for two days of sharing information. On the first day, participants will have 5-10 minutes to present the state of affairs in his or her institution, i.e., what has been achieved so far and what are the key challenges. The second day will be structured around the themes that will emerge from the first day, such as those mentioned above.
11 mai 2013

University of Cambridge OCW language learning resources Language Centre of the University of Cambridge offers a range of Open Courseware (OCW) learning resources under the Creative Commons Licence.
Most of the OCW resources offered by the Language Centre were initially developed for the courses run as part of the Cambridge University Language Programme (CULP). The materials were designed for use in a blended learning environment combining ICT-based learning with face-to-face learning in the classroom.
The resources can be used for self-study, but for their most effective use they will benefit from a learning environment with some face-to-face contact.
Basic and intermediate Chinese, basic German and Russian essentials are currently available in the OCW language platform.

11 mai 2013

Building open bridges: collaborative remixing and reuse of open educational resources across organisations“Building open bridges: collaborative remixing and reuse of open educational resources across organisations” is a paper published in March 2013 by the University of Nottingham (UK) exploring new creative collaboration practices related to OER.
Authors Tim Coughlan, Rebecca Pitt and Patrick McAndrew explore in this paper practices that, developed as a set of course materials, were released as OER from the UK, remixed for a US context by a cross-organisational, cross- cultural team, and then reused in a broad range of educational settings. The approaches taken during these remixing and reuse activities as novel forms of creative collaboration are also analysed.
Researchers identify how openness has provoked novel inter- organisational collaboration and forms of ownership. They also define forms of open practice that need support and present issues that should be considered in devising and supporting open projects in education and beyond.
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