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29 janvier 2017

L’hybridation des MOOC, c’est maintenant (ou pas) Educpros de Matthieu Cisel. Aujourd’hui, et comme souvent d’ailleurs, je vais faire un petit billet où je me fais avocat de l’intégration des MOOC dans les cursus, pour au moins deux raisons. Tout d’abord, les institutions n’investiront pas indéfiniment dans leur conception en absence de modèle économique viable. Voir l'article...
28 janvier 2017

Can MOOCs cure the tuition epidemic?

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. In the United States, the biggest obstacle standing in the way of students going to college is not their high-school grades or their test scores. It’s cash. For low-income applicants especially, soaring tuition is one of the main reasons that as many as 40 percent of those accepted in the spring don’t show up in the fall. More...

28 janvier 2017

MOOC enrollment drops at HarvardX and MITx

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. An internal study of the massive open online courses (MOOCs) offered by Harvard and MIT shows a serious decline in the number of students choosing to enroll and certify via these internet-accessible classrooms. More...

27 janvier 2017

SEC clamps down on municipal bond violations

University Business LogoBy Ozgur B. Kan. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently completed settlements with the greater part of municipal underwriters and an initial group of issuers under the recent MCDC (Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperation) initiative. More...

27 janvier 2017

Moocs: international credit transfer system edges closer

By Jack Grove. Six universities in talks on global credit transfer system for online.
Universities are set to pilot a global credit transfer system that will allow students to use courses taken online to count towards their degrees. More...

26 janvier 2017

Disrupting and democratising higher education provision or entrenching academic elitism

26 janvier 2017

Cours en ligne ouverts et massifs : État des lieux et adoption au Canada français

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Cours en ligne ouverts et massifs : État des lieux et adoption au Canada français
Robert Gregoire, Réseau d’enseignement francophone à distance du Canada (REFAD), 2017/01/13

This is a substantial report (182 page PDF) on the state of the art in MOOCs and their adoption in French Canada. Please note that the report is written in French. More...

26 janvier 2017

The State of the MOOC: What Associations Should Know

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The State of the MOOC: What Associations Should Know
Ernie Smith, Associations Now, 2017/01/18

This is a routine report on MOOCs with a focus on associations, but note the zinge rat the end. More...

26 janvier 2017

MOOC enrollment drops at HarvardX and MITx after free certifications disappear

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. MOOC enrollment drops at HarvardX and MITx after free certifications disappear
Devin Coldewey, TechCrunch, 2017/01/16
This article gleans the relevant datum from the recent study of Harvard and MIT MOOCs. This year saw enrollments drop at each "to about 540,000 at HarvardX and 670,000 at MIT." This is against a background in MOOCs generally where enrollment (as reported by Class Central) doubled over last year. More...

26 janvier 2017

Community Tracking in a cMOOC and Nomadic Learner Behaviour Identification on a Connectivist Rhizomatic Learning Network

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Community Tracking in a cMOOC and Nomadic Learner Behaviour Identification on a Connectivist Rhizomatic Learning Network
Aras Bozkurt, Sarah Honeychurch, Autumm Caines, Maha Bali, Apostolos Koutropoulos, Dave Cormier, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 2017/01/16
The difference between the research we see in a connectivist MOOC (cMOOC) and those offered by Coursea, Udacity, etc. (xMOOC) is striking, and nowhere better exemplified by this detailed diagram we see in this paper. More...

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