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Formation Continue du Supérieur
11 octobre 2017

Des Mooc pour mieux s'orienter dans l'enseignement supérieur

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)L'Onisep a repéré plusieurs MOOC d'aide à l'orientation dans le supérieur. Ces Moocs, mis à disposition sur la plate-forme FUN, permettent de se confronter à la réalité de disciplines qui ne sont pas enseignées au lycée et répondent aux questions "Quels sont les contenus de ces études ? Comment se déroulent les cursus ?". Ils ont pour objectif de déconstruire certaines idées reçues et de présenter les débouchés professionnels possibles. Plus...
10 octobre 2017

As Koller Exits Coursera, Thinking About What’s Next with MOOCs in Context

As Koller Exits Coursera, Thinking About What’s Next with MOOCs in Context
Steve Krause,, 2016/08/24
Contemplating Daphne Koller's departure from Coursa: "It’s not useful (or smart) for anyone to look at the 'end' of MOOCs and to happily pronounce “well, I’m glad that’s over with and I’ll never have to worry about that again," writes Steve Krause. More...

10 octobre 2017

MOOCs and crowdsourcing: Massive courses and massive resources

MOOCs and crowdsourcing: Massive courses and massive resources
John Prpić, James Melton, Araz Taeihagh, Terry Anderson, First Monday, 2015/12/29
This paper draws an interesting parallel between two types of massive phenomena: MOOCs, and crowdsourcing. The former are online courses designed to enable access to learning to large numbers of people at once, while the latter takes advantage of the contributions of many people to support a single objective, such as the creation of an online encyclopedia. More...

10 octobre 2017

By The Numbers: MOOCS in 2015

By The Numbers: MOOCS in 2015
Dhawal Shah, Class Central, 2015/12/25
I think it might be a bit premature to say that the end of MOOCs has arrived. After all, according to this report, more people signed for MOOCs this year than ion the previous three years combined. More...

8 octobre 2017

Now that MOOCs are mainstream, where does online learning go next? Blog. Another trend that will undoubtedly affect the sector is that as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies improve at an ever-faster pace it will enable much better provisions for personalized learning. More...

8 octobre 2017

Learning to learn: a class on rewiring your brain Blog. There are lessons to be learned from the engineering professor who “flunked” high school math and science — and created what is arguably the world’s most popular massively open online course, or MOOC. More...

8 octobre 2017

What are MOOCs? Blog. The digital age has redefined many different aspects of what it means to be human. One of those areas is education, with the advent of online classes and online degrees. A specific type of online class is the MOOC, and it is a really interesting concept. More...

6 octobre 2017

The troubling psychology behind how we decide who’s a scientific “expert” — and who isn’t

The troubling psychology behind how we decide who’s a scientific “expert” — and who isn’t
Chris Mooney, Washington Post, 2015/03/04
The trouble with experts, according to this article, is that they're unreliable (and our choice of who counts as an expert is unreliable as well). So we should let the wisdom of crowds prevail. More...

5 octobre 2017

Why Haven't MOOCs Eliminated Any Professors?

Why Haven't MOOCs Eliminated Any Professors?
Joshua Kim, Inside Higher Ed, 2017/05/17

I clicked on this post by accident but while I'm here I may as well comment. Joshua Kim asks "why haven’t the MOOC robots taken the faculty jobs. More...

5 octobre 2017

Le grand retour du MOOC "Former et développer les compétences" !

Retour à la page d'accueil de opcalim Le MOOC est maintenant intégré à un Diplôme Universitaire (DU) "Métiers de la formation et du développement des compétences" de l'Université de Caen.
Une nouveauté dans le monde des OPCA !
Nos entreprises adhérentes pourront s'inscrire au DU ou au MOOC de façon indépendante. Plus...
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