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25 avril 2017

Se former en liberté et avec FUN !

Opcalia - OPCA - Promoteur de compétences - OpcaliaUn MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) est défini comme une formation en ligne et ouverte à tous. Intéractivité, personnalisation... cette modalité de formation ouvre la porte à de nombreux changements et est devenue une grande tendance du monde de la formation. Voir l'article...

24 avril 2017

MOOCs Started Out Completely Free. Where Are They Now?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. MOOCs Started Out Completely Free. Where Are They Now?
Dhawal Shah, EdSurge, 2017/04/21
It really is a sad story. "The fact that MOOCs were free sparked widespread interest in them... But once the hype died down and MOOC providers tried to monetize, they found it difficult to do so without charging for content... Every MOOC provider has expanded their product lines to target multiple price points from tens of dollars to tens of thousands of dollars." More...

23 avril 2017

MOOC Éducation par la recherche : conversion numérique à l'École

sup-numerique.gouv.frCe MOOC propose aux enseignants, animateurs et formateurs, d'explorer, de revisiter, d'inventer, avec leurs apprenants, des espaces, des temps et des modalités pour apprendre avec le "numérique" afin de contribuer à la formation des futurs citoyens de la société numérique. Voir l'article...
21 avril 2017

The open in MOOC must include the ability to create courses

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The open in MOOC must include the ability to create courses
Graham Attwell, Pontydysgu, 2017/03/15
"If we want truly open education," writes Graham Attwell, "then we need to open up opportunities for creating and facilitating learning as well as participating in a programme." I agree. More...

21 avril 2017

MéxicoX: Meet the MOOC Platform Funded by the Mexican Government

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. MéxicoX: Meet the MOOC Platform Funded by the Mexican Government
Dhawal Shah, Class Central, 2017/03/14

As Class Central reports, "MéxicoX, which has over one million registered learners (is) a MOOC platform backed by Mexican government. More...

21 avril 2017

Coursera’s Rick Levin On the Evolution of MOOCs and Microcredentials

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Coursera’s Rick Levin On the Evolution of MOOCs and Microcredentials
Jeffry R. Young, EdSurge, 2017/03/31

Interview-style article. Coursera CEO  Rick Levin really does sometimes sound like he's from another culture. More...

20 avril 2017

Hot or Not: How Do MOOCs Fit into Corporate eLearning?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Hot or Not: How Do MOOCs Fit into Corporate eLearning?
Pamela Hogle, Learning Solutions, 2017/02/28

This article mostly quotes George Siemens and myself about the value of MOOCs in corporate learning, plus a few remarks from MOOC critics. More...

19 avril 2017

Newly launched free online resource for universities, business and workforce MOOCs

ESU OnlineStudy guidelines, good practice and recommendations on how to apply MOOCs, learn about opportunities for the use of MOOCs and discuss hot topics such as quality, business models or certification. For more visit 
The MOOC BOOK is released under the umbrella of the EU-funded project “BizMOOC – Knowledge Alliance to enable a European-wide exploitation of the potential of MOOCs for the world of business”. More...

18 avril 2017

MOOCs are back and they are threatening universities

Australia’s largest education company, Navitas, says we are now near a tipping point where universities will be vulnerable to new technology because massive open online courses or MOOCs are now offering a more flexible and cheaper way to accumulate career building credentials, writes Tim Dodd for the Australian Financial Review. More...
17 avril 2017

Que valent les certificats de MOOC ?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour

Matthieu Cisel, créateur du blog " La révolution  MOOC (link is external)" propose ses réflexions en 3 parties autour de la question "Que valent les certificats de MOOC ?". Voir l'article...

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