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28 avril 2015

Verschulung? Ja bitte!

Von Volker Meyer-Guckel. Universitäten brauchen mehr Systematik in den Studiengängen. Lehrende wie Lernende hätten Vorteile, sagt Volker Meyer-Guckel. Mehr...

Verschulung? Ja bitte!

28 avril 2015

Plate-forme pour les professionnels de la formation des adultes en Europe

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)La Commission européenne a lancé Epale, une plate-forme destinée aux professionnels de la formation des adultes en Europe. Elle propose un accès à des actualités, des ressources, un agenda et des débats de la communauté impliquée dans la formation des adultes en Europe. Voir l'article...

28 avril 2015

Kritik an Bachelor-Schelte: Wirtschaft ist doch ganz zufrieden

SPIEGEL ONLINEVon . Die Kritik an der Bologna-Reform und an Bachelor-Absolventen war hart: Es studierten viel zu viele Schulabgänger, die nicht an die Uni gehören; und mit ihrem ersten Abschluss nicht fit sind für den Job. Nun stößt die harsche Bachelor-Schelte des Deutschen Industrie- und Handelskammertages (DIHK) bei Wirtschafts- und Hochschulvertretern auf Widerspruch. Mehr...

27 avril 2015

EU and Google Tracy Mitrano. Because this action will likely stretch out for a long time, this blog post is not intended to be definitive on the subject but an introduction. At first blush, there are three main reasons why the E.U. antitrust action against Google is significant to U.S. higher education. Read more...
27 avril 2015

Science War in Ireland

HomeBy Paul Jump for Times Higher Education. Science in the Republic of Ireland is being destroyed by a “scientific apartheid” that reserves the most competitive research funding for 14 priority areas, largely chosen for commercial reasons. Read more...

26 avril 2015

Students beware: Britain's most dangerous university town Anna White and Javier Espinoza. Crime stats for any school leaver embarking on their university career or parent considering a buy-to-let for their student child.
Brighton is the area with the highest levels of recorded crime. Read more...

26 avril 2015

Europe investment scheme projects announced

By . Move angers universities, who say plan to take funds from research pot have yet to be approved by European Parliament. More...

26 avril 2015

V-cs go to Brussels to lobby against cuts

By . Around 30 UK vice-chancellors have travelled to Brussels to lobby European policymakers against potential cuts to research funding. More...

26 avril 2015

UK election manifestos lay out views on post-study work, net migration

By Natalie Marsh. With just under three weeks until the UK general election, the political parties have outlined their plans regarding international students, post-study work, and net migration if they are elected into power on 7 May. More...

26 avril 2015

Russia may increase foreign student quota by a third

The Education and Science Ministry, the Foreign Ministry and the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo) have proposed to increase the quota for foreign students in Russian higher education establishments by a third, Kommersant said on Friday. More...

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