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Formation Continue du Supérieur
9 mars 2016

West-coast of Ireland hosting EUA Annual Conference: Register early bird now!

EUA is pleased to announce that registration is still open for the Annual Conference 2016 that will take place at the National University of Ireland (NUI) in Galway from 7 to 8 April 2016. Please register by 1 March 2016 to benefit from the early bird reduced fee. The overall deadline for registration is 20 March 2016. More...

9 mars 2016

EUA President meets Commissioner Navracsics

The consultation on the revision of the EU’s Modernisation Agenda was also part of the discussion. As EUA welcomes the revision, Tarrach expressed support for the priorities already identified by the Directorate-General for Education and Culture and confirmed that EUA is preparing a response on behalf of its membersMore...

9 mars 2016

EUA responds to EC’s European copyright framework

EUA has offered a list of six suggestions to the European Commission regarding its intentions to move towards a modern, more European copyright framework. More...

9 mars 2016

ERC announces winners of Consolidator Grant competition

The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded 585 million euros to more than 300 mid-career scientists. The winners of the 2015 Consolidator Grant competition will receive up to two million euros each to consolidate their research teams and develop their innovative ideas. More...

9 mars 2016

Lithuania: An experimental “class voucher” methodology aimed at solving education funding problems will be tested

Fact Sheet: tackling radicalisation through education and youth policyThe financing principle “the money follows the pupil” or better known as the “pupil voucher” implemented in Lithuania has been criticised for a number of years. With the decreasing number of pupils in schools, particularly in rural areas, this fails indeed to ensure equal financing. In fact, it often encourages educational establishments to compete with each other by simply reducing the requirements for students rather than improving the quality of education, as schools are interested in attracting a pupil and so the “pupil voucher”. More...

9 mars 2016

Jean Monnet in Ukraine: strengthening academic ties between the EU and its neighbours

Fact Sheet: tackling radicalisation through education and youth policySecurity cooperation, early-warning systems, NATO and crisis management: these were themes that dominated a highly-pertinent research conference in Kiev, Ukraine, in May 2014.
The conference, run by the International Association for Institutional Studies and dedicated to Europe's evolving security landscape, was planned in 2013. This was before the Maidan and Ukraine crisis had come to dominate the news agenda worldwide in November 2013. More...

9 mars 2016

Ressource Euroguidance : construction de l' espace européen de l'éducation et de la formation

Résultat de recherche d'images pour

L’Union européenne a mis en place plusieurs outils pour faciliter la mobilité des étudiants et des citoyens en Europe afin de leur permettre de faire reconnaitre leur diplôme ou leur parcours de formation. Progressivement un espace européen de l’éducation et de la formation s’est construit. Voir l'article...
9 mars 2016

Apprentissage en milieu de travail en éducation et formation professionnelles continues: politiques et pratiques en Europe

Résultat de recherche d'images pour

Les tendances d’une société vieillissante, de vies professionnelles plus longues et d’une concurrence mondiale accrue obligent les adultes à actualiser et à élargir leurs compétences par la CVET et l’apprentissage en milieu de travail (WBL) constitue un outil puissant pour soutenir l’éducation des adultes. La CVET en milieu de travail permet potentiellement de promouvoir l’inclusion et la cohésion sociales, de s’attaquer au chômage ou au sous-emploi des adultes et de soutenir des politiques d’entreprises et nationales en matière d’innovation, de compétitivité et de croissance. Voir l'article...
8 mars 2016

COW Boys & Girls, un apprentissage conjoint

Résultat de recherche d'images pour

COW BOYS & GIRLS (Create Our Way, Boys and Girls) est un partenariat stratégique entre les villes de Cenon (Aquitaine, France) et Parades de Coura (Norte, Portugal), associées chacune à des établissements scolaires et des opérateurs artistiques et culturels de leur territoire : Musiques de nuit, L'EPLC du Rocher de Palmer, le Collège Jean Zay et le LABA pour Cenon, AltoMinho TV et le Lycée professionnel EPRAMI pour la ville de Paredes. Voir l'article...

8 mars 2016

Bringing Europe closer to the citizen – Local stakeholder activities

Home In January and February 2016, Cedefop received two secondary schools from the Northern Greek cities of Giannitsa and Florina (90 pupils and their teachers) and a group of secondary school directors from the Cretan city of Hania. More...

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Formation Continue du Supérieur