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5 mars 2016

Gegen den Trend: Uni Köln eröffnet einen Gebetsraum

SPIEGEL ONLINEVon Yannic Rehm. Die Universität Köln baut bis Herbst 2016 eine freie Fläche in ihrem Hauptgebäude zu einem "Raum der Stille" um - und verhält sich damit gegen den Trend. Andere Hochschulen haben in jüngster Zeit ihre Gebetsräume geschlossen. Mehr...

5 mars 2016

Bildungsstreik in der Slowakei : Ab heute fällt die Uni aus!

SPIEGEL ONLINESie fordern höhere Gehälter und eine bessere finanzielle Ausstattung staatlicher Bildungseinrichtungen: Am Montag hat in der Slowakei ein unbefristeter Streik der Hochschulpädagogen begonnen. Mehr...

5 mars 2016

Lehrpläne in BWL: Gedöns mit Arbeitnehmern

SPIEGEL ONLINEGewinne maximieren, Kosten drücken und immer wieder Steuern sparen. Im Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre lernen die Manager von morgen, wie sie eine Firma erfolgreich leiten. Doch ein Bereich spielt dabei kaum eine Rolle, obwohl es dazu sogar ein eigenes Gesetz gibt: die Betriebsverfassung. Betriebsräte und Co. sind für BWLer oft kein Thema. Mehr...

29 février 2016

Universities in Scottish north bear brunt of cuts

A bombshell funding deal has left north and north-east universities bearing the brunt of sweeping cuts to higher education. Last week opposition politicians lashed out at the Scottish National Party over the cuts, saying they would leave Scottish education in the “Dark Ages”, writes Andrew Liddle for The Press and Journal. Read more...

29 février 2016

Universities want a more British Europe – not a less European Britain

By Brendan O’Malley – Managing Editor. With the British people due to vote on 23 June on whether to stay in the European Union, David Jobbins reports that most university leaders in the UK have expressed unreserved support for the campaign for Britain to remain in the EU. Our Commentary section brings you two opposing views on Brexit: Anne Corbett confirms that the university sector has been pro-EU from the start and explains the reasons for this stance. Alan Sked, on the other hand, argues that Brexit is the obvious future for Britain and that vice-chancellors in the UK should stop panicking and lobbying the press to push their pro-European agenda when British researchers will still be able cooperate with the EU after Brexit.
Also in Commentary, Manja Klemenčič says that students’ sense of belonging is key to student well-being and should be more carefully considered in institutional strategies. Adamu Ahmed describes some of the initiatives being undertaken by King Saud University to promote research excellence in Saudi Arabia. And Patrício Langa, Gerald Wangenge-Ouma, Jens Jungblut and Nico Cloete argue that South Africa should look to its northern neighbours in Africa to see that free higher education, which South African students are demanding, failed to universalise access to higher education in these countries.
University World News is a media partner to the British Council’s Going Global 2016 conference, to be held in May in Africa for the first time. Karen MacGregor previews this big international higher education event in an interview with Jo Beall, director of education and society for the British Council, and looks at university rankings in discussion with Gerald Wangenge-Ouma, while Brendan O’Malley explores how universities can respond to the refugee crisis.
In World Blog, Grace Karram Stephenson takes up the plight of the rising number of precarious, part-time instructors in academia, reporting that a recent conference in Canada highlighted the need for them to organise collectively. Read more...

29 février 2016

How to develop a sense of belonging

By Manja Klemenčič. Several years ago I conducted field research in Podgorica, Montenegro on higher education reforms. Among my interviewees were student union representatives from the University of Montenegro. Read more...

29 février 2016

VCs should stop panicking about Brexit

By Alan Sked. In the past year or so, the letters’ pages of Britain’s quality newspapers have been full of pleas from distinguished vice-chancellors and professors, all mobilised in serried ranks, to plead the case for Britain remaining in the European Union. Read more...

29 février 2016

The starting gun is fired on Britain’s EU referendum

By Anne Corbett. So there’s a date! The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, has declared that the referendum will be held on 23 June. At that moment the British people will choose whether to confirm or renounce the United Kingdom’s 40-year-old membership of the European Union. Read more...

29 février 2016

Stay in EU, say UK university leaders

By David Jobbins. The vast majority of university vice-chancellors have expressed unreserved support for the campaign for the United Kingdom to remain within the European Union following the announcement of a referendum to be held on 23 June. Read more...

27 février 2016

Linking NSS scores to job prospects is ‘inappropriate influence’, says Hefce

By Chris Havergal. Ahead of TEF, funding council says universities must not seek to sway students’ responses. More...

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