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9 février 2016

Britain’s racial diversity problem goes far beyond Oxford’s dreaming spires

The Guardian homeBy. David Cameron wants more ethnic-minority students in elite universities. Fine, but how about the establishment stops obsessing about Oxbridge. More...
9 février 2016

London has become the 'dark star' of Britain. We need to control its success

The Guardian homeBy. The capital’s uncontrolled growth has given it a dominance that damages the rest of the country. More...
9 février 2016

EU students fill gaps at UK universities

Rising numbers of European Union students are applying to United Kingdom universities – while the number of home applicants has fallen, writes Eleanor Harding for the Daily Mail. Read more...

9 février 2016

Copenhagen University announces drastic staff cuts

By Jan Petter Myklebust. Copenhagen University – the largest research and education institution in the country – announced last week that it is cutting 532 jobs of professors, researchers and administrative staff, due to government austerity measures. Read more...

8 février 2016

EU students up by over 40 per cent at some English universities

By John Morgan. As EU referendum looms, institutions step up recruitment following scrapping of student number controls. More...

8 février 2016

University of Cambridge: Green Paper plans risk ‘considerable damage’

By John Morgan. The government’s plans for higher education in its Green Paper could cause “considerable damage to the sector and its international reputation”, the University of Cambridge has warned. More...

8 février 2016

Spain sends and receives most students through Erasmus

By Ellie Bothwell. Proportion of university staff training through Erasmus has more than doubled in six years, finds report. More...

8 février 2016

Une vidéo pour comprendre ce que peut vous apporter le programme Euroguidance

Numero_VertL'agence Erasmus a mis en ligne sur la plateforme Youtube, une vidéo permettant aux lycéens, étudiants, salariés, demandeurs d'emploi, jeune en formation à la recherche d'informations sur les stages en Europe, les études, les cours de langues de partir à la découverte du dispositif Euroguidance.
La vidéo est disponible en ligne à l'adresse suivante :

Vous envisagez de partir étudier ou travailler à l’étranger ? Découvrez les aides sur

8 février 2016

Ärger mit der Anerkennung: Erasmus-Leistungen geltend machen

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""Italien sollte es sein, da war Dominik Heuß sich von Anfang an sicher. Der Lehramtsstudent mit den Fächern Sport und Englisch studiert an der Universität Würzburg. Ein Jahr im norditalienischen Bologna klang für ihn verlockend. Mehr...
8 février 2016

Response to the Higher Education Green Paper

Universities UKUniversities UK has submitted a response to the government's higher education green paper.
Universities UK’s response welcomes the government’s commitment to supporting excellence in teaching and research in the sector, but makes the case that the UK sector is an international success story and that any reforms should support and not undermine an integrated, UK-wide sector working across the full range of teaching, research and knowledge exchange. Read more...

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